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Questions from the Peanut Gallery

How do we "get" holiness?

How is holiness granted? (through grace, our righteousness, ...)

How do we best help God help us to be holy?

Does holiness come from and through the H.S. or is it something that any person can have or be?

Are there degrees of holiness? Can someone be more holy than someone else?

What is the spirit of holiness? (is it the same as the H.S.)

How do you know if you are holy?

How isolated from things of the world should a Christian be in their attempts at holiness?

How would you "exhibit" holiness to a homeless person? What does it mean to them? What relevance does it have in terms of how it would be a testimony to them?

How do we speak to one another about our faith? Both to believers and non-believers?

How should evangelicals speak about Catholics? to Catholics?

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."