What is Gothic Architecture?

The technical revolution in architecture know as "Gothic" began at the end of the 12th century and lasted just over two hundred years. The advances made in architecture paralleled those in intellectual life.

Often using local materials, Gothic architecture is generally tall and inspiring and was a significant structural improvement upon the Romanesque buildings that preceded it. As with almost any large undertaking, there were political implications for the people involved in the operation of building a cathedral. The types of cathedrals built in England at a given time were thus representative of the political, social and economic situation there at the time of construction.

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Aspects of Gothic Architecture

Floorplan of an English Gothic Cathedral

Building the Cathedrals

Elements of Design

Masters of the Great Cathedrals

Three Periods in English Gothic Architecture:

The Early Gothic Period: Wells Cathedral

The Decorated Period: Lincoln Cathedral

The Perpendicular Period: Gloucester Cathedral


Bibliography, Credits and Links

Created by: Amy Johansen...Last Updated on May 9th, 1999
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