Are You Ready To Go? Choose your weapons to enter my realm....

Ahh, but before you proceed, the legal/boring technical stuff: This site is nearly 100% me. What isn't 100% me (basically, the animations) was taken with permission from sites hosting free GIFs. So what I'm essentially saying is, steal what you want, I don't care. I don't mind. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Please don't feel the dire need to link to the images, just right-click and save 'em for yourself. Somewhere along the way, I was brain washed to believe that copying/mimicing is a form of flattery. All I ask is that you consider linking to my page from your own in return. Without further adue, welcome to my home (page)!


Basically, I don't have the heart to take this site down, though it should be destroyed. It is in sore need of an update and little of what was said within the following pages holds any ounce of pertinence to my life on this 4th day of September 1999. School's back in session, I'm working again, and I have little time to fiddle around with this little hobby. However, it'll suffice to say that all is well and I'm about 98% content with my existence.


No Frames