I believe in camping and the camping way of life. I pledge to train my mind to learn the importance of nature. I believe in fair play, honesty and sportsmanship. I believe in Camp Madison, which stands for all these things.

Recent articles: 13th street

Hoe Avenue Trip To Camp Madison
By: Rashad Vereen

Kids from the Hoe Avenue Clubhouse packed their towels and bathing suits on the bus to head to Camp Madison. On the bus, some kids slept, while others looked out of the window or watched a movie named Godzilla. The kids were excited and ready to have fun. As Rafael said, "These kids are way hype." Theodore said, "They're not hype, they're just having fun".



When they were at Camp Madison, they did many activities. On the way to the Arts & Crafts room, Angel said, "It's hot and I want to go to the pool." She was patient and built a house out of Popsicle sticks. In the woods on the adventure course, 3 groups out of the 6 groups of boys succeeded on the wall. As for the girls, 4 girl groups succeeded on the wall. It proved to be a challenge for everyone. Everybody was excited to go in the pool. Tia said, "I love camp Madison and I think that kids should come here to study nature, but also to have fun here in the pool."