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The main asthma triggers
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The main asthma triggers
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Triggers are lungs irritants

Here are the main triggers you should avoid contact with

One of the major asthma trigger, you should avoid it at all cost, quit smocking and ask all your friends and familly to stop smocking in front of you. Make your home a non smocking place.
If your kids are asthmatic ask the babysitter not to smoke too.

Dust is an irritant and not only  dust mites. people allergic to dust mites are more encline to have an attack than others.
But evven if you are allergy free, you can suffer from this trigger simply by  cleaning your home, changing the bed sheet or such.
If you are allergic to dust mites, remove all carpets or rugs from your home, avoid having too many cushions on your couch. Buy a ant dust mites matress sheet.
If your kid has asthma try to banish stuffed animals or wash them once a week.

Yes sport can trigger an attack too, but that's one YOU MUST NOT avoid. Not exercising while having asthma is a bad idea. First beacuse exercising is good for health, and  then because your asthma souldn't stop you enjoying sports activities.
Lot's of olympics athletes have asthma and win medals. There are just a few rules to follow:
-Use your bronchodilatator, two puffs 20 minutes before exercising. make sure you still carry it with you in case you have an attack.
- Avoid doing jogging in cold air.
- Doing some warming up before exercising.
if your kid has asthma, make sure they doesn't use asthma as an excuse to cut on gym class. They have to do it, it's good for them on the social level too. Just tell their school about their asthma so that they know what to do.

A major trigger for allergic persons! But not only, accorded to my doctor, some pollens grains are big enough to trigger an attack in non allergic people too.
During the pollen season, close windows most of the time, wash your hair often to remove the pollens from your hair, change clothes often too. And clean your home.
Don't exercise  under trees

Pet's dander
A big problem for allergic person only, if you have that allergy, don't think of having a pet. If you have one you should  get rid of it, or not allow it in your bedroom.

Perfumes Chemicals and Polution
Almost day to day problem, you should avoid strong perfumes if it's a trigger for you.
Some chemicals, such as cleaning products, paints, polishes, and detergents can cause  attacks too.
As for polution, it's hard to avaoid it, just try not to exercise in a poluted area.  

Cold air
 Lot of asthmatics complains about asthma flare ups in winter. It's because cold air makes the airways to narrow. You should avoid exercising in cold air. And wear a scarf around your mouth and nose when being outside a lot, to let warmer air insided your lungs

Flu and other common infections
even a plain cold can worsen your asthma, call your doctor if you feel  some symptoms, and do the flu shot every year.