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Other people's hot lists

This is my page for other people's hot lists. Give me a hot list and you will be on here!!!

"QB 8, Dr.Dre" Andre Brown's Hot List

1. Jane Wallace
2. Ali Hanson
3. Holly Yoder
4. Diane Arnold
5. Kelsea Riley
6. Sarah Darnall
7. Courtney Zell
8. Kaitlyn Girard
9. Jenny Crabill
10. Ashley Jones

Keri Detrick
Tara Thompson
Missi Clark
Sarah Christensen
Grace Colloton
JON G'S Hotlist:
1.  Ashley Vandermoon
2.  Ashley
3.  Ashley V.
4.  Ashley Van
5.  Ashley Vander
6.  Ashley Vandymoon
7.  Ashley Vandermooner
8.  Short n Hot Ashley
9.  Short stuff Vandermoon
10.Midget Ashley (Just Kidding!)
This is a message I got from Ice Boy, and I dont know who it is, but it has:
Matt Ronquillo's Hot List
1. Nikki Hilton
2. Nikki H.
3. Nikki L. Hilton
4. Nicole Lee Hilton
5. Nikki
6. N.L. Hilton
7. Nikita
8. N.L.H.
9. Nikki Lee
10. Nikki Hilt-chron

Here's anonymous J's list: (I will not say which initial that is, middle, last, or first. And I won't tell who it is)

1. Jane Wallace
2. Kelsea Riley
3. Kaitlyn Girard
4. Sarah Christensen
5. Sheena Kemp
6. Kayla Chubik
7. Jenny Dawson
8. Abby Foehr
9. Carrie Vanderhoof
10. Sarah Darnall

Here is a e-mail i got from some college student that used to go here
dewey you are crazy
                                    your top ten lists are way off
                                    1 Kelsea riley
                                    2 Karen Brewer
                                    3 Ali Hanson
                                    4 Sarah Christensen
                                    5 Jenny Walz
                                    6 haley kemp 
                                    7 ashley jones
                                    8 katy short
                                    9 brooke johnson
10 a freshman probably
                                    1 keri detrick
                                    2 holly yoder
                                    3 carrie nealy
                                    4 diane arnold
                                    5 lea menning
                                    6 jane wallace
                                    7 sarah darnall
                                    8 anne snyder
                                    this is what it should be, but there are
                                    a lot of hot girls who came before

Chad O Fo Sho's hotlist: 1. ALi Hanson 2. Ms. Ali Hanson 3. Ms. Hanson 4. Ms.Ali H 5. Mrs. Ali Olson 6. Mrs. Ali O 7. Ali O Fo Sho 8. Alison Olson Fo Sho 9. Ms. Alison Hanson 10.CHad O Fo Sho's lover-ALi

This is anonymous D's hot list

10. Dewey Drollinger
9. The Dewster
8. The Dew Berg
7. Dew
6. Dewey
5. Hot Dewey
4. Mr. Drollinger
3. Dewey Drollinger
2. You Dewey
1. the sexiest man alive, Dew Drollinger

I have a secret admirer.

Send me or e-mail me your hot list (whether you are a male or female) and I will put it on here. But you don't need to put honorable mentions like Andre did.