Service Dogs
Service Dogs
What Service Dogs Do
Is a Service Dog for You
How to Get a Service Dog
The Right Dog
The Right Source
The Right Trainer
The Right Training
Your Goals
Your Resources
Getting Ready for a Service Dog
Health Care
When You Get a Service Dog
Working in Public

The Purpose of this site is to help persons who are considering a service dog in their lives to learn about and prepare for the process of obtaining and owning a service dog. 
Many questions can be explored before contacting a service dog provider.  If you are prepared, a great deal of time can be saved in locating a provider, a trainer, and a service dog.  The process of obtaining a service dog is very time-consuming, detailed, and often frustrating.  Participation in the homework  exercises suggested in this website will guide you through much of the process, and help you to answer many of the questions that you will have.
Hopes and Dreams
You need to be sure that your Hopes and Dreams about a service dog match up with the reality of actually getting and having a service dog.  A great investment in time and money is usually involved in the process of obtaining a service dog.  Many times, persons find that the experience of getting a service dog can be difficult.  Basing your Hopes and Dreams on one provider, one trainer, or one dog can set you up for disappointment.  Keep your mind and options open, and be aware that the placement and training of service dogs is as much an art as a science.
Portions of this material will suggest activities in which you are encouraged to participate.  By making lists, answering questions, researching suggested topics, and physically practicing specific movements, you are preparing for a service dog in your life.  These activities are designed to bring you closer to obtaining a service dog. 
When you see directions in this redder color, that means you are supposed to do the activity suggested.  Make a list means actually write down words related to the topic.  These lists will be very useful to you in the process of getting a service dog.  If you make the list or answer the questions, you will be organized when your trainer or provider organization asks you for this information.

If you are a person visiting this site who has information, comments, stories, opinions or other input on this topic that would be helpful and could be included on the Comments and Input page for this topic, please email:

Education and Support for People and Service Dogs