From this page you will be able to link to all of the course material to succesfully complete the Integrated Resource Plan
(IRP) for Information Communications Technology - Online!
Information Communications Technology 8 at Enver Creek is a stepping stone to understanding the growth and use of computers
in our society. The course deals with the history and development of computers and some of the important names that have
brought computers to their present state. Students are also introduced to some of the basics of the Internet; the development
and current status and some of the ethical issues around the "Net".
We will also look at how some of the "integrated" software applications work together. Students will learn
some basic Word Processing, Database, and Spreadsheet skills that are used in most offices and homes in today's society.
Information Technology will also allow students to use the Internet as a research tool as an addition to the usual library
Students will also have an opportunity to work with presentation software like Microsoft's PowerPoint. This will allow
students to produce multimedia presentations in related courses such as Socials Studies, Science and Planning.
This will also be an opportunity for some students to be introduced to Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) the language
of the web.
Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Using IT Together for APPLEWORKS..
Information Communication Technology 8 - Word Processing for Appleworks...
Information Communication Technology 8 - Using the Spreadsheet for Appleworks..
Information Communication Technology 8 - Using IT Together in Appleworks..
Enver Creek Secondary.
(Click on the picture to take a look at the Enver Creek Secondary web site.)
Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Using IT Together for MICROSOFT OFFICE UTILITIES..
Information Communication Technology 8 - Using Microsoft Word...(INCOMPLETE)
Information Communication Technology 8 - What is Presentation Software?
Information Communication Technology 8 - Wans, Lans and Webs
Information Communication Technology 8 - Using FirstClass HCK