Website News

Online (at last!) (xmas 2002) Arachnid -x-

Yay, we're online, and it's about time too! (It's only taken me 3 years!!!). Bits will be updated when we can updated them, but I'm having major computer problems, along the lines on half the pages going missing, and FrontPage deciding that it doesn't want to update, but we'll get there somehow!!! I'm Arachnid, the webmistress.

Seasons Greetings!(xmas 2002) Arachnid -x-

Contact HPWeb!! (xmas 2002) Arachnid -x-

The e-mail and order forms are now working, so e-mail me and tell us what you think!

Happy New Year! (1st Jan 2003) Arachnid -x- 

Happy New Year from HPWeb!!!

Meet Cookie! (13th Feb 03) Arachnid -x-

As you may have gathered, I need some help, so I want you all to meet Cookie, my new super-duper helper. She's going to take over some of the work, so that hopefully we can get things running a bit smoother around here!

Valentine's day (14th Feb 03)

To celebrate, we want you to tell us which HP characters are going to pair up. Click here for more information on how to send in your rumours!

New Feature (15th Feb 03) Cookie -x-

Our first feature is now online for you guys to read! It studies Real Witchcraft. There will hopefully be many more of these special features to come. Read our Special Features.

Holidays! (22nd Feb 03) Cookie -x-

Arachnid and I are both on half term this week, so we should get at least another BIG chunk of the site online, if not the whole thing, but that depends of getting out Arachnid's old hard drive, so that could be interesting! Anyway, there's loads to go up, and I mean loads. We don't know how much of it is actually working at the mo' though, so if you find (and you probably will) broken links.....please tell us, and we'll try and sort them!

We're still having problems with the site not updating properly, which is why it hasn't been updated for over a month. We think there could be a solution though....wait and see!!! where you started! (23rd Feb 03) Arachnid -x-

One major problem with the site at the moment is that the icon at the bottom of each screen still doesn't work! We're very sorry about this, we know that it is incredibly annoying, but bear with us and we'll try to sort it out...eventually!!! 

Also, we've heard that the site is coming up with an error on page warning when it loads up. Well, we can't find one, so all we can suggest is that you completely ignore this!


Update 2morrow (23rd Feb 03) Arachnid -x- & Cookie -x-

We've been working really hard 2day, and the site is ready to be updated, and most of it (not including a serve absence of cast and crew pages) is now (hopefully) up and running. If the computer will co-operate it'll be up 4 u all 2 read by 2morrow evening! We're going now, because we've worked really hard!!!

Divination (24th Feb 03) Cookie -x-

Read our Brand new Special Feature of Divination. It's ace!

Congratulations to Cookie! (1st March 03) Arachnid -x-

Congratulations to Cookie, who is now a joint webmistress. I would like to personally thank her for all the hard work she's done on this site, and it's mostly thanks to her that it is now looking so great!

Update (15th Mar 03) Arachnid -x- & Cookie -x-

We've finished off Emma's page, and updated our own pages a bit. Also, we've added another Special Feature about the Simpsons take-off of Harry Potter. Loads more has been done too. Hope u all like it!!!

New Pics About (15th Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

We've been scattering HPWeb with some new graphics to cheer it up a bit more. Tell us what you think about them: are they cool or naff?!

to Sean Biggerstaff, who is 20 today. To the rumours that he will be cut from PoA, we're behind you all the way, Sean. 

Leave birthday messages for Emma (16th Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

Emma's birthday is on 15th April. If you would like to leave her a special birthday message, click here.

New Fonts(29th Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

We now have some cool new Harry Potter fonts, so the whole site will be updated very soon using the Harry Potter fonts. Funky!

Update (30th Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

Happy Mothers Day!

Right, the site has been updated with the new fonts, and a few new pics dotted around for good measure too. The alignment on some pages is a bit skew-whiff, but I think I've now sorted that on here so that it'll be OK when it's new updated, which might even be this afternoon, if you're lucky! I'm about to get to work on getting some more cast pages up, so they'll hopefully be there next time you look!!! 

New Look? (30th Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

We've been thinking of giving the site a new look. It may not happen until at least Easter, but we want to know what you think: keep it how it is, or re-vamp it?

New Pages and buttons (31st Mar 03)  Cookie -x-

We haven't decided about the new look yet, but we are going to change the buttons at the top of each page that link you to the rest of the site. This is because the site has developed so much since we designed those buttons that we now want to make it easier for you to get to certain places than others.

We've also added tons of new pages. Sean Biggerstaff's and Bonnie Wright's profiles are now up.

We also have a whole new section called Ask Madam Pomfrey, which is an agony aunt part of the site. Up soon will also be the Pomfrey Pages, which will give you advice about lots of different issues.

We hope you enjoy all the new additions. There is loads more cast stuff to come, so keep an eye out for it!

New Cast Pages online! (4th Apr 03) Arachnid -x-

There are loads of new cast pages up now, and they are looking fab! They are mostly under the 'Other Gryffindors' section. They have been updated in the order that they are on the list, so The ones nearest the top are online, but the ones at the bottom are coming soon! They will be up by the end of the Easter Holidays.

Meet our new helpers! (4th Apr 03) Arachnid -x-

We'd like to introduce our new additions to the webteam, Kasey and Cassie.  They won't really do that much, but they will help us with deadlines and major updates. Their main job is to keep my eyes out for any news, and help to read e-mails and come up with new ideas. 

No Updates (4th Apr 03) Arachnid -x- 

There will be no updates during the first week of the Easter holidays, because we are all going to be on holiday! There may also be few during the second week of the holidays, and the two weeks afterwards due to Exam revision. We will, however, get up any major news over the period. Sorry.

Happy Easter (4th Apr 03)