The Topps art director, Art Spiegelman, from the NPD (New Product Development) department, assisted by Mark Newgarden, and writer Jay Lynch, created the card-type for the OS8 Garbage Pail kids reverse backs while artist Jay Lynch also created concepts and sketched out most of the 'COMIC STRIP' card artwork images while artist Howard Cruise completed a portion of the final artwork. Since the introduction of completed puzzles to the GPK franchise the amount of reverse card artwork is greatly reduced and follows the same layout as the previous releases with only one main puzzle. Nineteen known backs were completed for the OS8 set, a slight decrease due to additional puzzle pieces, no repeated comic titles and two checklist backs for the release. The 'COMIC' backs are a direct parody of the 'BAZOOKA JOE' Topps product, reintroduced from the OS6 set, having a three to four panel strip plus a novelty product—premiums that were not actually for sale, but losing the 'FORTUNE' line. Topps had their own Bazooka self-parody within the OS3 set as card 84a JOE Blow and can be found again within the release as a premium product.

The NPD department would create the artwork and card type, but the actual Art department was in charge of the overall design and layout, and would produce the composition of the front side and card backs as well as the promotional material and packaging. Composition images were generated to help guide the final card type design and artwork placement. Artist Jay Lynch had mentioned that although the 'COMIC' backs were created as a parody of the 'BAZOOKA JOE' bubble-gum comics with premiums, the inspiration for the actual feel for the GPK card backs came from the 'LITTLE CREEPS' comics that he created in the late 70's that ran for several years and were modeled and/or rendered after these monster-themed comics, and took it a step further by spoofing mail-order novelty products often found in the back of comic books. The later iteration of GPK comics would be titled The Garbage Gang.

"The comic strip with premium ... I wrote and did roughs for [most of] this series. In these comics ones ... several artists did the backs. I'm not sure if I wrote the Oedipus specs gag ... If I didn't , Spiegelman did. It could be that many of the gags on the backs of the 8th Series are what was left over from the 6th Series.
" — JAY Lynch, circa 2003.

Card No. 293 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS3 & OS5 GPK Character Artwork by TOM BUNK & JOHN POUND, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 293A Explorin' NORMAN and 293B Drillin' DYLAN FEATURES the OS3 character for card (115a Warmin' NORMAN and) 115b Well Done SHELDON, seen in the same predicament and conversing with the OS5 character for card 190a Gory RORY (and 190b GIL Grill), seen with marshmallows on a stick instead of a hand; using the 'camp'-fire to roast the marshmallows. NOTE: the marshmallow that the character is holding in the final panel should be colored white instead of flesh tone.

The character in dire straits believes the scout will be saving him, by putting out the fire and untying him, not returning with a bag of marshmallows. The novelty product, premium '#314', mentions "IT'S VERY EUROPEAN!" and plays up the social and cultural commonality that European females don't always shave their undearms (and/or legs).

Card No. 294 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS2 & OS3 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND & TOM BUNK, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 294A Weird WENDELL and 294B LUKE At Me FEATURES the OS2 character for card 54a Fryin' RYAN (and 54b Charred CHAD), pictured looking for his next city conquest and asking for recommendations and conversing with the OS3 character for card 124a HUGH Mungous (and 124b King-Size KEVIN), seen still catching airplanes with his busy hands and pointing out the direction to his suggested destination.

A level of humor to note is that the character drops the female hostage and the captured biplane in order to point out the direction. Also, the New Jersey city of Hoboken, mentioned within the strip, lies on the Hudson River and gets a lot of press flak; ex. after the 2007 Orbit Gum commercial used the city name as an euphemism within the commerical, the city demanded it to be removed.

The novelty product, premium '#717', mentions '[TO] SEE RED', which is informal for suddenly becoming very angry, but in this casein the literal sense—granny would be "seeing" red once her eyes are pierced (and filled with blood). Also, we are supposed to buy into this consomer product because of the tagline 'UNIVERSALLY APPROVED", which means to be believed or accepted by everyone, even by this random "MOE" character
; a name often used, similar to "Joe Schmo", to describe a hypothetical ordinary man.

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

"The comic strip with premium ... the final drawing you show is by Cruse. I wrote and did roughs for this series, but not this particular strip."
JAY Lynch, circa 2003.
"I don't remember doing the "Fryin' Ryan" strip at all. But come to think of it, it does look like my drawing, doesn't it?—from the lettering style to the stippling to the manner of drawing baby hands and Godzilla claws." HOWARD Cruse, circa 2003.


Card No. 300 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS2 & OS3 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND & MAE JEON, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 300A CORRINA Corona and 300B Smoky JOE FEATURES the OS2 character for card 51a RUSSELL Muscle (and 51b BRETT Sweat), pictured without his weights and conversing with the OS3 character for card (117a ROCKY N. Roll and) 117b LES Vegas, seen without his guitar and microphone and attempting to close up his rhinestone-studded shirt—it is unknown whether he managed to clasp shut his unbelted pants.

The character is struggling to button his shirt that's stretching around his round and rotund stomach; it is unknown if the man of muscles has the strength the close the deal either. The novelty product, premium '#222', mentions "OVER A BAKER'S DOZEN" which means a group or set of thirteen, so the 'BAG-O-WORMS' contains over thirteen squirmy wormies. The invertebrate animals make a great pet because they're alive and wriggling; and they're a hearty appetiser (and only better than french fries) because of their high protein content; not sure about their flavor though.

The reverse card paste-up layout pictured above contains the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, the trademark line, and the premium item image; but the layout does not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type. Paste-up def'n: a document or image prepared for copying or printing by combining and pasting various sections on a backing. In printing, a back margin (B.M.) on a press sheet is the total distance from the type on one page to that of the facing page, or twice the back margin of a single page. Also referred to as gutter margin, the space between columns of type, determined by the number and width of columns and the overall width of the area to be filled.

Card No. 301 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS4 GPK Character Artwork by TOM BUNK & JOHN POUND, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 301A Bowling ELAINE and 301B MIKE Strike FEATURES the OS4 character for card 141a ASHLEY Can (and 141b GRETA Garbage), pictured without her trash bag and trash can and conversing with the OS4 character for card 162a Yicchy MICKEY (and 162b Barfin' BART), seen with a fork and intestines—rather than a fork and plate of slop and glop.

To "hate someone's guts" is informal for having a strong hatred or feeling for them; the strip takes the literal sense of guts (aka intestines) and serves it as a heated and hated delicacy. The novelty product, premium '#490', mentions "BEDWETTERS" and the embarrassment that follows the event of bedwetting; the involuntary urination during sleep. There is a stigma that surrounds wetting the bed AND having the worst, most unoriginal Hallowe'en costume: a ghost (with potential stains). A rubber or plastic fitted bed sheet helps as a barricade between the pee and mattress.

Card No. 304 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 304A Rubbin' ROBYN and 304B Soapy OPIE FEATURES the OS2 character for card 49a Double HEATHER (and 49b Schizo FRAN & 49b FRAN FRAN), pictured working and playing together and conversing with the OS2 character for card (71a Odd TODD and) 71b Bent BEN, seen without his keys and bell—but still seen bent double; being playing and toyed with by the double-the-trouble twins.

The character, already slightly self-conscious about his outer appearance, would rather play a boardgame, like the suggested 'MONOPOLY', that takes more brain skill, rather than being a physical part of ring toss. The novelty product, premium '#693', mentions "PEOPLE OPPOSED TO REGULAR BATHING" which assumes that if you're that scummy you don't mind wearing trash or the dead insects that infest your household (due to lack of cleaning), purchasing an item you could find for free, and that you have no fashion sense. The 'SPACKLE' is a compound used to fill cracks in plaster to produce a smooth surface; so it should technically fill in any ear holes as well.

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

Card No. 308 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 308A FRITZ Spritz and 308B ELLA P. Record FEATURES the OS2 character for card (43a Smelly KELLY and) 43b DOUG Plug, pictured without his 'normal' non-GPK mutt and conversing with the OS2 character for card 74a MARK Bark (and 71b Kennel KENNY), seen without his dog bowl and fleas—but still in possession of his dog bone and lifting his leg in a steady position for 'ready, aim, fire!' tactics.

A wordy comic strip, but it delievers very well with the dry humor; the phrase 'ALL WET', at least in North America, means you believe the person is 'completely wrong' or 'full of it', talking complete nonsense... being 'full of crap', instead of water (being a fire hydrant and all). The novelty product, premium '#9018', takes an existing, relatively cheap, consumer product and renames it for a different overstock item in hand. The consumer gets a regular hand fruit squeezer and has to supply their own insects.

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

Card No. 310 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS5 & OS4 GPK Character Artwork by TOM BUNK & JOHN POUND, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 310A Stinkin' STELLA and 310B Smellin' HELEN FEATURES the OS5 character for card (175a Windy WINSTON and) 175b JOHNNY One-Note, pictured in the exact same position, stage curtain and all, and conversing with the OS4 character for card 134a Hip KIP (and 134b WALT Witless), seen without his bongos—but the beatnik has traded in his poem book for some music beats, or rather, toots.

One character is referencing the strong-smell exclamation, 'PEE-YEW!', and the other character is referencing the lifeless music sound of 'B-FLAT?'; one character falls flat while the other falls flat on his back. The novelty product, premium '#372', clearly points out the fish is a man-eating specimen, so it would definitely make your next pool party more exciting. Caveat: the dental floss is for the fish (and your remains).

Card No. 311 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS5 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND & TOM BUNK, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 311A STU Spew and 311B Slimin' SIMON FEATURES the OS2 character for card 205a Hot ROD (and 205b BUD Buggy), pictured with his tongue flopping to the side in the wind and conversing with the OS5 character for card 180a Haunted HOLLIS (and 180b Batty BARNEY), who isn't seen roosting upside down and sleeping, but rather, awake and flying within the short story.

The word 'PEOPLE!' is in bold because it's part of the punchline, but also because the two characters are considered more monster-like and creature-like; it's a nice inhumane comparison of character and makes for a nice impact. The novelty product, premium '#476', mentions '100% NATURAL FIBERS!', 'NO SYNTHETICS', but it really depends on what your shirt material is made up of; cotton, polyester, etc. Navel lint is mainly stray fibers from clothing mixed with dead skin cells, body hair, dust, sweat, et cetera, that moves to the exterior navel region of your stomach due to friction with body hair. 'NAVEL RESEARCH' is a name parody for the NRL, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (part of the Navy and Marine Corps.) that conducts basic scientific research.

A pre-production paste-up is a card layout and mock-up that's prepared for copying or printing by combining and pasting various sections on a backing. Topps has posted several of these items up for sale on eBay through their Topps Vault store over the years. The card type for the 'FEATURING MICHAEL Mutant and Hip KIP' and premium '#107 GLASS FLYSWATTER' sections can both be found on the reverse card backs for 317A JAMES Flames and 317B Burnin' VERNON. The comic strip and premium '#476 BELLY BUTTON LINT' image can both be found on the correct reverse card backs for 311A STU Spew and 311B Slimin' SIMON.

Card No. 313 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS4 & OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 313A GRAHAM Bell and 313B Death NELL FEATURES the OS4 character for card 126a Armpit BRITT (and 126b Shaggy AGGIE), pictured in a very similar position, flies and all, and conversing with the OS2 character for card (72a Mad MAX and) 72b Brainy BRIAN, seen without his brains and science equipment—but using his nose, and sense of smell, instead.

Your brain gets used to smells within your immediate surroundings; it's why you (usually) can't smell yourself, your house aroma, along with your favorite cologne/perfume, et cetar, after the inital squirt. The novelty product, premium '#930', humorously takes a conehead bald cap, a wig-like cap, and places fake hair on it to simulate an actual wig. Your own natural dandruff and dead skin cells are already present, stuck under the cap.

Card No. 317 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS5 & OS4 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 317A JAMES Flames and 317B Burnin' VERNON FEATURES the OS5 character for card 201a MICHAEL Mutant (and 201b ZEKE Freak), pictured with his monster mouth closed and conversing with the OS4 character for card 134a Hip KIP (and 134b WALT Witless), seen without his poem book and bongos, but actually holding his newly refilled, pink ceramic mug.

A scraggly-looking beard may often simulate the appearance of thin armpit hair. The novelty product, premium '#107', mentions 'CAN ONLY USE IT ONCE' due to its delicate nature of being made from glass instead of plastic; even with a 'FRAGILE' breakable S&H sticker, the item would most likely arrive broken and not survive the shipping and manhandling of services these days. The premium item is nicely matched with the fly-infested GPK characters.

The card pre-production layout picture above, post paste-up step, includes the GPK logo, tight ink lines, and speech bubble lettering, but does not include any color, 'FEATURING' characters type or the premium card type. These show nice tight ink lines in B&W without the comic strip color. Topps has posted several of these items up for sale on eBay through their Topps Vault store over the years. In printing, a back margin (B.M.) on a press sheet is the total distance from the type on one page to that of the facing page, or twice the back margin of a single page. Also referred to as gutter margin, the space between columns of type, determined by the number and width of columns and the overall width of the area to be filled.

21-Piece Completed Puzzle — Original Series GPK cards: 293A Explorin' NORMAN and 293B Drillin' DYLAN

Original Final Artwork: TOM BUNK

Original Series — two Puzzle Preview cards: 305 + 319 — twenty-one Puzzle Piece cards:
295, 296, 298 (x2), 299, 302, 303, 306, 307, 309, 312, 314, 315, 316, 318 (x2), 324, 325, 327, 332 + 333.

Card No. 320 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS1 & OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 320A Pumping AARON and 320B WILL Explode FEATURES the OS1 character for card (35a Wrinkly RANDY and) 35b Rockin' ROBERT, pictured sitting on a park bench instead of his rocking chair and conversing with the OS2 character for card (78a Wrinkled RITA and) 78b Ancient ANNIE, also seen sitting on a park bench—without her black poodle or massive diamond pinky ring.

Simple comic strip perfection; silence followed by seven simple words; the old odd couple believe they're on a city bus. The novelty product, premium '#749', does not mention if the high-class food is dehydrated where you just add water to the 'PRESTIGIOUS PUKE'. The adjective, 'STATUS-CONSCIOUS' means to be aware of, or excessively interested in, one's own social status. Althought the word 'tosser' is slang for a different meaning in the UK, 'COOKIE TOSSER' in the States means a person vomits easily; on rollercoasters, et cetera.

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

Card No. 321 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS1 & OS3 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 321A Squashed JOSH and 321B Squoze ROSE FEATURES the OS1 character for card 10a Tee-Vee STEVIE—spelled 'T.V. STEVIE' on the comic(and 10b Geeky GARY), pictured with a sideways profile without his mini TV sets and conversing with the OS3 character for card 106a Fowl RAOUL (and 106b MACK Quack), also seen standing sideways—yelling with no expletives.

The audience doesn't know why the GPK character screaming at the television set until the Presidential punchline. This is one of two reverse card backs with a dark blue GPK logo instead of the light blue color. The novelty product, premium '#336', mentions the popular and 'punny' (funny + pun) booger joke 'IT'S SNOT!' and 'BOOGERS NOT INCLUDED'; you'll have to pick your own (nose).

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

Card No. 322 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS3, OS2 & OS4 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND & TOM BUNK, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 322A K.O.'d KARL and 322B Sparrin' WARREN FEATURES the OS3 character for card 102a Mugged MARCUS (and 102b Kayo'd CODY), pictured with a partially healed mug and conversing with the OS2 character for card 44a SY Clops (and 44b One-Eyed Jack), looking very normal-sized and non-giant-like, both watching the OS4 character for card (151a Losing FAITH and) 151b Dyin' DINAH falling from the sky like an angel sent from the heavens. The only OS8 comic strip to FEATURE three different GPK characters.

The girl, whose boyfriend probably tied her to the bomb, will 'CHANGE' his 'LIFE' forever because he'll be DEAD, blown to kingdom come and smithereens. To 'FALL OUT OF THE SKY' means to enter the company of a group of people, especially by chance. The novelty product, premium '#777', mentions 'ONLY THE RIPEST AND RICHEST COLUMBIAN EARWAX' is picked out of an ear, a parody of 80's commercials stating only the ripest and richest Columbian coffee beans are picked. The premium couldn't be sold to the 'WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS' (WAC), created in 1942 as an auxillary unit, because it was disbanded in 1978 where all units were integrated with male units.

The pre-production, color rough card concept was hand drawn, lettered, and colored by artist JAY Lynch. Compared to the printed card, as noted on the color rough, the 'PREMIUM ONLY' was kept intact from the original concept and still found on cards 322A K.O.'d KARL and 322B Sparrin' WARREN, but shortened, removing the type 'USE YOUR IMAGINATION! THE POSSIBILITIES OF CREATIVE CRAFTS PROJECTS ARE ENDLESS!'. The comic strip portion was re-worked for cards 328A Glowing AMBER and 328B Bright DWIGHT FEATURING GPK characters 'Wormy SHERMY' and 'LUKE Puke'.

The reverse card pre-production layouts pictured above, pre & post paste-up step, are with & w/o the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, premium item image, and with & w/o the trademark line; but both layouts do not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type.

Card No. 323 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS4 & OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 323A Piece O' LISA and 323B Wedding BELLA FEATURES the OS4 character for card 138a Alien IAN (and 138b Outerspace CHASE), pictured without his female hostage and conversing with the OS2 character for card (46a Rappin' RON and) 46b RAY Gun, seen without his podium and mic—but holding an 'AD LIBS' for the non-intelligent lifeform bit.

Does 'GPKKPG' stand for the planet 'Garbage Pail Kids Kids Pail Garbage'? Reminiscent of the Russian KGB (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti), the main security agency for the Soviet Union until 1991. The only reverse card back comic strip with a pink GPK logo for the OS8 release. To ad lib is an example of an improvised public speech, to speak 'on the fly'. The novelty product, premium '#41916', pokes fun at D.I.Y. home repair using explosive T.N.T., which would also remove warts, along with your face.

Card No. 326 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS3 & OS1 GPK Character Artwork by TOM BUNK & JOHN POUND, Respectively

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 326A Leather HEATHER and 326B Chained SHANE FEATURES the OS3 character for card 122a Broad MAUD (and 122b Large MARGE), pictured without her light snacks and conversing with the OS1 character for card (19a Corroded CARL and) 19b Crater CHRIS, seen without his zit goo and acne lotion—but sporting a chef's hat, fka a toque blanche.

The top chef is giving a big cottage cheese squeeze to his zit to supply the last requested pizza topping. The novelty product, premium '#25436', categorizes chewing gum as a health food snack; Topps unshamingly plugging their own product of 'BAZOOKA'. The premium references '100% ALL NATURAL RUBBER' and 'APPROVED BY MOTHER NATURE' because gum was originally made from a tree sap called 'chicle', a natural rubber; however, after WWII a synthetic rubber was created replacing most natural rubber in chewing gum.

Card No. 328 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS5 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 328A Glowing AMBER and 328B Bright DWIGHT FEATURES the OS5 character for card (173a Menaced DENNIS and) 173b Wormy SHERMY, pictured wide awake & out of bed, conversing with the OS5 character for card (170a RICHIE Retch and) 170b LUKE Puke, seen still barfing, 'BARF!' exclamation and all.

Although the character did not let out a 'CHIRP', a short, sharp, high-pitched sound made by small birds and insects, the other character is imitating the act of regurgitation; disgorging food back to the mouth. The novelty product, premium '#906', is reusing soiled kitty-litter and rebranding it as celebratory confetti and mentions 'OFFER VOID WHERE "NO LITTERING" LAWS APPLY', which is practically all 50 States since they tend to have anti-litter laws and various littering fines everywhere, so not sure they'll be selling a great deal.

The pre-production, color rough card concept was hand drawn, lettered, and colored by artist JAY Lynch. The 'FEATURING' section lists, and the comic strip showcases, the OS5 GPK character (198a Gore MAY and) 198b CONNIE Sewer who does not show up on a printed card for the OS8 release. The comic strip portion was re-worked for cards 328A Glowing AMBER and 328B Bright DWIGHT, now FEATURING GPK characters 'Wormy SHERMY' and 'LUKE Puke'; perhaps CONNIE Sewer is upset she got stuck with the poop-shoot half. Although shortened, the 'PREMIUM ONLY' was kept intact but found on cards 322A K.O.'d KARL and 322B Sparrin' WARREN, replaced with kitty-litter confetti.

Card No. 329 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS2 & OS1 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 329A LEM Phlegm and 329B Gezundt HEIDI FEATURES the OS2 character for card (67a Phony LISA and) 67b MONA Loser, pictured without her backdrop and posing for the OS1 character for card (19a Corroded CARL and) 19b Crater CHRIS, seen without his zit goo and acne lotion—but sporting painter's hat, fka a beret; tossing aside his paintbrush and going for a splatter affect.

A cheap copy-cat 'Mona Lisa' will not be reproduced, instead, some 'POP ART!', popular culture artwork from popped zits. The novelty product, premium '#4747', of '6-PACK O'BODY FLUIDS', blood, snot, pus, mucus, saliva and piquant (having a pleasantly intriquing sharp taste or an interesting flavor) "MYSTERY LIQUID" is poking fun at the six essential nutriants: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Card No. 330 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS5 & OS2 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 330A Lotta LOTTA and 330B Dupli-KIT FEATURES the OS5 character for card (170a RICHIE Retch and) 170b LUKE Puke, seen green-faced & almost throwing-up, conversing with the OS2 character for card 45a Leaky LINDSAY (and 45b Messy TESSIE), seen without her cat-cradle web of snot, tissues, and allergy products—but with a finger up her nose and being grossed out.

Does kissing stop vomiting? Or, does the victim get a mouthful of puke? The novelty product, premium '#966', mentions waterbeds which skyrocketed in popularity from the mid-70s to the late 80s. Bed-bugs are parasitic bloodsucking bugs that often infest houses, especially beds. The new 'WATERBED BUGS' fuses these critters with gills in order to survive damp wet places. Who misses that water-in-plastic lapping noise?

The reverse card paste-up layout pictured above contains the GPK logo, tight ink lines, speech-bubble lettering, the trademark line, and the premium item image; but the layout does not include any colour, the 'FEATURING' characters type, or the premium card type. Paste-up def'n: a document or image prepared for copying or printing by combining and pasting various sections on a backing. In printing, a back margin (B.M.) on a press sheet is the total distance from the type on one page to that of the facing page, or twice the back margin of a single page. Also referred to as gutter margin, the space between columns of type, determined by the number and width of columns and the overall width of the area to be filled.


Card No. 334 — Artwork by HOWARD CRUSE & JAY LYNCH — Card Type by LYNCH & SPIEGELMAN
Based Off of OS4 & OS3 GPK Character Artwork by JOHN POUND

The comic back for OS8 reverse card 334A ASHLEY To Ashes and 334B DUSTIN To Dust FEATURES the OS4 character for card 134a Hip KIP (and 134b WALT Witless), seen without his poem book, bongos & pink ceramic mug, and conversing with the OS3 character for card (92a MARVIN Gardens and) 92b Spittin' SPENCER, seen in a non-fountain scenario—free range, and not solidified to the spot, but still spitting.

A beard on fire can allude to somone with red/auburn hair, but in this case most likely from a lighter and oily hair; and spitting on someone's face is usually an offensive insult. The novelty product, premium '#704', is another money-making scheme selling consumer hair product received for free. Since most collectors are prepubescent, this would be ideal for making Hallowe'en characters, et cetera. It is '(OUR CHOICE)' considering they have no control over the hair color of free clippings and sweepings from barbershops.