To my husband, Terry Richards:


How do I say 'Thanks?'


You have scooped poop and handed out a ton of cookies...

You have celebrated our successes and comforted me in our defeats...

You had a bottle of champagne on ice when our first champion finished...

You helped a dog with a torn-up shoulder, up and down and out 

to potty - for 37 days...

You tenderly tube fed fading puppies, and comforted an old one

 recovering from surgery...

You never complained about the vet bills, food bills or entry fees...

A week after knee surgery you were out on crutches, breaking the ice from the water buckets - in 12" of snow...

You helped me spin castles in the air, dream impossible dreams and kept going when I wanted to quit...


You are truly the 'Iron' in Ironhorse...


Thanks honey,





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Some of the photos throughout this site courtesy of Touchstone and Kantera Kennels.

Freddie & Terry Richards. Bend, Oregon USA


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LAST UPDATED: 20th November, 2002