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The Role of Chapter Chaplain:
A Workshop for Maryland VVA Chaplains
Held at Chapter 451 Home, Baltimore, MD, July 27, 1996
Jackson H. Day, Chaplain
Opening (10 AM)
Who we are, where we were in Vietnam era
Why we became chapter chaplains
Desired outcome from this meeting
Two Chaplaincy Concepts
Welcome Home
God "goes before"
Concept 1. Welcome Home
Numbers 31:21-24
Contrast: Rice Paddies today, Scranton PA tomorrow
Chaplains and those still "outside the camp"
Discussion: What do we encounter in chapters?
Concept 2. God "goes before"
Isaiah 52:12
Wherever we go, whoever we talk with -- God is already at work
Step 1 always = listen & find out what God is doing
Discussion: What spiritual imperatives do we bring with us?
VVA Chaplaincy Guidelines
Selection of a chaplain
Certification of a chaplain
Duties of a chaplain
Spiritual Ceremonies
Referral to civilian churches
Interpretation to civilian community
Other duties
Discussion: Getting the needs met vs. meeting the needs
Memorial Service Guidelines
Philosophical background
When to use
Relating to family and clergy
Denominational (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish) Services
Typically only on weekend-long events - Conventions
Don't pretend "one size fits all"
Make sure options available for all
Innovations we can propose
Discussion from floor
Where do we go from here?
Individual Chapters
State Council level - newsletters
Memorial Day, Veterans Day Services
Next meeting
Updated March 21, 1999
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