Here is what could be an innocent question from a well-meaning poster:

Bob, I think when you picket with a swastika, the average passerby thinks "oh, there's a Nazi picketing Scientology!" because the average person assumes that when someone is using a swastika, that person is in favor of the swastika.

The swastika on your picket sign distorts your message rather than helps, and it is extremely offensive to many. Some critics are afraid to picket with you for fear that you will show up with that swastika sign. Could you please state whether or not you will be using that sign at the December 4 and 5 picket in Clearwater? Thanks.

On the other hand, it is also a baseless condemnation of Bob, the Great Scientology Satan, and a request for a concession for him to make a decision based on the baseless condemnation.
