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Cute quotes that I like...

"I guess now QT's like Michael, and the rest of us are like Jermane and
Tito. But I have this theory that Jermane was way more important in the Jackson 5 because,
who invented the moon walk? Jermain! Who sang thriller, Jermane. Who married
Lisa Marie It was Jermane!" -Chad

"Look at you,you ain't no gangster! You're all Mr. 2% milk, Mr. khaki pants, Mr. touched by an angel...get out my face!" -Mickey

"what are u drawing man, jerry! yo man u gatta make me look betterthen that, jerry! come here fool look what hes drawing bout me man, jerry u see what hes painting bout me man, come over here jerry look at this, u crazy
fool jerry come here" -Mickey

Nigel: "What I want you to do for the commercial is to ride
the Sea Doo across the water, wind in your face, havin' a blast. "
Chad: "Do these go in water?!?!?!"

"Uh huh, Mickey P. don't dress up like no star-spangled Elvis!" -Mickey

" So many girls...SO little time" -Q.T.

Chad: "I have this dream, that I don't tell many people about, its about owning a sea doo. I'm gonna get
one too, and make a BUTT LOAD of money"
Doug: "A Butt Load? How much is a butt load?"
Chad: "A thousand dollars! I base that on the fact that one time I fit five dollars up my butt, I mean not to brag, but I can fit WAY more up, easy..."

"Everyone is talkin' bout Q.T.'s problems, but what about my problems? I was suffocating in that fat suit, rolling around on the ground, and STILL trying to contribute to the group by making as many laser noises as humanly possible!"

"Don't be callin' me like I'm your dog...! I AIN'T YOUR DOG MAN!" -Mickey

Chad: " I ain't sleeping w/ Mickey, he drools..."

Mickey: " Mickey P don't drool FOOL!"
Chad: "I seen it! Man"

Bob Buss: "Chad is it true that you ALWAYS like your brother?"
Chad: " Uh, well...not ALWAYS ALWAYS...
Bob Buss: "No! No! No! No!"
Chad: "I thought it was you askin me as you! You
said 'Chad, do you like you brother' and I was like sometimes."

"Don't make me get off this bike...I said don't make me get off..I'm gettin' of the bike that's it..." -Mickey

Bob Buss: "What's your favorite color? Jerry?"
Jerry: "Blue. Its been blue even before Q.T. was born..."
Q.T: "I'll gladly change my color Mr. Buss"
Bob Buss"Q.T.'s new favorite color is..."
QT: "umm, Robin's Egg Blue..."
Mickey:"Uh un, Robin's Egg Blue, Yo thats my favorite color! This is my house, b!tch"

"Wait up guys, i gotta go find some chicks!" -QT

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...I should have tried harder. But I can't be perfect every time! I ain't Ozzy Osbourne!" -Doug

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