History of the Parish
of New Cumnock
by Robert Guthrie
of Cumnock
DUNBAR of Cumnock
The Earls of Dunbar (and later of March) held the
lands of Cumnock, possibly from as early as the late 12th century when Patrick the 5th Earl married Ada, the natural daughter of William I, King of Scots. At this time the king was combining the baillies of Cunningham, Kyle and Carrick into the sheriffdom of Ayr. Patrick may have benfitted from the king's policy of giving lands in the southern section of Kyle, known as King's Kyle, sitting on the treacherous border with Galloway, to men he could trust or control. |
VII. Sir Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield d.1576
1551: denounced as a rebel for intercommuning , resetting, and supplying Norman Leslie, the queen's
convictedtraitor and rebel.
1554: His son Patrick denounced and put to the horn with several others for the slaughter of Thomas
Russell in the house of Balnageiche.
1554 : Sir Alexander and his son Patrick put to the horn with several others for the slaughter of James
Cummyng in Dollacebrachty
m1 ?
1. Sir Patrick
2. Norman, died without issue
m2. Janet, daughter of John Leslie of Parkhill
3. John of Moyness
Sir Alexander Dunbar, eldest son of Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield [hca/i.354]
called of Cumnock and Westfield 1535 [hca/i.354]; the Bold Sheriff [hca/i.354]; of Cumnock schireff of
Elgin and Fores 1561 [RSRS/xix.481]
b. ?c. 1505 (guess)
d. post 1574 [son called fiar: CC/viii.227]; pre 1581 [RSSRS/viii#257]; 1576 [hca/i.354]
children: Patrick [RSRS/xix.481]; ?James [hca/i.354]; Norman [hca/i.354; RMS/iv#2463]
Janet Leslie, dau of Joh Leslie of Parkhill [hca/i.354]; Jeane Leslie [RSSRS/vii#2030]
children: John [hca/i.354]; Margaret [hca/i.354]
— (2)7 may 1532 instrument narrating that Adam Dunbar, bailie of him son, heir of Jas Dunbar of
Cumnok, in terms of precept, gave sasine in 2 merk lands of Over kerne occ by Jonet Muir to John Dunbar of Blantyr, Jonet Hamilton sp [ros#1311]
— 1535 succeeded father [hca/i.354]
— ???? c. 1550s lib resp entry: sheriff responds for £1413 6s 8d of farms of lands, village of Westfield
sasine not recovered 43 yrs, sasine to him [RSRS/xviii.513]
— 1550 surety with Patrick Dunbar son for Alexr Brodie of that Ilk [hca/i.354]
— 1551 denounced rebel for intercommuning with Norman Leslie formerly master of Leslie [hca/i.354]
— 1554 put to horn with Patr C son for slaughter of Jas Cummyng of Altyre [hca/i.354]
Stuart Clarkson
VIII. Sir Patrick of Cumnock and Westfield d.1577
24 June 1557 Charter of Sheriff of Elgin and Forres; also barony of Cumnock
m. Jean, daughter of Alexander, master of Sutherland, sister of 14th E. of Sutherland
1. Sir James
2. Patrick of Boghall
Sir Patrick Dunbar, son of Sir Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock [hca/i.354];
son and heir apparent of Sir Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock schireff of Elgin and Fores [RSRS/xix.481]
called of Cumnock and Westfield [hca/i.354]; of Cumnock 1561 [RSRS/xix.481]; fiar of Cumnock 1574
d. 1577 [hca/i.355]
Jean, dau of Alexander Master of Sutherland, sis of Joh 14th Earl of Sutherland [hca/i.354]
children: James [hca/i.354]; Patrick [hca/i.354; RMS/v#754— Boghall]
— 14 jne 1547 royal charter to him son, heir of Alexr Dunbar de Cumnok in office of sheriff of Elgin,
Fores with its fees &c., also manor, mansion called Castelhill of Fores, lands, barony of Cumnock with tower, fortalice, manor, dominical lands, woods, mills, fisheries, annexes, tenents, &c., patronage of parish kirk of Cumnok & of office of parish clerk which said Alexr personally resigned, which queen granted, quitclaimed to him reserving liferent of Alexr father [hca/i.354 (says 24 jne)=RMS/iv#113]
— 18 oct 1561 cautner with James Dunbar of Polquortour for Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock father
— 26 jul 1574 contract between him and Hew Campbell of Garrallan anent reversion of lands of
Lanemark [CC/viii.209, 227 (misreading date as 1594)]
Stuart Clarkson
1562 : 'About the year 1562, Mr. John Dunbar parson of Cumnock, made a return to the reformed
rulers, that the parsonage and vicarage of Cumnock, which was held by him, was by common estimation worth 500 marks yearly, but that whole was on lease by him to Patrick Dunbar, fiar of Cumnock, for the payment of £40 yearly, which was less than an eighth part of of the real value, and even of this small rent he could get no payment, for the two half-years past then remained unpaid.' (Rev. John Warwick 'The History of Old Cumnock'.) |
Gospatric, 2nd Earl of Dunbar
called 2nd earl of Dunbar [SP/iii.246-7]
children: Gospatric [SP/iii.246-7]
Gospatric, 3rd Earl of Dunbar
son of Gospatric 2nd earl of Dunbar
called 3rd earl of Dunbar [SP/iii.249-50]
d. 1166 [SP/iii.249-50]
children: Waldere [SP/iii.249-50]
Waldere, 4th Earl of Dunbar
son of Gospatric 3rd earl of Dunbar
d. 1182 [SP/iii.251-2]
Aelina [SP/iii.251-2]
children: Patrick [SP/iii.251-2]
1152 Patrick, 5th Earl of Dunbar b. 1152 d.1232
m. 1. Ada natural daughter of William The Lion, King of Scots (1165-1214)
may have obtained the barony of Cumnock, in King's Kyle at that time.
m. 2. Christina widow of William de Brus d. 1215
1. Patrick
1232 Patrick, 6th Earl of Dunbar d.1248
m. Euphemia daughter of Walter 3rd High Steward
1. Patrick
1248 Patrick, 7th Earl of Dunbar b.1216, d.1289
m. Cecilia
1. Patrick
1289 Patrick, 8th Earl of Dunbar, 1st Earl of March b. ~ 1242, d. 10 Oct 1308
Appears as Patrick of Comenogh in Ragman Roll, 28 Aug 1296
'Cospatric the Competitor' claimant for the crown of Scotland
m. Marjory Comyn daughter of Earl of Buchan
1. Patrick
2. John
3. Alexander ( all three sons named in Turnberry Bond 1286)
1308 Patrick, 9th Earl of Dunbar, 2nd Earl of March b.1282 d. 1368
m1. Ermingarda
1. Patrick d.1351
2. John d. 1368
m2. Agnes Randolph ('Black Agnes') : daughter of Thomas Randolph, E. of Moray
Sir Patrick Dunbar, cousin of 9th E. of Dunbar
m. Isabella Randolph : daughter of Thomas Randolph, E. of Moray
1. John (E. of Moray)
2. George (E.of Dunbar)
3. David (Cumnock) See below I. Sir David of Cumnock
4. Patrick (Cumnock and Mochrum) See below II. Sir Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock
1368 George, 10th Earl of Dunbar, 3rd Earl of March d.1412
m. Christina de Seton
1. George
George Dunbar, eldest son of Sir Patrick Dunbar and Isabella Randolph; eldest son and heir of
Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock [hca/i.353]; nearest relation and heir to Sir Patrick de Dunbar earl of March [CTRS/i.ccii ????] called 10th earl of Dunbar, 2nd / 10th earl of March [SP/iii.277-8]; baron of Cumnock 1368 [hca/i.353]; Earl of March, Lord of Annandale and Man c. 1390 [Laing#81]
b. ?c. 1310 (guess)
Christiana [SP/iii.270-5]; Margaret Mure, dau of Archd Mure of Rowallan [hca/i.353]
children: George [SP/iii.270-5]; Gavin [SP/iii.270-5]; Colin/Columba [SP/iii.270-5]; Patrick
[SP/iii.270-5]; John [SP/iii.270-5]; David [SP/iii.270-5]; Elizabeth [SP/iii.270-5]
— 25 jul 1368 royal charter for lands of Cumnock, Blantyre (LNK), Glenken & Mochrum (DFS),
earldom of March which belonged to Sir Patr of D last earl of March [hca/i.353=RMS/ i#195, 196]
— c. 1390 charter to Sir Patr of D brother in 40 merk lands in Mersington by him [Laing#81]
Courtesy of Stuart Clarkson
1412 George, 11th Earl of Dunbar, 4th Earl of March
forfeited 1434
m. Beatrix
1. Patrick Dunbar
1. Patrick Dunbar m. Jonet Dunbar daughter of Patrick of Cumnock (see IV below)
Rev. Warwick in 'The History of Old Cumnock' gives a slightly different genealogy.
'Patrick, the husband of Agnes, resigned the Earldom of March and the barony of Cumnock in
1363, six years before his death. In 1369, the countess also died. The titles passed to their nephew, George, the son of Agnes' sister Geilis, who had married John , the brother of Patrick. Five years later a charter was granted, under the Great Seal, by David II to George, confirming him in the barony of Cumnock and also the Earldom of March. Twelve years after he became baron of Cumnock, George followed the example of his uncle, and transferred his title to the barony to David Dunbar of Enterkin*, who was confirmed in it by royal in the same year. This David was a kinsman of the earl. As he did not succeed to the lordship of March, he could not have been heir to the earldom. In all probability he bought the barony. At any rate, his entrance upon the office of baron severed the connection between Cumnock and the titled house of March. From 1375 the possessors of our barony are no longer Earls of March, but are simply known as the Dunbars of Cumnock.'
*The lands of Enterkin are near Tarbolton , Ayrshire. Several references to the Dunbars of Enterkin
(William, John, David , Adam , Archibald and Hew) appear in the Register of Sasines from 1602 - 1650. |
Patrick the 8th and 9th Earls of Dunbar held
the castle of Cumnock during the Scottish Wars of Independence. It overlooked the confluence of the Afton Water and the River Nith. In 1307, Edward II of England, held court here for one week . The castle was the baronial seat of the Dunbars of Cumnock until they sold their Cumnock properties in the early 17th century. |
Timothy Pont 'Nithsdale'
Reproduced by kind permission
of theTrustees of the National Library of Scotland |
In 1650 the parish of Cumnock was sub-
divided into the two new parishes of Old Cumnock and New Cumnock.
The town of Cumnock grew up around
Cumnock Kirk and the town of New Cumnock grew up around the ancient site of the Dunbars' Castle of Cumnock. |
Thomas Kirkland writing in the 'New Cumnock School-Fellows Annual Magazine'
(1898) recalls a local tradition that 'the Dunbars came doon the brae, and the last of them was a tenant farmer in Polshill'. In the same article a more fanciful tradition of the Dunbars of Cumnock is extolled, 'a daughter of this house, Ellen, was deaf and dumb, and to her was assigned the family possessions in Dalmellington, which name is the effect on time on the original Dumb Ellen's Town' . If dumb Ellen ever existed then she certainly didn't give her name to Dalmellington! |
Earls of DUNBAR
The following extracts on the Dunbars of Cumnock are taken from
James Paterson, 'History of the County of Ayr, Vol. I (1847)
For the purpose of this work , James Paterson's nomenclature I., II, III,.... etc.is retained and
extracts from his work appear in black font. This work is greatly enhanced with research notes kindly provided by Stuart Clarkson, Guelph, Canada which appear in blue font. |
The End of the Cumnock Dynasty
I. Sir David Dunbar Lord of Cumnock and Blantyre d. < 1424
son of Patrick Dunbar (cousin of 9th Earl of Dunbar) and Isabella Randolph
Rev. Warwick identifies him as David Dunbar of Enterkin
David Dunbar, brother of George Dunbar earl of March [SP/iii.277-8; RMS/ii#547]
called of Cumnock 1375 [hca/i.353]; Lord de Dunbar [RMS/ii#547]
children: none [hca/i.353]; Patrick [SP/iii.277-8]
— 3 feb 1375 inherited barony of Cumnock, lands of Blantyre 1375 [hca/i.353]
— (royal confirmatn 24 apr 1452) witn charter to Patr de Dunbar de Bele nephew by George
Dunbar earl of March brother [RMS/ii#547]
Stuart Clarkson
II. Sir Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum d. < 1437
brother of Sir David
Appointed one of the hostages for James I in 1423 at which time his estate was valued at 500
merks per annum , which was a very great one one in those days.
1. Sir John - see III.
2. Patrick
Sir Patrick Dunbar, son of David Dunbar of Cumnock [SP/iii.277-8]; brother of David Dunbar
of Cumnock [hca/i.353]
called of Cumnock and Mochrum [hca/i.353]; dom. de Cumnok miles 1423 [RMS/ii#9]
children: John [hca/i.353]; Patrick [hca/i.353=RMS/ii#65]
— 6 may 1421 (royal confirmatn 24 nov 1426) charter to Patr D son in lands of Park,
Achintibber, Drumlochirnach (bar Blantire vic LNK) by him [RMS/ii#66]
— 31 may 1423 (royal confirmatn 24 nov 1426) charter to Patr D son in £10 annual return from
lands of barony of Cumnock, lands of Blantyr by him Lord of Cumnock knight father until he gives sd Patr son sasine in 12 merk lands within Cumnock or Blantyr [RMS/ii#66]
— 1423 hostage for James I [hca/i.353]
— 26 jul 1424 witn royal confirmatn [RMS/ii#9]
2. Patrick Dunbar, son of Sir Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock;
son of Patrick Dunbar Lord of Cumnock knight [RMS/ii#65]
— 6 may 1421 (royal confirmatn 24 nov 1426) charter to him in lands of Park, Achintibber,
Drumlochirnach (bar Blantire vic LNK) by Patr D father [RMS/ii#66]
— 31 may 1423 (royal confirmatn 24 nov 1426) charter to him in £10 annual return from lands
of bar of Cumnock, lands of Blantyr (vic LNK) by Patr de D Lord of Cumnock knight father until sd father gives him sasine in 12 merk lands within Cumnock or Blantyr [RMS/ii#65]
Stuart Clarkson
III. Sir John Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum
Charter in 1437 Johannes de Dunbar, miles, dominus de Cumnock; Mochrum, &c.
1. Patrick
2. Cuthbert (obtained Blantyre from his brother)
Sir John Dunbar, eldest son of Patrick Dunbar [hca/i.353]
called of Mochrum 1432 [hca/i.353]; dominus de Cumnock, Mochrum &c 1437 [hca/i.353]
children: Patrick [hca/i.353]; Cuthbert [hca/i.353=RMS/ii#1064]
Stuart Clarkson
IV. Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum
m. Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Boyd
1. Euphemia
2. Margaret (Mochrum Park) m. Sir John Dunbar, son of Sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield
3. Jonet (Mochrum Loch) m. Patrick Dunbar
Patrick Dunbar, eldest son of Sir John Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum [hca/i.354]
called de Cumnock 1474 [RMS/iv#113]
Margaret Boyd, dau of Sir Thos Boyd [hca/i.354]
children: Margaret [hca/i.354]; Euphemia [hca/i.354]; Jonet [hca/i.354]
— 1454 lib resp entry: sasine in lands of Cumnock [RSRS/ix.663]
— 1455 sasine in lands of Blantyir [RSRS/ix.663]
— 31 mar 1479 royal confirmatn of change from resigning lands, barony of Cumnock (vic Are),
lands, barony of Mochrum (dom Galwidie vic Wigtoun), lands, barony of Blantyr (vic Lanark) to Cuthbert Dunbar brother german in favour of daughters, spouses viz Eufamie & James Dunbar son, heir app of Alexr Dunbar of Westfeld knight; Margaret & John Dunbar; Jonete & Patrick Dunbar, controversy leading to regranting of lands, barony of Blantyre to Cuthbert Dunbar [RMS/ii#1423]
Stuart Clarkson
V. Euphemia Dunbar of Cumnock
and Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield d.1505
Charter from James II 23 June 1474 - lands and barony of Cumnock, with the patronage of the Kirk,
fell to the share of Euphemia. On the death of his father, Sir James on succeeding to Westfield, retained Cumnock as his chief title. Sheriff of Elgin and Forres
m. Sir James Dunbar , son and heir of Sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield
1. Sir James
2. Janet m. Sir William Keith
3. Elizabeth m. John Ogilvie
Euphemia Dunbar, eldest daughter of Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum [hca/i.354]
m. pre 1474
Sir James Dunbar, son and heir of Sir Alexr Dunbar of Westfield [hca/i.354=RMS/ii#1423]
called sheriff of Elgin and Forres [hca/i.354],d. 1505 [hca/i.354][qv]
children: Sir James [hca/i.354]; Janet [hca/i.354]; Christian [hca/i.354];
— 23 jne 1474 royal charter for lands, barony of Cumnock, patronage of kirk [hca/i.354]
Sir James Dunbar, son and heir of Sir Alexr Dunbar of Westfield [hca/i.354=RMS/ii#1423]
called sheriff of Elgin and Forres [[CTRS/i.316]; chamberlain of dukedom of Ross, keeper of
Dingwall castle 1488 [RSRS/x.23, 25]; de Cumno 1484 [RMS/ii#1602]
b. ?c. 1455 (guess)
d. 1505 [hca/i.354]
m. pre 1477 [sp had grant of her hereditary lands: hca/i.354]
Euphemia Dunbar, eldest daughter of Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock and Mochrum
children: Archibald [ros#126]; James [RMS/ii#3326]; Thomas [RMS/ii#3326]; Janet
[hca/i.354]; Christian [hca/i.354]; Elizabeth [hca/i.354]
— 21 jne 1474 royal grant to him, Eufamie de Dunbar spouse, Joh de Dunbar, Mergarete de Dunbar
spouse, Patr de Dunbar, Jonete de Dunbar spouse daughters, heirs apparent of Patrick de Dunbar de Cumnock in lands of baronies of Cumnock, Mochrum, Blantyre with advocatn of kirk of Cumnock newly, personally resigned by sd Patr de D de Cumnock to be held proportionally and equally divided, reserving his liferent [RMS/ii#1175]
— 23 jne 1474 royal charter for lands, barony of Cumnock, patronage of kirk [hca/i.354] — wrong
— joint tenant with Sir Alexr Dunbar of Westfield father in Tarras et al [RSRS/xi.245????]
— ???? accounts as chamberlain of earldom of Ross [RSRS/ix.58]
— 1477 confirmatn charter in Cumnock [hca/i.354] — wrong, see below 1479
— 3 apr 1479 royal grant de novo to him, Eufamie sp in lands, barony of Cumnock with tenentries
etc with advocatn of kirk of Cumnock [RMS/ii#1424]
— 18 nov 1483 (royal confirmatn 12 feb 1504/5) witn confirmatn charter to Joh D brother by dec
Alexr D de Westfelde knight father [RMS/ii#2819]
— 2 oct 1484 him de Cumno owing 700 merks plus 10 merks expenses to Eliz Countess of Ross
because of decreet of lords auditorum causarum et querelarum, not having enough moveable goods to pay, royal grant to sd Eliz in lands of Wellis of Gelt, 2 merk lands of Lethanis, merkland of Knokluy, merkland of Ruchside, 2 merk lands of Uvirgarlach, 2 merk lands of Nethirgarclach, 2 merk lands of Nethirgerreve, with free regress to sd lands whenever he, heirs might pay 710 merks within 7 yrs [RMS/ii#1602]
— 20 may 1488 royal grant to him de Cumnock for service in lands of Tares, Balnageth, Mondoile,
Balnafery, Kintessok, le Castelhil de Fores (vic Fores) to be held from crown in feeferm [RMS/ii#1727]
— 20 oct 1488 (from 14 aug 1487) Compotum Jacobi Dunbar de Cumnock camerarii Ros, ducatus
Rossie, redditum per eundem apud Edinburgh; also resp for 100 merks plus ferms of grange of Kynnarde extending to £17 yrly for fee to himself for custody of castle of Dingvale[RSRS/x.23, 25]
— 20 oct 1490 him de Cumnok miles owing 1136 merks to Eliz Countess of Ross because of decreet
of lords auditorum and lords of council, not having enough moveable goods to pay, royal grant to sd Eliz in 10 merks of land viz 3 merk lands of Polquhois, 4 merk lands of Garefis, 3 merk lands of Garclaichis appraised at 900 merks with free regress to sd lands whenever he, heirs might pay 900 merks within 7 yrs [RMS/ii#1983]
— 1498 confirmatn charter for sheriffdom of Elgin-Forres [hca/i.354]
— 7 jne ???? "Item the vij day of Junij, I resauit from Schir James of Dunbar of Cumnock, knicht, for
the compositioune of the office of scirefschip of Elgin and Forres, and the castell of hill of Forres given to him in heretage, vc £i." [CTRS/i.316]
Archibald Dunbar, son and heir of late James Dunbar of Cumnock [ros#126]
d. ?young (called heir but did not inherit)
— 5 dec 1515 instrument mentning Edward Crechtown of Libery as tutor [ros#126]
Stuart Clarkson
Place-Names : Guelt (Old Cumnock), Lethans, Knockluy, Roughside, Over Garclaugh, Nether
Garclaugh, Nether Garrieve, Polquheys, Garrieve, Garclaugh (New Cumnock) |
VI. Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield, d.1535
heritable Sheriff of Murray
12 Sep 1507 : Upon resignation of his mother, he had a charter, under the great seal, of the
lands of the barony of Cumnock, with the patronage of the Kirk.
27 Sep 1509 : Charter from James IV erecting the kirk lands of Cumnock into a burgh of barony.
m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Ogilvie of Strathern
1. Sir Alexander
2. James
Sir James Dunbar, son of Euphemia Dunbar and Sir James Dunbar of Westfield
called of Cumnock and Westfield, heritable sheriff of Murray [hca/i.354]; of Cumnock
successor, heir of dec Alexr Dunbar of Westfield knight, also son, heir of dec Jas Dunbar of Cumnock knight 1508/9 [RMS/ii#3326]
b. ?c. 1480 (guess)
d. pre 1535 [RSSRS/ii#1737]
Elizabeth Ogilvie, dau of Sir James Ogilvie of Deshford
children: Alexander [hca/i.354]; James [hca/i.354]
— 1505 served heir to father [hca/i.354]
— 12 dec 1507 royal charter to him son, heir of dec Jas Dunbar de Cumnok miles in lands,
barony of Cumnock, patronage of parish kirk of Cumnock which Eufamia Dunbar mother resigned [hca/i.354 (says sep) =RMS/ii #3164]
— 5 jne 1512 instrument narrating that him of Cumnock requested Sir James Dunbar of
Blakcrag to denude himself of 2 merk land of Overkerne (bar Cumnock) belonging heritably to him [ros#5]
Stuart Clarkson
Extract from Charter of James IV Creating Cumnock as a Burgh in Barony 1509
'James, by the grace of God, King of the Scots, to all honourable persons throughout his realm,
both among the clergy and laity, greeting.
Know that for the special favour which we beare towards our beloved James Dunbar of
Cumnock, for the growth and good government of the barony of Cumnock. especially in the neighboorhood of the parish church, and also for the well-being and civil freedomof our lieges gathered there, we have made and created, and by this our present charter do make and create , the ecclesiastical lands and glebe of the said church of Cumnock, extending to two merk lands of old extent, with the adjoing grounds in the said barony of Cumnock within the county of Ayr, a free burgh in burgh to be called the Burgh of Cumnock in perpuity'.
Edinburgh, the 27th September 1509,
and the twenty-second of our reign.
Battle of Flodden 9th September, 1513
James IV killed with many nobles of Scotland including Ayrshire men Robert Colville of
Ochiltree, Thomas Boswell of Auchinleck and Sir David Dunbar of Cumnock
(John Strawhorn, The New History of Cumnock)
Sir David's relationship with Sir James V. or VI.
At Striueling , 27 Jul [1535]
'Ane Letter maid to DAME JONET STEWART, LADY MOCHRUM (a footnote says "the
second wife of Sir John Dunbar of Mochrum, and mother of Gavin Dunbar, Archbishop
of Glasgow), hir airis and assignais ane or ma, - of the gift of nonentres, malis, fermes,
profittis and dewities of the four merk land of the Blakcrag, ane merk land of Munthray,
twa merk land of Cragydarrocht, thre merk land of Lagurgeroch, twa merk land [of]
Polloch, three merk land of Puntlo and twa merk land of Lagbrowen, with the pertinentis,
pertenyng to hir in in (sic) conjunct fee, liand in the barony of Cumnok, within the
shirefdome of Aire, being in oure soverane lordis handis be resoun of nonenteree of the
last terme of Witsounday, throw the deceis of umquhill James Dunbar of Cumnok'
Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, vol 2, no. 1737).
Place-names : Blackcraig, Monthraw, Craigdarroch, Lochingerroch, Pollosch, Pencloe,
Lochbrowanall found in the upper reaches of Glen Afton.
Sir John Dunbar of Mochrum, first wife was Margaret Dunbar , daughter of IV. Patrick Dunbar
of Cumnock and Mochrum. |
IX. Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield d. 1588
m. Janet Carmichael
1. Sir Alexander
2. Patrick * See Stuart Clarkson 'Dunbar Tables'
1. Dorothea m. cousin Alexander of Boghall (afterwards of Westfield) see XI
2. Janet m. William Dunbar
3. Marjory m. Robert Dunbar, son of John Dunbar of Moyness
Sir James Dunbar, eldest son of Sir Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock and Jean ? [hca/i.355]
called of Cumnock [CC/viii.90]
d. 1588 [hca/i.355]
Janet Carmichael [hca/i.355]
children: Alexander [hca/i.355]; ?Patrick [CC/viii.227]; Dorothea [hca/i.355]; Janet
[hca/i.355]; Marjory [hca/i.355]
— 1577 served heir of father [hca/i.355]
— 8 feb 1580/1 gift to James Stewart of Bothwalmure of escheat of all dettis, takkis, contractis etc also
liferent of toure, fortalice of castle of Cumnok once pert to him of Cumnok, now pert to crown through him at horn 23 nov 1579 in virtue of letters of 4 forms raised by Williamm Cunningham of Caprington for non-desisting and ceissing from lands of Cumnock, mill, mill-lands thereof, 18 jul 1579 in virtue of letters raised by saidd William for not being made assignee in reversionn of lands of Langloss, Sanct Brydis Bankis (bar Cumnock vic Air) [RSSRS/viii#62]
N.B. Sanct Brydis Bankis : St Brydsbank , now The Bank.
X. Sir Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield d. 1603
died without issue.
Sir Alexander Dunbar, son of Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Janet Carmichael; son, heir of dec Jas
Dunbar of Cumnock [CC/viii.152] called now of Cumnock 1598/9, 1602 [CC/viii.143, 152]; sheriff of Moray 1602, 1603 [CC/viii.157]
d. 1603 [hca/i.355]
children: none [hca/i.355]
— 1601 caution by William Dunbar of Enterkin for him of Cumnock sheriff of Murray 2000 merks, Mr
James Dunbar of Sanquhair 1000 merks, Patrick Dunbar brother of John Dunbar of Knokshynnoch 500 merks not to harm Patrick Dunbar of Conzie [RPCS/vi.679]
— 23 jul 1602 actn by him now of Cumnock against Hew Lord Lowdoun for productn of contract
relating to sale of 8 merk land of Auchincorse [CC/viii.152]
Stuart Clarkson
1602 : Several references to Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock appear in the Register of Sasines
XI. Alexander Dunbar of Boghall d. 1611
Cousin of Sir Alexander
Sheriff of Elgin and Forres
1611: Slain by Alexander Dunbar of Kilbuiak at Forres
* Boghall Castle, once stood near Biggar in Lanarkshire.
Dorothea Dunbar, daughter of Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Janet Carmichael; sister, heir
portioner of dec Alexr Dunbar of Cumnock [CC/viii.180]
Alexander Dunbar of Boghall [hca/i.355]
d. jne 1611 Forres, Morayshire, Scotland [hca/i.355]
— succeeded as sheriff of Elgin-Forres [hca/i.355]
children: none [hca/i.355]
— 27 jan 1609/10 Lords transfer to her, Janet, Marjory siss, heirs portioners of dec Alexr Dunbar of
Cumnock et al a decree given in actn at inst of Alexr Dunbar of Cumnock against Hew Lord Lowdoun anent lands of Corsinton etc [CC/viii.180]
Janet Dunbar, daughter of Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Janet Carmichael; sister, heir portioner
of dec Alexr Dunbar of Cumnock [CC/viii.180]
Marjory Dunbar, daughter of Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock and Janet Carmichael; sister, heir
portioner of dec Alexr Dunbar of Cumnock [CC/viii.180]
Patrick Dunbar, brother german of James Dunbar of Cumnock [RMS/v#754]
called vicecomes de Murray 1592/3 [RMS/v#2259]; of Boghall [RMS/v#1301]
d. 1592 Dunibristle, FIF, Scotland [hca/i.354]
children: ?Alexander; ?John
1605 : James Dunbar of Cumnock Register of Sasines 13 Oct 1605.
Relationship to Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock unknown.
XII. John Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield
Hereditary Sheriff of Murray
brother of Alexander of Boghall
~1612: started to sell off the barony of Cumnock, together with the patronage of the parish, and
Cumnock ceased be one of the titles of the family.
m. Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh, sixth Lord of Lovat
1. Alexander succeeded his father in 1622, and carried on the line of the family until it ended in a
John Dunbar, brother of Alexander Dunbar of Boghall [hca/i.355]
called of Cumnock and Westfield, hereditary Sheriff of Murray [hca/i.355]
Elizabeth, dau of Hugh 6th Lord Lovat [hca/i.355]
children: Alexander [hca/i.355]
— c. 1612 sold barony of Cumnock [hca/i.355]
1620 : Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock Register of Sasines 14 July 1620.
1620 : Patrick Dunbar of Cumnock Register of Sasines 14 July 1620. Relationship to Alexander
Dunbar of Cumnock unknown.