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Armor: 125 Combat

Start with: Max: Type:
5 35 Grenades
10 100 Shells
100 200 Bullets
0 100 Cells

Weapons: Damage: Ammo: Command to select:
Infected Dart Launcher 20 1 Shell use super shotgun
Machine Gun 8 1 Bullet/per use machinegun
Needler 3 1 Bullet/per use chaingun
Grenades 125 1 Grenade use grenade; grenade1
Plague Grenades X
1 Grenade
use grenade; grenade2

Special Command: Function:
healingdepot Toggles the healing pad that will heal 5 health/sec if stood on. (10 cells to create)
biosentry [build / remove] Creates a biosentry that will fire infected darts at enemies and healing darts at allies. (50 cells to create)
biosentry [repair / reload] 1 cell per 4 health repaired. 25 bullets per full reload.
id Very useful to check players to see their health level.


On the battlefield there is one whose job never ends. Who keeps fighting even after the fighting has ceased. A key figure almost invaluable to the team. But this is WF, and what we have here is a fightsy little chick who will leave you cursing her name. The main purpose of the nurse is to support your team, but if played smartly can turn the tide of the battle. Though, you will want to group yourself with another player since the best tactic you have is distraction and lowering team moral. The nurse lacks any ability to go it alone, and will meet a quick death plunging solely against the other teams base. Tease and disease, and if they come after you toss em a grenade to finish their treatment.


First I must say the best weapon the nurse has is herself. She can heal 5 life/sec and this ability can allow you to win a battle if you drag it on long enough.

Infected Dart launcher:

The main weapon for this nurse, it will deal 20 damage and heal 25 life. You are capable of healing your allies to 175, a total of 75 more health then they are normally allowed. The darts will also disease your opponents, the effects dealing 4-8 damage per second along with other side effects. More then annoying this weapon is what gives the nurse her reputation. Firing at your allies will cure them of disease. If you want to effectively use this weapon you need the aid of the 'id' command. It will report to you the name as well as the health count of the player on your team. Don't bother healing a team member that is already at 175 life. You will waste your time and there is a chance that the team member your healing will stand still and get picked off by a sniper. When using this weapon do not stay still, weave left and right as you hit your target, healing or infecting. If you stand still, your base better be deserted.

The Machine Gun:

This weapon will deal 8 damage per shot and give a spray of bullets that is hard to avoid. Although all the bullets will not hit your target, for pursuing your opponent after he has stolen your flag, there is no substitute. Use this weapon in every situation that calls for battle. After you have infected you opponent, switch to this weapon and hose a shower of pain upon his ever health decreasing body. Since your dart launcher will be too slow for most combat situations this will be your weapon of choice. Use it often and polish your skill with this weapon. No great nurse can succeed without it.

The Needler:

Doing a very miniscule 3 damage per shot this weapon has limits in its use. And since it will leave a trail of smoke right to you its probably not a good idea to use it. Only in situations where you need to attack an opponent at a very far distance will this ever come into use. And remember to any experienced player this will be the same as a mesquito bite, flee shortly or he will flatten you.

Plague Grenades:

Doing 11 damage, these grenades are not as effective as your dart gun. But they do have uses. Throwing one into a group of enemies will infect all of them from splash damage. And if you get good at throwing them, you will infect two enemies at a time all the time. Personally I like sticking to the dart gun myself, but if you ever feel the need, toss a few and cause a little mayhem. They seem to have the fear effect on most classes, verses a little dart they normally don't see.


Never underestimate the power grenades have to kill. When you get good at sniping alternate between sniping and tossing grenades. Your one on one duels will go a lot quicker, and you will be able to kill off any class if you have good maneuvering skills. Its an obstacle they have to worry about avoiding and it does a lot of damage. 125 is not something to joke about.

Special Commands:

Heal Pad:

Besides healing disease this is of limited use. Drop it in your base spawn and leave it there for anyone who becomes diseased since the spawn will be the first place they check when they are infected. If you base has more then one spawn then tell your team which spawn it is located in. Do not use spawns that are out of the way to get at. As in 2fort7 you will want to drop the heal pad in the upper spawn near the ramp or lower spawn near the flag. Avoid the spawn in the back hall. It will heal 5 life per second to stand on it, but since your darts and the ammo packs will heal 25, it isn't worth the time to stop and heal up on it. That is unless there is nothing better to do. A healing depo properly hidden in the enemies base will allow your team a partial way of regaining life while no one is around.

The heal pad has 100 life and cannot be destroyed by you. You nor your team members can destroy this pad with your weapons. So use this to your advantage and use grenades to relocate a badly placed healing pad. Only costing a mere 10 cells to create this is one item you might want to experiment with.


It has the same properties as your dart gun but only does infection damage on the first hit. Better for healing then for a weapon, this device can be a beneficial tool to your team. If destroyed a message will appear on your screen. So you can place this weapon in areas that the enemy will walk passed and let them destroy it as a poor mans alarm. If placed properly however it will also infect that player and make them think twice about taking the same route. Likewise if placed in an area where many of your team frequent it will not only heal them of disease but will keep them alive as well. Though this will also usually be an area that the enemy travels so do not expect it to last too long. Placing this item in a spawn room only adds to clutter, not to mention it is virtually useless there. As long as you place a healing pad in the spawn the packs will give all the life your team needs. Offensively this will cause curses and angry enemies hunting you and you alone down for infecting them. Know this and place it accordingly. Finding a prime spot in the enemy's base will get you a few infections. Realize though, once an enemy has been infected by this, he will spend every effort to destroy it, so it won't last long.

The biosentry has 100 health and actually spawns at 80. So the first thing you should do is repair your biosentry. It will cost you only 5 cells. Since repairing will use 1 cell for 4 health gain for the biosentry. This repair is done all at once and uses all the cells you can give. Reloading the biosentry will cost 25 bullets and will fill the sentry, though I do not know how many darts a biosentry actually has, I have only once see one blow up because it ran out. The other team will usually destroy it long before this happens.
The biosentry also cannot be destroyed by the same team.


With out this ability, you would have twice the task you have now. Id'ing a player is the only way to find out if they need to be healed. I know that you can see a flash when they are below 100 health to signal they need more healing, but after that you cannot tell if they are full or not. A good nurse keeps all her allies at 175. This not only gives you a good reputation, it will buff up your whole team so that punch for punch they will last a lot longer then their enemies. Bind this to the dart launchers firing ability and you will have an extremely effective weapon. 


Support, support, and more support:

Many laugh at how weak the nurse is simply because there are few who know how to play her very well. I being one of them, simply laugh at those people. As I poke them with my darts and lay waste to their defense with my grenades I feed upon this idea, and use it to my advantage. Many think that a nurse against a gunner will loose. Well true, any class will loose if they walk in front of one. But if you can stab one dart into her side then you know eventually unless she gets aid. She has to die. The player can only take so much of the disease before they suicide and remove it for good. You get a frag for this, yep that's right. You induced their suicide, so you get the kill when they took their own life... That is how the nurse gets her power, influence. And for the ones who are stubborn, join up with the next marine and get behind the gunner as she defends her flag. Dropping a grenade on her head and waltzing off with the flag.

To be with the best, not only do you have to keep you team well pumped up and disease free, you need to be a walking supplier as well. The nurse has 200 bullets and 100 cells. Enough to allow the engineer to drop a level 3 sentry in a few seconds and enough to keep the gunner on offense. Binding a key to dropping cells and one to dump ALL your bullets will prove invaluable. You will gain even more respect amongst your allies, and if the enemy sees these actions be sure he will wish he had a nurse that was this useful. The gunners biggest problem is a lack of bullets and by supplying her with yours you will keep your power defender right where she needs to be, in the middle of action. You can do just fine with your monstrous supply of shells for the dart gun and your handy grenades that will make the enemies keep their distance. You should be the busy bee and let you team rely on your frequent visits to the ammo room for them. Do learn what is overkill and don't over exert yourself with healing. A nurse ready for the next major attack is better then one stressed out by constant duties.

The art of double grenading:

What is a double grenading? Heh, well its when two or more enemies attack you and your throwing grenades at them while jumping back and fourth. If you do your job you will get them to end up in the same spot and hopefully your grenade will join the confusion. Resulting in a double kill and a lotta fun. I new grenade tactics were useful, but after a few nights ago when I got two double kills in a row, I actually got to witness its full power in effect. There is no true way to fling the grenade, but aiming to where they might walk is a good tactic. Kinda like the dart gun aiming, the weapon has a longer flight time so you have to adjust your firing accordingly. Always remember though that too much is a bad thing. Never rely only on your grenades or your opponent will get smart and attack you from afar.

Why running can be to your benefit:

The nurse will heal at a rate of 5 hp/sec. Though this may not be enough to keep you from dying, you can prolong death almost indefinitely. Attack and flee, change route, attack again and flee... If you can place a few good darts into your enemies on each run trust me, sooner or later they will come on a head hunting chase. And this is when your tactic will have proven itself. Leaving their post to pursue you, they degrade their base defense. And since you are an easy target to kill, or so they think, they are likely to chase you. That is though, only if they are diseased. So bait them with the dart attack and plug a grenade down their throat when they come after you.

The full use of the dart gun:

The dart gun can launch darts a impressive distance. So you need not be anywhere near those you want to heal. And since snipers lurk around every corner, this might be a good thing. If one should happen to get caught off guard by a sniper while healing a player, the other player will be alerted and stand ready. Now to the topic of healing your team mates. Yes hitting them with the dart heals them, but did you know that running over a dropped dart will also heal them? (this works with disease also) Many times I will go offensive with a team mate behind me. If this happens I will run backwards and shoot darts into the ground, leaving a trail for them to follow and heal by running over each dart. Since you now leave it up to them as to if they allow themselves to be healed or not. You can rest your mouse fingers for a while. And lastly, shooting the enemies from below. Since your darts fly in a narrow arc you can drop a few up on the balcony or upper level from below. This attack from afar will infect your opponents and leave them wondering where you are. If they are angry enough you can encourage them to drop off the ledge and incur more damage as they land. All slowly depleting their life. Likewise you need not fear falling, since you gain health back anyhow.

How to get umpth out of the needler:

Since the needler is such a weak weapon, and since the nurse has very low armor, using it often will get you no where. On pursuing an enemy it is always better to use the machine gun, and on defending yourself the grenade is more then plenty. So why use the needler? Umm.. humm good question, maybe you can find a use?

Why nurse is a powerful player:

Many laugh at how weak the nurse is simply because there are few who know how to play her very well. I being one of them, simply laugh at those people. As I poke them with my darts and lay waste to their defense with my grenades I feed upon this idea, and use it to my advantage. Many think that a nurse against a gunner will loose. Well true, any class will loose if they walk in front of one. But if you can stab one dart into her side then you know eventually unless she gets aid. She has to die. The player can only take so much of the disease before they suicide and remove it for good. You get a frag for this, yep that's right. You induced their suicide, so you get the kill when they took their own life... That is how the nurse gets her power, influence. And for the ones who are stubborn, join up with the next marine and get behind the gunner as she defends her flag. Drop a grenade on her head and waltzing off with the flag.

© 2000 HellBringer [IH]