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A wee note from James Hillman, former student at Trinity, Dublin and originator of the archetypal school

spring pubs

Spring Publications is a "niche" publisher, serving the psychologically sophisticated reader, the educated teacher, and the curious scholar.  Our list thrives in the territory left vacant between trade editions of big commercial houses and the academic presses of universities. We have a wide reach in distribution abroad and in translations from foreign languages.

Since our first printings when we were located in Zurich, Switzerland, our focus remains the soul in the culture, a focus that can be condensed into two words: Archetypal Psychology.  We reach back to the classic works from Greece and Rome and the psychology of the Italian Renaissance, replenishing the modern mind with books on the nature of Gods and Goddesses, and the pagan world in general, including Afro-Caribbean, Latino, Native American, and Celtic works on ritual, initiation and the cult of soul.  The soul in the practice of psychotherapy is one of our mainstays: therapy in childhood, midlife and as we age; in the various symptoms of eros, of psychopathologies and diseases; and the therapy of therapy itself.

Ideas of C. G. Jung and his school figure largely among our authors with practical books on dreams, active imagination, art therapy, typology (introvert and extravert), anima and animus, family psychology, the soul of women (by women writers), shadow and evil, and the depth psychology of archetypal figures and symbols.  Works on the Jewish and Christian symbolic imagination, on the philosophy of psychology, on religion, mysticism and gnosis, and the astrological imagination, fill out our list that is kept up to date with re-prints and expanded with a select few titles each year.

May I invite you to browse our website and send inquiries to SpringPublications@hotmail.com.

Thank you,

James Hillman

If you are interested in working with archetypes, symbols, images and dreamwork please visit my site. Just click on the link below. You may be also be interested in Psychotherapy in Dublin  which deals with symbols, concepts and psychotherapeutic issues using ordinary and unusual images of Dublin.

Visit Coinneach Shanks, Psychotherapy