Contact Information: I'm always looking for tips or leads or just some general feedback on my work. If you would like to contact me regarding these topics or if you would like to hire Aurora Video Productions for any of our offered services, the information below is what you need.
scenes from CHILDREN OF THE SKY Since I was a child I had wanted to make movies. When my favorite show Star Trek was cancelled I went crazy. (I didn't realize that the show had already been cancelled several years before and I was watching reruns) I cried and cried and cried. That's what four year olds seem to do when the world isn't conforming around them as they would like. Now I think I just yell more when that happens. I became obsessed with putting it back on television. I wanted more. Then I decided I wanted to make more. I acted out plays of the episodes with my poor drafted brother and essentially drove my family insane. Thankfully for all involved they brought Star Trek back and because of the success of Star Wars there was a huge resurgence of science fiction on the air and in the theatres. Then I started thinking about how I wanted to make my own scifi stuff. I began to drive them insane again... So much so that as a Christmas present in 1980 my mother bought me a Super 8mm film camera .I wanted it bad. I remember staring at pictures of these film cameras in the Sears catalogs before Christmas that year.. I got it and I was in heaven. I loved the thing. I did what I could to make little movies but soon found out the harsh realities of filmmaking at a very young age...this crap is expensive! And it was a silent camera. And the running time was only 3-5 minutes and I had no way to edit...The list went on and on. Kind of daunting for a 10 year old. But I wouldn't stop. I dressed my brother as Spider-Man then I tried (pathetically) to animate my Star Wars action figures and continued to dream. I wish I could count how many times I tried and failed to get classmates and friends to make a movie with me. It just never worked out. Too much money or not enough time or no interest. I was discouraged. So I graduated high school in 1987 and shelved all the real dreams I had and told myself I had to grow up and go to college. I live in Syracuse, New York for godsakes not Hollywood. It didn't seem possible that people could actually be lucky enough to actually work in the entertainment field. I hated college. Every struggling moment of the whole semester I was there. So when the money ran out long after my ambition, I did what a lot of people at that age seem to do for a while.......nothing.
Aurora Video Productions was formed in the summer of 1988. I was fresh out of high school and had gotten a video camera for my birthday. I still had the burning desire to make films and suddenly it occurred to me that I might be able to do something with this video stuff. I read every magazine I could on the equipment and learned what else I would need to shoot and edit videos. That's when it occurred to me that I might be able to make money shooting things for other people to support my now growing addiction for video equipment. Weddings, special events, graduations....Wherever there was an event that was relatively uninteresting to me but may be profitable I tried to be there. It took years to get the stuff I would need and even more time for technology to catch up to allow me to make the kinds of movies I wanted to for as little as I had to work with.. On this website you'll see information on my first full length science fiction feature CHILDREN OF THE SKY. It won't be the last. It was an uphill battle every step of the way but I loved every minute of it. Hopefully those of you that will see it will enjoy it a fraction as much as I enjoyed making it....
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