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Across Five Aprils

  by Irene Hunt

 Homework Novels Crossword Puzzles Projects

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Chapter 1

Constrained- adj. compelled; restrained
Imminence- n. the quality or condition of something about to occur
Melancholy- n. sadness
Radiance- n. the quality or state of being bright
Reverberations- n. repeated echoes or sounds
Seceding- v. to withdraw formally from an organization
Spare- adj. thin or lean

Chapter 2

Din- n. a medley of resounding and confusing noises
Feint- n. a defense movement by pretending to attack
Parry- v. to avoid or evade
Tumult- n. a disturbance of a crowd
Vehement- adj. strong forceful emotional expression

Chapter 3

Oratory- n. the art of public speaking
Wastrel- n. a person who wastes money; a good for nothing

Chapter 4

Admonitions- n. advise with caution
Capitulation- n. the act of surrendering
Ironclads- n. war ships having sides armored with iron plates
Tyrannical- adj. characteristic of an oppressive way of ruling

Chapter 5

Astute- adj. keen judgment; crafty
Caustically- adv. likely to corrode; or witty in a bitterly manner
Copperhead- n. a Northerner who sympathized with the South
Ominous- adj. pertaining to an evil sign
Stoic- n. a person who is indifferent to emotions; adj. indifferent
to or unaffected by pain or pleasure

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Tenacious- adj. tending to be stubborn

Chapter 8


Chapter 9

Credence- n. acceptance that something is true
Forays- n. a sudden raid or military advance
Vindictiveness- n. revengefulness

Chapter 10


Chapter 11

Clemency- n. mercy
Gaunt- adj. thin and bony; haggard
Invective- n. abusive expression

Chapter 12

Throes- n. agonizing struggles

Guided Questions   

Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11  Ch 12

Chapter 1

  1. Why do you think that in the 1800s a woman’s beauty was
  2. Describe what Ellen’s life had been like for the past 30 years.
  3. How had Destiny marked Jethro? What made him so special?
  4. What did Irene Hunt mean when she wrote, "Adults were usually
  5. Who was Shadrach Yale?
  6. What forms of communication did they have in those days?
  7. What was Jethro and Mother most afraid of?
  8. What does this idiom mean: "…the pot can’t call the kettle black"?
  9. What were the circumstances of Jethro’s sister Mary’s death?

Homework- Answer the following questions in paragraph form.

1.   What does Ellen mean when she says this about Pres. Lincoln:

"He’s like a man standin’ where two roads meet…and 
one road is as dark and fearsome as the other; there 
ain’t a choice between the two, and yet a choice has 
to be made."

2.   Can you think of another decision that someone might 
      have to make that fits this dilemma?
3.   Describe some family rules in the Creighton household. 
      Describe any similarities or differences in households 
4.   What news might Cousin Wilse Graham bring to the 
      Creighton's from Kentucky? What kind of background is 
      Wilse from and what might he do for a living?

Guided Questions

Chapter 2

  1. What news did Wilse bring?
  2. What position do the Creightons and Wilse take in the North/
    South struggle? Why?
  3. What did the Southerners want?
  4. What were the Creightons’ feelings about slavery? Cousin Wilse?
  5. What did Bill think the real reason for the current conflict was
    outside of slavery?
  6. John and Bill were very close brothers but there is a hint or
    foreshadowing that this relationship could change. What is it?
  7. What news did Shadrach bring back?
  8. After hearing the news, what announcement did Eb Carron make?
  9. How did Wilse Graham describe Abe Lincoln in this war?
  10. What roles did Congress and Lincoln have regarding the war at 
    that time?

Homework- Answer the following questions in paragraph form.
What did Matt Creighton add to this conversation? What did he mean in the following passage:

"Human nature ain’t any better one side of a political line than on the other- we all know that- but human nature, the all-over picture of it, is better than it was a thousand- five hundred- even a hundred years ago. There is an awakenin’ inside us of human decency and responsibility. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t grieve fer the children I’ve buried; I wouldn’t look for’ard to the manhood of this youngest one."

Prediction- Will any other of the men sign up for the militia and if so whose side will they choose?

Guided Questions

Chapter 3

  1. Bill finally revealed how he felt about the war to Jethro. What 
    did he say?
  2. What was upsetting Bill the most?
  3. What caused Bill to leave home and what were his plans?

Homework- Prediction: What do you think will happen to Bill? What will John do?

Guided Questions

Chapter 4

  1. What news came from Tom?
  2. What was customary for teachers to do in those days that we do
    not do today?
  3. What happened at Fort Henry?
  4. Why wouldn’t Pa let Jenny marry Shad?
  5. What did Jethro and Shad talk about when Jethro spent the
    evening at Shad’s home?
  6. Why did so many people dislike Mr. Lincoln according to Shad?
  7. What is an abolitionist?
  8. Shad said to Jethro: "…that it took far more courage for Bill to do what he did than it does for John and me to carry out our plans next week." Why did it take more courage?

Homework- Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and
Rewrite the letter that Tom wrote to the family on
                    page 49. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and

Guided Questions

Chapter 5

  1. Why was Mother so sick?
  2. What errand was Jethro sent on?
  3. What happened at the general store?
  4. What "fine treat" did Jethro experience?
  5. Describe what happened to Jethro when he got to the Burdow’s
  6. Why did Dave protect Jethro?

Homework- Prediction: How do you think Matt Creighton will react to Jethro’s experience with Wortman?

Guided Questions

Chapter 6

  1. What happened to Matt Creighton the next day after Jethro told
    him about Wortman?
  2. How had life changed for Jethro?
  3. What did Ellen mean when she said: "You’re not to fret, Matt; we
    mustn’t give trouble shape before it throws its shadder."
  4. What advise did Nancy give Jethro?
  5. Why did the neighbors each take turns watching Matt Creighton’s
  6. What happened to Shep and why?
  7. What happened to the barn and the well?

Homework- Prediction: Who do you think caused this destruction
                     and why?

Guided Questions

Chapter 7

  1. Why did men from all over the county come help Matt that spring?
  2. What news did Dan Lawrence bring?
  3. Describe the incident of Sam Gardiner, the owner of the general
  4. What happened to Guy’s reputation after the incident?
  5. What was the problem with the generals?

Homework- Prediction: What news will be next about John, Eb, or

Guided Questions

Chapter 8

  1. What latest triumph for the Confederates occurred?
  2. How did Dave Burdow help Jethro’s family again?
  3. What did Shad say Gen. McClellan lacked as a leader?
  4. Why were the soldiers losing faith in their leaders?

Homework- Prediction: With conditions like these that soldiers had to endure, what do you suppose would happen?

Guided Questions

Chapter 9

  1. Describe what deserters did to survive.
  2. Describe Hig Phillips and why was he disliked?
  3. How did the murder of Hig Phillips affect the Creightons?
  4. What was the purpose of the Union soldiers visit at the
    Creightons’ home?
  5. Describe the man that was hiding in the bushes one day while
    Jethro was plowing the fields.
  6. Why did the visitor come?
  7. What did the visitor want to do?
  8. What thoughts went through Jethro’s mind in deciding if he should help or not?
  9. What plan did Jethro come up with to help this visitor?
  10. What decree did Mr. Lincoln declare for April 1?

Homework- Prediction: Will the visitor return to where he came
                    from? Why or why not?

Guided Questions

Chapter 10

  1. In reading Shadrach’s letter, how do you think he felt would
    happen in the future?
  2. Why didn’t President Lincoln remove General Grant?
  3. Which battle seemed to be the turning point in the war and why?
  4. What happened to Shad at Gettysburg?
  5. Why did Jethro refuse to go to school?
  6. What did Ross Milton do to help Jenny and Shad?
  7. What did Matt Creighton finally agree to do?
  8. Why do you think Jenny kept Jethro’s letter all the years of her

Homework- Rewrite Jenny’s letter on page 157-158 using
                     appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Prediction: What condition do you think Shad will have when
                    he returns home?

Guided Questions

Chapter 11

  1. What information about the war did John reveal in his letter?
  2. Explain the criticism of President Lincoln and how did Jethro feel about it?
  3. When and where did Grant and Lee finally do battle?
  4. How did Shadrach feel about General McClellan’s nomination for
  5. What news did Sherman telegraph the President ?
  6. What did John say about the battle between Hood and Thomas?

Using page 161, write a newspaper article about George Thomas as it may have been written in their newspaper. Do this in pairs in class.

Homework- Prediction: Will Bill make it home and will his family
                     accept him?

Rewrite John’s letter page 172-173

Guided Questions

Chapter 12

  1. Describe Bill Sherman’s march.
  2. What warning did Ross Milton give to Jethro when peace came?
  3. What did Milton say President Lincoln must do in his next four
    years in office?
  4. Why wasn’t Milton excited about the 13th Amendment to abolish
  5. When and where did the war end?
  6. After the night of celebration, what terrible news did Nancy give
  7. While Jethro was grieving, who surprised him and what news did
     he receive?

Homework- Write Eb’s letter to Jethro as he would have written it using page 150.

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