Well hello, there. And welcome. Through some means or another, (probably my own harping) you've managed to find your way here to this little nook of mine, a bit of sanctuary, a bit of solace. My name is Kim; I am a -year old Santa Ana College student. I also work a bit as accompanist for Santa Ana and Golden West Colleges. I am frequently referred to as, "Kim...you know, that piano girl." Err...judge me and label me as you see fit, I guess... I am generally energetic, uppity and chipper- darkness and depression don't become me. Such emotions are weak agents; I laugh at them.
If you really want to get to know me, I regret you may leave unsatisfied, but if you're ready for some face value facts and fancies, rock 'n' roll. This page is not to be used as any sort of meter on my possible emotional state- it represents but a smidgen of my life. It's one of my facets, and like any other facet, it does not stand alone. As I constantly progress and move forward without prior notice, so does this page.
Kim's Only Warning/Disclaimer: To those who have been or those thinking about doing so from my physical world, stop asking me if it's you I'm referring to in whichever section may be in question. I'll no longer answer or respond to such poppycock. If it seems I'm not mentioning someone by name, there's probably a reason for vagueness. I'll give you the hint that if you think it is, chances are that it probably is. I'm no complex being- never even claimed to be close. Use it to your advantage and leave me the hell alone.