The word 'study' means the process of applying the mind to
acquire knowledge. This is something that truly takes discipline.
The Lord says we are to study to show ourselves approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The Holy scriptures are our road map while we are here on this earth. They are pages that are filled with life. How to overcome trials, temptations, heartache. How to be saved. How to love our neighbor as our self.

With a lot of false doctrine that is going around, we need to have the word of God in our hearts so that we will know what is truth, and what is not. Jesus said that His sheep would hear His voice and a stranger they would not follow. But how can we hear His voice if we do not know who He is? We learn of Him through His word.

 It seems that this is one of the areas that the devil will fight a child of  God the most. The enemy knows that if we get the word of God rooted in us, sown on good ground that we would become a threat to his kingdom.

I myself as a Christian want to be a threat to the devil's kingdom I can only fight the enemy with the Lord by my side, and the
word of God. When Jesus dwelt on this earth, when the devil
would ~try~ to tempt Him, Jesus would use the word against him. We can do the same!

The bible says that He sent the Word, and healed them.
The word of God will heal us, mend us save us!! So let's study
God's word, know who He is. Listen to what He has to say to us
through His word. We talk to God through prayer. He wants to
talk to us through His word!

God bless you!







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Midi is used with permission, and is entitled True Love.
An Original composition by Yuko Ohigashi © Copyright 2001.
Click on her banner to visit her wonderful site.