IMAGE of 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment Heading

The War of the Rebellion:
Compilation of the Official Records
of the Union & Confederate Armies
The following is a list of the Official Records as pertaining to the Confederate reports regarding the events relating to the Battle of Shiloh -- April 6-7, 1862 in which the 18th Louisiana endured a devestating loss of men.These records give some historical details as to activities with regards to the regiment that my ancestor, Placide Fabien Richard, Pvt., Co. K., 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment served with during the American Civil War.

Each record that contains a referrence to the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment is listed below. If you would care to read the official record, click on the corresponding belt buckle and you will be taken to that document. Some records contain only referrences in passing while others contain detailed information with regards to the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment.

By reading each of the following Official Records in sequence, one can get a very good overall picture of the events leading to and occuring on the first day of battle at Shiloh -- Sunday, April 6, 1862.

A later section, currently in the making, will again sequence the events of that fateful day -- only this time from the federal side of the battlefield. Each Official Record offers additional details that can help a "student of the 18th Louisiana" begin to obtain a little clearer picture of those events at Shiloh.

A still later section, also in the early stages of completion, will focus in a similar fashion on the subsequent skirmishes/battles of the 18th Louisiana through the Red River Campaign and the Battle of Mansfield.

Additional information, comments, corrections, modifications to the list will be welcomed. Please forward them to the e-mail listed below.

Confederate Official Records
OR's Making Referrence to the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME 7 [S#7] [pp #909-910]
Correspondence, Orders, and Returns Relating to Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabama, and Southwest Virginia from November 19, 1861, to March 4, 1862.
Confederate Corresponce, Etc. --5
Headquarters C. S. Forces,
Corinth, Miss., February 26, 1862.
Commanding, Jackson, Tenn.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME 7 [S#7] [pp #891±]
Correspondence, Orders, and Returns Relating to Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Alabama, and Southwest Virginia from November 19, 1861, to March 4, 1862.
Confederate Correspondence, Etc. --4
Hdqrs. First Brigade, Louisiana Volunteers, Corinth, Miss.,
February 18, 1862.
Major-General POLK, Columbus, Ky.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/2 [S#11] [pp #299]
Confederate Correspondence, Orders, and Returns Relating to Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia from March 4 to June 10, 1862. --#1
Jackson, Tenn., March 6, 1862.
Commanding at Corinth, Miss.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/1 [S#10] [pp #8]
MARCH 9-14, 1862.--Expedition toward Purdy and operations about Crump's Landing, Tenn.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/1 [S#10] [pp #93-98]
April 6-7, 1862.--Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/1 [S#10] [pp #516-520]
April 6-7, 1862..--Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn.
No. 180. -- Report of Col. Preston Pond, jr., Sixteenth Louisiana Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.

image of la buckle

O.R. -- SERIES I -- VOLUME X/1 [S#10] [pp #521-522]
April 6-7, 1862..--Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn.
No. 182. -- Report of Col. Alfred Mouton, Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry.

image of la buckle

O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME X/1 [S# 10] [pp #527-529]
April 6-7, 1862..--Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn.
No. 185. -- Report of Capt. William H. Ketchum, Alabama Battery.

image of la buckle

O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME X/1 [S# 10] [pp #780-793]
APRIL 29-JUNE 10, 1862--Advance upon and siege of Corinth É
No. 38. -- Report of Col. William P. Johnston, Aide-de-Camp and Special Inspector, in reference to operations in Department No.2.

The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
as illustrated on the CD by Guild Press of Indiana, Inc.


Updated on 7 March 2006...1505:35 CST


image of 18th La kepi

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18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment
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IMAGE of Confederate Belt Buckle




IMAGE of Confederate Belt Buckle