[an error occurred while processing this directive] The Houston County Truth
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Political Corruption in Houston County, Georgia

Houston County is the most politically corrupt county in Georgia. The corruption ranges throughout our county government. The particular act of corruption and criminal activity under discussion is an instance of election fraud committed by some Houston County officials in the 1996 General Election. The following people were involved: a superior court judge, a state senator, four state representatives, five county commissioners, some school board members and at least two attorneys.

The election fraud in 1996 brought financial harm to the citizens of Houston County because it removed a very important part part of our tax cap law that was in force since 1982. This was the start of the Special Local Option sales tax law(SPLOST). The consequence of the election fraud treachery was the removal of a provision in our tax cap law that said that any sales tax increase in Houston County had to be offset by a decrease in ad valorem taxes. Because of the election fraud committed by our local officials, our ad valorem taxes no longer had to be reduced if the citizens passed a sales tax such as a Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).

The citizens have been conned twice into passing SPLOST referendums and their local sales taxes in Houston County have gone up from one percent to three percent. The ad valorem taxes have not gone down any because of the election fraud. The School Board gets two percent and the County Commissioners get one percent. The School Board has been getting a one percent sales tax since the tax cap law was passed in 1982.

We can lower our sales taxes by defeating every SPLOST extension that is put on the ballot from now on. The time for the two SPLOSTS that have been passed is running out. FIGHT CRIME- Vote NO on every SPLOST in the future. We don't have to suffer the consequences of the election fraud. We must fight on by voting "NO SPLOST". Justice will prevail someday.

I sent a report to the Georgia Attorney General and the Georgia Secretary of State in June, 1998, and July, 1998, respectively, about this election fraud, and asked them to investigate this matter.

The Middle Georgia newspapers have added to the local corruption by refusing to publish anything about this election fraud matter. That is why I started a newsletter called the Houston County Truth.

I had eleven thousand copies of the Houston County Truth printed for distribution to the citizens of Houston county. I planned to pay for the distribution as a flyer by the Warner Robins Buyers Guide, Daily Sun, or the Macon Telegraph. All newspapers refused to distribute my newsletter; they don't accept criticism very well. Check out their official reasons

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