The Brainwashing Manual was written by the first brainwashing denier in Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. This excerpt shows the "Scientology" method of denying "brainwashing":

"Should anyone attempt to expose "Scientology" as a "brainwashing" activity, the best defence is calling into question the sanity of the attacker."

"I find the two of you incapable of rational thought, at least when it comes to the issue of 'brainwashing.'"

"Heh... so you, too, believe in mind implants and hidden space aliens? "

-- [from two unnamed brainwashing deniers]

"The next best defence is authority."

The authority most quoted by Scientology in their denial of brainwashing is science.

Brainwashing is actually an art not a science, since it relies on and targets our perception of reality, not reality i tself.

"The next best defence is a validation of Scientology practices in terms of long and aggressive figures."

"Figures" and "long" have more than one defintion:

The most aggressive figures Scientology has right now which come to mind are the I.R.S., the State Department, several members of the US Congress and OSCE and Lord McNair. Upon further consideration, Gordon Melton and Massimo Introvigne could also be added to the list.

"The next best defence in the actual removal of the attacker by giving him, or them, treatment sufficient to bring about a period of insanity for the duration of the trial. This, more than anything else, would discredit them, but it is dangerous to practise this, in the extreme.

Hubbard often employed word substitution to disguise his true meaning and to avoid difficulty.

Word substitution in Hubbard's elite forces has been set down in official policy, not available on the web right now due to allegations of "copyright violation" by RTC. (Look for the OSA order which says to substitute "information" for "intelligence".) The purpose of word substitution is to avoid detection in unethical or illegal activities.

The above excerpt from the "Brainwashing Manual" substitutes "Scientology" for "psychiatry" and "brainwashing" for "psychopolitics".

The brainwashing-psychopolitics word substitution is documented below. The Scientology-psychiatry word substitution is based on Hubbard's intention that Scientology replace psychiatry in the full cultic sense.

It has been brought to my attention that L. Ron Hubbard actually stated that "psychopolitics" and "brainwashing" are one and the same in his Hubbard Communications Officer OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 9 of 19 December 1955:

"We certainly have the right to have in our possession materials covering something as intimately connected to mental research as brainwashing. We have the right to know why and where and who. Furthermore, this material is evidently well known to various governments and is not classified, since the subject "Psychopolitics" (which is the technical name for brainwashing) is to be found in the major libraries of the world."

Accompanying that were two more excerpts in which Hubbard claimed to have "mysteriously" come into possession of his brainwashing manual, then later on hints that the U.S. government told him to stop distributing it. He insinuates that it was not a direct order (very intriguing) ....

1 Brunswick House,
83 Palace Gardens Terrace,
London, W.8.
BAY 5780


OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 8		13 December 1955


The brainwashing manual which came into our possession so mysteriously is being released, not with any intent to unmock psychiatry, but as a necessary piece of information for auditors who are confronted with the problems of brainwashing.


Thus Don has been asked to mail a copy of the manual as printed to our various professional members, and to make other copies of it available through Box 242 Silver Spring, Maryland, for 50 cents a copy. This is certainly reasonable enough. I don't think there is any point of any kind in placing it in official hands, as I have said, since even the U. S. Army and Air Force must be fully cognizant of brainwashing, since, as I have noted, a copy of it is on file at the Library of Congress. It could also be noted at the same time that there is a general movement among psychiatry to correct their own profession and to do something to those psychiatrists in it who are hurting and killing people with electric shock and surgery, and thus this is no concern of ours.

1 Brunswick House,
83 Palace Gardens Terrace,
London, W.8.
BAY 5780

OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 12		  10 January 1956



It is the friendly opinion of the government that the pamphlet giving forth the basic materials of brainwashing be circulated only amongst very trusted personnel in the organization and that it be withheld from general public release. You understand that this is not an official order on the part of the government, but the government appears to be very well satisfied with us and is only afraid, I suppose, of the commotion which would be caused by the broad and general release of the brainwashing booklet. [...]

> This was one of Hubbard's favorite ways of manipulating people. Even
> in his denial that Scientology uses brainwashing techniques, he simply
> called it indoctrination or "hatting".
> Hubbard was familiar with propaganda by redefinition of words (see his
> HCO PL 5 October 1971 "PR Series 12 Propaganda By Redefinition Of Words").
> Other recommended policies for insight into Hubbard's criminal mind are:
> HCO PL 11 May 1971 Issue III "PR Series 7 - Black PR" 
> HCO PL 21 Nov 1972 Issue I "PR Series 18 - How To Handle Black Propaganda"
> HCO PL 17 Mar 1974 "PR Series 22" [Confidential, limited distribution]
> HCO PL 4 July 1974 "PR Series 24" [Confidential, limited distribution]
> Warrior  [wrote the last paragraph only]
