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Sunshine 60 Building


For thirteen years it was the tallest building in Tokyo.  Then the government of Tokyo decided to build a new $1billion city hall.  It now ranks somewhere around number six on the list of tallest in Tokyo. 
To me, the Sunshine 60 building is the most Lego-ish of the skyscrapers.  With its blocky presentation, and lack of surrounding buildings of similar height, it sticks up like a massive finger, perpetually flipping off the skyscrapers of Shinjuku a few miles away.
Besides being the sore didget of the Tokyo ear-poppers, the Sunshine 60 building does have one great advantage over its rivals.  Unlike the other major skyscrapers, its observation deck is in the open air.  If the weather is right, it makes for an experience that the other buildings cannot.  I could be wrong, but because it is on the roof, the observation deck is still one of highest in the city, unlike the other decks located a few floors below the tippy top.

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