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What fun is drinking when you don't have a purpose?
Well, don't answer that! This is the place for the
drinking games. If you don't like the games listed below you can
play a simple game that my friends and I made up. It is called
"You drink". The way you play it is you point to
someone and then say "you drink". They then have to
drink. It is pretty fun.
I must admit that as of now I don't know many drinking games,
so I found these on the web. Since I am such a responsible
drinker I don't really do that stuff. But everyone deserves a
second chance and I am going to try so send
me your own drinking games if you don't see them here. And
while you're playing these games here
are some drink recipes to ensure that you get the most
alcohol in your body as is humanly possible.

bar - Drinking Games