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Silver Flying Monkees

Welcome to The "Silver" Flying Monkees Community, the community devoted to  "monkees" 60 years of age and over.To join the community, simply click on the logo below. Once a member of the community, you will be able to participate in chat sessions, leave messages on the bulletin board,  build your own personal web site, and lots of other exciting activities. Check back often, as new features will be added in the coming months.

click here to join the community

Pick the
"Monkee" Community
that's right for you:

The Silver Monkees Community is intended primarily for older adults, be they working or retired, hoping to share a lifetime of adventures and experiences with people of their own age group. Get your own web site and let the world know what you like and don't like. It's great fun, and you will probably make lots of new friends.
Join  today!


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