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            The Inaugural Ball to celebrate was that night. Blossom had to choose a wonderful outfit to show off her new position. What was she going to wear?

            Posey suggested a gold ensemble with pink sakura to float. It was wonderful. The very thought of floating on gold made Blossom very happy. She chose the blue zoisite earrings to go with it, and the blue shoes to wear. The white sakura blossoms made her exquisite. She was going to look beautiful, and, for no reason at all, she wore an indigo mask, which she would remove at just the right moment. She was ready to go.

            The carriage arrived, and Posey took the young lady down and said goodbye. Eventually, the castle came into view. The courtyard, and then the arcade leading to the great hall were all lit with candles, and then Posey led her to the Doorway of the New Citizen where she would be enter. There was a vast sea of youma waiting for her introduction. Then, at Beryl's command, they all knelt.

            Queen Beryl turned around and, catching her eyes, smiled.

            In a whisper, she said, "That mask will now be part of the ceremony. I like it."

            "On our quest to obtain the Commanders of the Earth, it is my pleasure to introduce the first one to have returned. She is the Commander of Europe. Her name is Blossom, of the vein of Zoisite!"

            Blossom stepped through the doorway, and pulled off her mask. Everybody bowed.

            "In the tradition of the kingdom, every Commander must dance with the Queen, or one of her descendants, whichever is appropriate. In my stead, my son Heliodor will take the dance."

            As soon as she spoke, a gorgeous man with golden waves of hair and green eyes came to Blossom's side. He wore a black, iridescent-piped uniform with a high Mandarin collar, fold-over lapel, black pants and black boots. He wore green epaulets and his hair was thrown over the back of his shoulders.

            "May I have this dance?"

            "It is the custom."

            As they danced, Blossom's feet got stepped on three times. The two of them did not speak much, but Heliodor tended to look away. He also seemed uncomfortable with this many people in the great hall.

            Once the dance was done, Heliodor was gone. Eventually, Blossom decided to forget about him for the night and enjoy the fabulous soiree that was thrown in her honor. There were waltzes, champagne, sumptuous hors d'oeuvres and champagne being served everywhere. She loved the way the ball seemed to go, and she enjoyed herself quite well. The ball lasted for hours, and then Blossom slept until late in the morning, and soon began her training.