
With this screen you, as the administrator of the computer, are able to control the access of each individual that logs on to the machine by setting their level of access, their name, and their numeric password. The Administrator is also able to add new users to the system by using the "Add User" button. The change button updates the password changes to their files, this screen does not change a users Mouse Signature, only the user themselves can change their mouse signature.

The Levels are defined as follows:

Level 1: Administrator Level...User has the ability to run any program on the drive. User may Encryption or Decryption any folder on the computer. User may stop tasks including the security system to perform maintenance tasks by using the Task Watcher. User may view and change user information via this window. User may use the Mapper.

Level 2: Staff Clearance.........User has the ability to run any program on the drive. User may Encryption or Decryption any folder on the computer. User may stop tasks except the security system using the Task Watcher. User may use the Mapper.

Level 3: Tech Clearance........User has the ability to run any program on the drive. User is restricted from Encryption or Decryption of folders on the computer. User may stop tasks except the security system using the Task Watcher. User may not use the Mapper.

Level 4: Common User.........User is restricted to only unpassprotected programs. User is restricted from Encryption or Decryption of folders on the computer. User may not use the Task Watcher. User may not use the Mapper.

Note for Level 1 *** the user number 1 is the Super User, in order to uninstall the system you need to be this user!


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© Ron Michel Dec. 1999