Whispers of Evaland

Welcome to Evaland...

Welcome, my friends!  Welcome to Evaland. 
Tread softly and with a kind foot, for this world is new.  Not new as far as worlds are concerned, but new as in you are unknown here.  This place is of flower, sea, air, and mountain.  I encourage you to explore with your curious leanings.  Come, look around and read of her glorious past!  Enjoy your visit, and may fortune keep you on your way and all your days! ~

symbol of Evaland

click here to read "Evaland - A History"

click here to visit "The Morinan"
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click here to visit "The Bards of Evaland"
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click here to see "Evaland Art"
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click here to learn "The Cormorin Runes"

Care go with you!

Please click the book below to sign my guestbook!
click here to sign my guestbook

Alternate Universes, the other pages of this site:

The Adventures of Monsieur Fleur de Lis and Petit Il

The Poetry Syte

the Orient

about jamberry

Other corners - Links and Webrings

FanFiction, (mostly LOTR)

UPDATES 05.12.03 - Finally, updates!  GO CHECK OUT THE ART PAGE!  I've added more new galleries and there's tons of new and old art to be found there.  And the animated cursor is back by popular demand.  ;)  Happy, Pick?  Love ya!
  Please please please sign the guestbook! Also, if you have some extra time, please vote for us at the BOTA battle.  :D  Have a great day and take care!  Love, happiness, health, and peace to all who tread here! :) ~ Jamberry
"Whispers of Evaland" has joined Battle of the Ancients!!!  BOTA is a www battle between websites vying for viewers attentions.  Please vote for us by clicking on the link below and placing your vote for "Whispers of Evaland".  It is really appreciated, thanks!!!  :)

Once you've seen my site, please click here to vote for "Whispers of Evaland" in the BOTA battle! Thanks, I appreciate it!

E-mail me at ballads_of_peace@yahoo.com

Please do not take any materials from this website without my permission!

Proud member of the BOTA...
YAT! Go ORIENT TEAM!! Woohoot!

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