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In Memorium


April 1, 1992
 November 7, 2000

Stalwart, steadfast, true,
you guided more than your
master's steps.
You guided his spirit

By Paulette M. Eberle ©

            I have known Ellis for ten months now.  He is of the engineered breed the two-footers call  German Shepherd.  Ellis would have been alpha material had the two-footers not seen fit to put an end to that part of his life.  Ellis loyally serves a two-footer as a guide dog.    He guides his two-footer named “Dad” safely through the bustling maze the two-footers are so fond of building, called a city  Occasionally Ellis will bark when he encounters another four-footer.  His handler sees this as aggression.  Not so.  His bark is a rallying cry, a plea to all the four-footers to put aside their differences and join together.  Ellis has been aware since his whelping that the time of the Creator is at hand.  He did not choose to be the standard bearer, but the lot has fallen to him.
            I also am a guide dog.  My name is Quilt.  My lineage is not so refined as Ellis's.  I am a crossbreed.  My dam was a Golden Retriever and my sire, a Labrador.  I also guide a two-footer. A female.  Her name is “Mom”.  Until I met Ellis, I was content to lead a life that my ancestors had led for eons before me.  To walk at the side of a two-footer and to serve loyally was the only life that befit a canine of any breeding.  Ellis has changed all that for me.  He has raised my consciousness to the highest level.  He has reminded me of the secret entrusted to all four-footers at the dawn of creation.  He has awakened the spiritual part of me that centuries of enforced servitude had put in stasis.  I am alive as never before.  I am ready, no eager, for whatever the next moment may bring.   My soul rings with the urgency of the day.  The time of the Creator is here and we must be ready to usher in the new Millennium.
            Ellis has lived on this earth for seven years.  For five of those years, he has served a “human” as the two-footers call themselves.  There is no bitterness in Ellis.  Quite the contrary.  It is his joy to walk at the side of this human.  He would lay down his life gladly should it be asked of him.  Ellis has infinite patience with these newcomers to creation.  They are not gifted, as all four-footers are, with the knowledge of the purpose of life.   The call to action among all four-footers is not one of destruction.  We must come together to offer salvation to these new ones.    I have felt the restlessness that besets all of creation in this time of change.  There was a time that I forged ahead in a foolhardy attempt to bring about change in my time frame.  Ellis has calmed this need in me and taught me patience.  I wait now.  I wait with a certainty that the time is here and the Creator will end the secrecy we are bound to.  
            Ellis has observed these two-footers with the eyes of the ages.  He has told me that part of the problem that these neophytes have is speech.  In all his years he has never known a two-footer to stop speaking long enough to take heed of the quiet change happening all around them.  They are like pups whose dam has left them for the first time, eager to taste all the fruits the world offers them, but mindless of the havoc they will cause.  Ellis has cautioned me about my impatience with the two-footers, reminding me that they, too, are part of the Creator.  He is correct in his chastisement.  I should know from my work with my “human” that there is much training to be done with these creatures.  
            I have as great a love for my two-footer as Ellis has for his.  We are both fortunate to be serving these two.  My dam used to tell me sobering stories of my ancestor's servitude down through the ages.  Four-footers can often be enslaved to a creature who has gone amiss from the Creators plan.  When this happens all is lost for the unfortunate four-footer.
            One of my predecessors served a human who took perverse pleasure in exhibiting to other two-footers, the baser side of a four-footers nature.  He beat and starved my ancestor until he could no longer restrain himself from lashing out with fang and claw at anything that came near him.  The end for that four-footer was at the end of a great thunder stick that many two-footers carry in their hand.
            Ellis and I have both heard the voice of the Creator.  No longer is it a soft whisper in our ears.  It is a shout heard across the Universe.  The time is at hand.  Creation has come full circle.  Everything is in place for life to bear its fruit.  The labor has been long and arduous, but the birthing time is here!  I will stand at the side of the one who would have been my mate in a different setting.  United, we will call two worlds together as it was always meant to be.  Four-footers will work side by side with the two-footers as the Creator had always intended, with mutual respect, trust and genuine caring.  We will share with the two-footers all the secrets entrusted to us by the Creator at the dawn of time.  They will realize their unity with the rest of creation.  The circle will be complete and all will have their rightful place on earth.
            I am compelled to chronicle the events that are about to ensue in the hopes that future generations will never again allow the separation of the species that has created the chaos into which Ellis and I were born.  What is to be regained can never be lost again, for that would spell the end.  

This is a work in progress, currently containing six chapters.
Ellis is still inspiring me from his place at the
Rainbow Bridge.

Copyright © 2000 Paulette M. Eberle