Bill Clinton is the first U.S. president to aggressively promote Scientology in its nearly half century of existence. Early in Clinton's first term in office, Scientology got its first big break when all its corporations were granted full tax-exemption in a surprise turnabout decision by the I.R.S. Ever since then the Scientology organization has been extensively used as a measuring stick by the U.S. State Department in its annual report of Human Rights violations. For example, in the State Department's 1998 Europe report, Scientology was mentioned in the reports on Italy, Greece, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland.

One would think that Scientology was a pretty special movement to merit all this executive attention. Just how special is shown by a look at some of Scientology's activities. Read about how the "religion" which Clinton has taken under his wing treated its critics for the month of May, 1999 in

"Mayday for Critics".

Is Bill Clinton a Scientologist?

It depends on your definition of "is".

At least one anonymous writer who is well-versed in Scientology doctrine believes that Clinton's penchant for Scientology is more than mere coincidence. The copiously documented CESCAH paper provides some piquant comparisons between Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village," "Emotional Intelligence" and Scientology's "Dianetics." What do Clinton, Scientology and China have in common?

Read Coalition to Expose Scientology Crimes Against Humanity (92k)

Reality Check

Let's just drop President Bill Clinton a line asking what American citizens can do about dangerous cults like Heaven's Gate and Scientology. How do you think he'll respond? If you thought something like this:

Thank you for sharing your views with me. I am glad that you took the time to tell me where you stand. Knowing the thoughts and ideas of my fellow Americans is very important to me as we face the challenges ahead.

I believe that our nation has made a great deal of progress since I took office. I am proud of what we have done to reduce the deficit, expand out economy, improve educational opportunities, and empower hardworking Americans to make the most of their own lives.

As we work to protect our shared values, meet our common challenges, and ensure peace and security at home and abroad, I hope you will remain involved,.


then you would be right.

For comparison's sake, what does a country like Switzerland have to say about Scientology? From the U.S. State Department's own report:

Due to increasing public concern over certain groups, especially Scientology, the Government in 1997 asked an advisory commission to examine Scientology. The commission published its findings in August. According to the report, there is no basis at present for special monitoring of Scientology, since it does not represent any direct or immediate threat to the security of the country. However, the report stated that Scientology had characteristics of a totalitarian organization and had its own intelligence network. The commission also warned of the significant financial burden imposed on Scientology members and recommended reexamining the issue at a later date.

The State Department overlooked a couple of factors in the Swiss report:

  1. Only information which was publicly accessible was used in the Swiss Federal Report, and
  2. when the report says "does not represent any direct or immediate threat to the security of the country" what it means is there is no public information that Scientology is presently infiltrating Switzerland. There is past evidence of Scientology infiltrating the government in Switzerland. There is present information that Scientology is infiltrating governments - Greece, for example. Yet there was no publicly available information that Switzerland's government was being undermined by Scientology at the time the report was written. As long as Scientology does not advertise the fact that it uses its private intelligence organization to spy on governments and private citizens, maybe no one will take notice.

An unofficial translation of the Swiss Federal Police Scientology report is available in English. Unlike Bill Clinton, this report does not completely ignore Scientology's effect on human beings.

Here is a rough translation of the French report on cults.

The European Commission of Human Rights sitting in private on 7 April 1997, Scientology loses discrimination case against Germany.
And yet another case