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Transceiver | Computer Interface | Lamp Module | Appliance Module | Light Switch

Duplex Outlet | Universal Remote | Palm Pad | Motion Sensor | Relay

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The Transceiver is the heart of the system. It receives signals from the remote controls, palm pads, motion sensors, or computer interface and sends the signal into the house wiring for transmission to the device being controlled. The transceiver is set to a "house code" of "a" through "p" and a "unit number" of  1 or 9. A lamp can be plugged in a receptacle located in the bottom of the unit, although it is only an on/off control and can not be dimmed. A single transceiver can control up to 15 other devices set to the same "house code". For more than 16 devices a second transceiver is necessary that is set to a different house code. Remote controllers are set to control a specific house code.

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The Computer Interface is actually a small memory storage device that connects to your computer serial port. It has an internal clock that is synchronized with your computer and receives commands programmed through a user friendly program run on your computer. After uploading information to the interface, the interface can be disconnected from the computer or the computer can be turned off. The commands and macros are executed into the house wiring at  preset times or by remote control. You can turn on the lights before you get up in the morning or when you come home at night, run pumps, fans or anything else you'd like to run on an automated basis including lights coming on at a preset brightness level.

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The Lamp Module is one of the most basic devises. It can run a resistive load (i.e.: an incandescent light bulb) of up to 300 watts. The top black dial is set to a unit number and the lower red dial is set to a house code. You can run as many devices as you'd like controlled concurrently by setting them to the same house and device codes. Any lamp plugged in can be dimmed with the remotes.

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The Appliance Module looks the same as the lamp module but instead of using electronic switching it uses a small relay so that it can control inductive loads such as motors and fluorescent lighting. It can not be dimmed.

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The Light Switch replaces any current light switch in your house. The little red and black dials set the house and unit codes. The switch is a push button that can be operated at the switch or through the remotes, motion sensors or commands stored in the computer interface. Units are available to use in three-way switch applications. The switch is rated at 500 watts incandescent.

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This Duplex Outlet  takes the place of a regular outlet. The top outlet is X-10 controlled rated at 15 amps resistive load.  The bottom outlet is a regular uncontrolled outlet.

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The Universal Learning Remote makes you feel like you have remote control of the universe! It can control 9 different types of devices. In our house the TV, satellite dish, cable, Sony digital pre-amp, CD player, VCR and all the lights are controlled from one unit. . . well, actually we have five remotes spread out around the house. Pressing the X-10 button and then pressing the "power" button turns on all of the lights on the same house code. Pressing X-10 and then pressing the "mute" button turns all lights on the same house code off. That's really handy when it's time to go to bed and you don't want to walk around making sure all the lights are off inside and out. Pressing the X-10 button and then a number such as "7" lets you dim number 7 by using the volume buttons. The remote sends out radio signals for X-10 control and infrared for line of sight devices.

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The Palm Pad lets you control any X-10 device. It has up and down buttons which are used in conjunction with a particular number to allow dimming. We glued a magnetic business card that someone gave us to the back and stuck it to the refrigerator. It's used all the time. Any key on any controller can be programmed to execute a "macro". A macro is a sequence of commands to one or more different devices.

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The Motion Sensor works by sensing body heat. It sends a radio signal to the transceiver to turn on a particular unit number. After a preprogrammed amount of time it sends an off signal. More motion resets the timer to start the off countdown again. We use this in a couple of rooms where the light switches are hard to get at and in some closets so the light comes on when the doors are opened.

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The Relay helps extend the range of the radio signals from one end of the house to the other. It "catches" the signals from the controllers and then resends the signals to the transceiver..

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