IMAGE of 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment Heading

COMPANY D. Hayes Champions (St. Mary Parish):
18th Regiment Louisiana Infantry

Men Listings M - Z

IMAGE of Louisiana Flag


Note: (7 January 2000):
Revisions made to this page include the following...the men whose names are UNDERLINED have been checked against the Muster Roll pages obtained from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, LA. Some of the pages were unreadable and thus some names could not be verified. The names not verified are transcribed from Booth's Records.

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To go directly to the section of surnames beginning with a specific letter, click on the letter in
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IMAGE of Civil War Headstone

New Feature!!! Added on 6 June 2000
Louisiana Confederate Civil War Soldier DataBase
Look for the Confederate Headstone and Click on the Link Veterans: Burial Sites
You will then be taken to a wonderful site by Mr. N. Wayne Cosby entitled Some Confederate Soldiers Buried in Louisiana and Some Louisiana Confederate Soldiers Buried in Other States where information relating to the burial site of this Louisiana Civil War soldier is located.


Mack, Thomas, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick in Regtl. Hospl., Corinth, since Feb. 19, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent at Chattanooga with Regtl. Wagon. Rolls Jan., 1863, to June, 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file). Remarks: Present.

Mahaney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1862. Rolls to June 30, 1862, dated —, 1862, Absent, wounded battle July 1. Rolls to Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls to May, 1863, Absent, taken prisoner May 3, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Forwd. to Ft. Delaware, Del., from Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., May 7, [p.842] 1863. Paroled for exchange —, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., May 23, 1863. Rolls to Aug. 31, 1863, Present. Rolls to Dec., 1863, Absent, sick, since Oct. 8, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Winchester, April 24, 1865. Born Ireland, occupation laborer, age when enlisted 50, single, Res. New Orleans, La.

Malatt, D., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, 18th Cons. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. as Mallet, Ducre. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. April 7, 1862, St. Martinville, La. Remarks: Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled New Iberia, La., June 12, 1865. Res. St. Martinville, La.

Mallet, Dema, Pvt. Co. D, Consolidated 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. April 7, 1862, St. Martinville. Dropped as Deserter.

Malloy, Bernard, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. (En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls for June 30th, 1862 to Aug. 31st, 1862, Present.) [Information in brackets was transcribed from Muster Roll pages obtained from Jackson Barracks, New Olreans.]

Malloy, Edwards, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick, in Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Roll May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to St. James U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La., Nov. 7, 1862. Released from Hospl., Dec. 23, 1862. Paroled on board Prison Ship. New Orleans, La., Jan. 1, 1863. Exchanged from Str. Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Maltien, W.,— Co. D, 18th La. Inf.

Marshall, J. P., Pvt. Co. D, G, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5th 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. On Register of Prisoners of War, confined in Custom House, New Orleans, La., Nov. 2, Released on Oath of Allegiance, Nov. 24.

Martin, Nicholas, Pvt. Co. D, Cons, 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. En. March [p.897] 17, 1862, St. Martinville, La. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, furloughed from Feb. 29, 1864, for 20 days.

Mayeaux, Liandre, — Cos. I and D, 18th La. Inf. En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at Gen. Hospl., New Iberia, La., since Nov. —, 1862. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, sent to Hospl., New Iberia, since June 23, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. I, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Mear, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. (En. Mar. 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for June 30th, 1862 to Aug. 31st, 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. Aug. 1, 1862.) [Information in brackets is transcribed from Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.]

Melancon, Appolinaire Pvt. Co. E, D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, left sick at Camp. near Corinth. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, in St. James, La., since April 18, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, without leave, since Aug. 5, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., New Iberia, La., since Dec. 18, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present, with remarks: Taken prisoner on retreat from Camp Bisland. Took Federal Oath. Returned July 12, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Also on Rolls of Co. B, 18th Cons. Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, guard at Brig. Commsy., since Sept. 15, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. James, La.

Melancon, Jesner, Pvt. Co. D, Consolidated 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Aug. 30, 1862, Camp Pratt, Present.

Messingel, W. F., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Absent, sick, at Gen. Hospl., New Iberia, La., since Feb. 22, 1862.

Meyers, Henry, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Meyers, Thomas, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Deserted since June 30, 1862. Regtl. Return June, 1862, Wounded at Shiloh, April 6 and 7, sick in New Orleans, La., on furlough, dropped.

Michel, Frandoin, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. Calcasieu Par., La.

Miguez, Octave, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured Camp Bisland, April 14, 1863, Paroled May 9, 1863. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present, left Regt. April 15, joined June 29, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent on furlough. Also on Rolls of Co. G, Consolidated 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Meguez, C. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., June 12, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Miller, J., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on file), En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt. Present.

Minchew, Phillip Lafayette, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, home on furlough of 30 days since Oct. 20, order of Gen. Forney. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present.

Molbert, Jean B., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. On List not dated of Conscripts of Par. of St. Martin. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., for exchange. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present. Detailed as Co. cook, Nov. 16, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., July and Aug., 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Molbert, Joseph, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. On List not dated of Conscripts of St. Martin. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. April 7, 1862, St. Martinville, La. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., July —, Aug. —, 1865. Res. St. Martinville, La.

Molbert, Pierre, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., July and Aug., 1865. Res. St. Martinville, La.

Monch, John, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pitts Landing, April 7, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to No. 4 U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Louisville, Ky., April 17, 1862. Transfd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, April 25, 1862. Forwa, to Vicksburg, Miss., to be exchanged. Recd. near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 11, 1862, on Str. John H. Done. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Nov. 10, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Exchanged New Orleans, La., —, 1863.

Monte, Drosan, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Remarks: Guard at Ordnance Depot, New Iberia, La.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Assumption Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Mooney, J. (also borne on Rolls as Mooney, Jacob), Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners [p.1025] of War, Captured Pittsburg Landing, —, 1862. Admitted to No. 4 U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Louisville, Ky., April 17, 1862. Transferred to Camp Chase, Ohio, April 25, 1862. Died at Gen. Hospl., Camp Chase, Ohio, May 18, 1862. Age 25 years, hair black, eyes gray, height 5 ft. 10 in.
IMAGE of Louisiana Flag29 Dec 1999 - Died in Captivity. See "Veterans Burial Sites" Section: Veterans: Burial Sites
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Franklin - Ohio Veterans: Burial Sites

Moore, A., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. June 7, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., June 13, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Motley, R. S., Pvt. Corpl. Co. I, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Shiloh. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Texana Road, Oct. 27, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. On List dated Provost Marshal's Office, New Orleans, La., Jan. 1, 1863, of prisoners of war paroled on board prison ship at New Orleans Jan. 1, 1863, by order of the Maj. Gen. commanding they are confined to the limits of the city and subject to the orders of the Provost Marshal of New Orleans. Roll May and June, 1863, Present on Brigade Guard. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present. Also borne on Rolls of Cos. G and N, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Sergt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to C. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Shreveport, La., May 4, 1864. Transfd. May 18, 1864, Branch Hospl. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Mulhall, John, Pvt. Corpl. Co. D, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. On List dated Corinth, Miss., April 28, 1862, of prisoners of war who returned from the late battle without arms, many of whom were wounded, some seriously. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., while absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Detached with Gen. Bragg, but now present in camp (so on Roll). Rolls from Feb., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Also borne on Rolls of Co. G, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., as Mulholl, John, Corpl. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Munch, Jno., Pvt. 18th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pitts Landing, April 7, —. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, —. (Appears that this soldier is the same as John Munch, Pvt. 18th. La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Oct. 5, 1861....and has $50 bounty due him. This information transcribed from Muster Roll records received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.)

Murphy, William L., Pvt. Co. E, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th Regt. La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls from Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Texana Road, Oct. 27, 1862; wounded. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Exchanged from Steamer Frolic near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863.

Myeaux, J. E., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at Gen. Hospl., New Iberia, since Nov. —, 1862. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll July, and Aug., 1863, Absent. sent to Hospl., New Iberia. since June 23, 1863. On Rolls of Co. E. Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Myeaux, J. L., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. (En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Dec. 31st, 1862 to Feb. 28th, 1863, Absent. Sent to Gen. Hospl., New Iberia. since Nov. ----, 1862.) [Information in brackets transcribed from Muster Roll pages recieved from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.]

Mccauley, Patrick, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Lafourche, Oct. 27, 1862; not yet returned.

Mcfrugel, W. F., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. (En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Dec. 31st, 1862 to Feb. 28th, 1863, Absent. sent to Gen. Hospl., New Iberia. since Feb. 22nd, 1862?) [Information in brackets transcribed from Muster Roll pages recieved from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.]

Mcgraw, S., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Cres. Regt. La. Inf. as McCrane, L. (En. Mar. 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. while on extra duty in Columbus, Ms. Roll for June 30th, 1862 to Aug. 31st, 1862, Present.) [Information in brackets was transcribed from the Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.]

Naquin, Hypolite, Pvt. Co. D, 26th La. Inf. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862 (only Roll on file), En. April 19, 1862. Terrebonne Par., La. Reported present. Federal Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Nezat, Marcelle, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. [p.1279] and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 7, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington, La., June 22, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Nolan, Michael, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Nunez, Felix E., Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., 2nd Lt. Jr. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present.

Obertin, J. J., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Regtl. Return for July, 1862, Transfd. Crescent Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., July 31, 1862, at Tupelo.

O'Brien, Thomas, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Deserted while on guard at Morella Str., Aug. 1, 1862.

Odenwald, A. H. C., Corpl. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt., Sergt., as Odenwald, Ah. E., and OdenWald, A. H. C. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to 18th La. Inf., appointed 1st Corpl. from ranks Aug. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, [p.14] Absent. Apptd. from Corpl. Dec. 1, 1862; prisoner in hands of the enemy. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent; prisoner in hands of the enemy.

O'Meallie, H. M.(also borne on Rolls as O'Mallie, Hy. M.), Pvt. Co. I, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present on fatigue duty in camp. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Apptd. from ranks to 2nd Corps. and Transfd. from Cres. Regt. La. Inf. to 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Texana Road, Oct. 27, 1862. Promoted 3rd Sergt. from Private, Nov. 22. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Lafourche. La., Oct. 27, 1862. Exchanged from Steamer Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863. (According to Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, this soldier served in Co. D.)

O'Meallie, James, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick, in Regtl. Hospl., Corinth, since Feb. 17. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Acting Sergt. Major with detachment at Camp Doctrine. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, left sick at Camp, Aug. 30, 1863. Also borne on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Sergt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detached Pro. Marshal at Alexandria, since Feb. 12, 1864. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Ope, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll for July and Aug., 1862 (only Roll on file). Present or absent not stated.

Oubre, Jean Baptiste, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file). En. Sept. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll states Present.

Patin, August, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file). En. Aug. 30, 1862. Camp Pratt. La. Detalled as Co. Cook, since Nov. 16, 1864.

Perey, William, Corpl. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Discharged for disability. Feb. 17, 1862.

Peters, Daniel Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. F, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll states Present. (Rolls for June 30th, 1862 to Aug. 31st, 1862. Transferred from Cres. Aug. 1, 1862. Sergt. from April. 30th to Aug. 1st. Promoted to *** Aug. ****). [According to Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, this soldier appears to be listed in the rolls of Co. D. as Peters, Dan. Pvt. Information in brackets was transcribed from Co. D Muster Roll pages.]

New Soldier Added on 5 July 2000
Pierce, W. J., Corpl., Co. D, 18th La. Inf.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Chemung, New York Veterans: Burial Sites

Pietre, Jule, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Porter, Nathaniel, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., [p.177] 1861, Deceased in Regtl. Hospl., Nov. 7, 1861.

Postlewaith, J. J., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt., as Postlewaithe, John S. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, detached on Gen. Ruggles' Staff. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent. Transfd. from Cres. to 18th La. Inf. while detailed with Gen. Ruggles. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, detached as clerk in Gen. Ruggles' Adjt. General's Office, Jackson, Miss. Roll May and June, 1862, Dropped, being detailed outside of the Dept. Dropped in accordance with Regtl. Orders dated June 20, 1863. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Prather, T. A., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on file), En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt. Roll states Present.

Pregent, Valmon, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En, Aug. 30, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Roll states Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at [p.196] Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

IMAGE of Louisiana Flag18 December 2000 - Contact with possible decendant: Kristie Hart

IMAGE of Louisiana Flag

18 December 2000 - Check out the Prejeans of Louisiana and Acadia
for additional details on the Prejean family of Southwest Louisiana

Prejean, D. (Dominique), Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent, left Dec. 25, 1862. Rejoined Regt. June 8, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent in New Iberia Hospl. as nurse but never regularly detailed. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Private.
IMAGE of Louisiana Flag18 December 2000 - Contact with possible decendant: Kristie Hart

IMAGE of Louisiana Flag

18 December 2000 - Check out the Prejeans of Louisiana and Acadia
for additional details on the Prejean family of Southwest Louisiana

IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Lafayette Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Prejean, (Andre) Valerien, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow [p.197] Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Pregent, Vallerin. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.
Civilian Data: (3 January 2002) Andre Valerien Prejean was born on 23 October 1832. He was married to Olympe THIBODEAUX. It is not stated as to how many children that this marriage produced. A check of the Confederate Pension Applications on file at the Archives in Baton Rouge indicates an application on file in the name of Felicia AUBE and in the name of Olympe THIBODEAUX. He is laid to rest at the St. Pierre Catholic Church Cemetery in Carencro, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana.
IMAGE of Louisiana Flag18 December 2000 - Contact with decendant: Kristie Hart

IMAGE of Louisiana Flag

18 December 2000 - Check out the Prejeans of Louisiana and Acadia
for additional details on the Prejean family of Southwest Louisiana

IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Lafayette Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Purcell, Michael, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent with leave since June 17, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present.

Rabballe, Ones, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll states present.

Rachal, John B., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Persent. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present, left Regt., April 20, and rejoined June 8, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present or absent not stated. (Cook for the Regt.)

Ransonet, Octave, Corpl. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), [p.248] En. Nov. 5, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll states present.

Ransonet, Ovid, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. April 7, 1862, St. Martinsville. Roll states present.

Reed, William P., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. July 1, 1863. Camp Reserve. Present on Roll to Aug., 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt., as Reed, W. P. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War. C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: De Soto Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Revillion, J. J.., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt, La. Present on Roll to Feb., 1863. Rolls June, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent. detached with Capt. Patten, Brig, Commsy. Also on Rolls of Co. E. Cons, 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (last Roll on file), En. Feb. 1, 1863, Camp Fausse Pt. Absent, detached with Capt. Patten, Brig. Commsy., since April 10, 1863. as Clerk.

Richard, T., — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll o which borne), En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt, for the war. Roll states present.

Richard, Theophile, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Aug. 30, 1862, Camp Pratt. Absent, furloughed 15 days from Feb. 14, 1864.

Riley, William B., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured and paroled at Labadieville, La., or Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted Nov. 7, 1862, to St. James U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Retd. to duty Dec. 23, 1862. Exchanged from Steamer Frollc, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863. Rolls June 30, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, detached as Hospl. Nurse at Marksville, La.

Robichaux, James, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 6, 1862, Camp Pratt. Absent, detailed with Provost Guard at Alexandria, La., Feb. 13, 1864.

Ryland, A. W., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Remarks: Absent, sick, at Marksville, La., since Dec. —. 1862.

Sadler, C., Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, (18th) Cons. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt., as Sadler, Chas. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 186–. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Transfd. to Co. F, 18th La. Inf., from Cres. Regt., for —, and discharged on account of disability, Aug. 22, 1862. (18th.)

Sapp, A. ,— Co. D, 18th La. Inf. On List dated Hdqrs. Army of Potomac, 11th Corps, Sept. 30, 1862, of Prisoners taken and paroled at Warrenton, Va., Sept. 30, 1862.

Schexnaydre, Theodole, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 4, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. Remarks: Present, returned from Desertion Feb. 12, 1864.

Selman, Thos. (Eelman?), Pvt. 18th La. Inf. Co. D. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., for exchange, May 23, 1863, in exchange for Federal Prisoners held in Texas.

Senayder, W. S., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Franklin, La., June 14, 1865. Res. Lafourche Par., La.

Sharrocks, John W., Pvt. Sergt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent, left at Mansura, sick, on June 10, 1862, by Regtl. Surgeon. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present.

Sherman, E., Corpl. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt, Present to Feb., 1863. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent with leave since June 20, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. 1st Corpl. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Feb. 1, 1863, Camp Fausse, Pt. Absent, on furlough for 30 days, since Feb. 13, 1864, by Special Order No. 41.

Shipman, W. C., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt. and Corpl. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, Apptd. 1st Corpl., Dec. 1, 1862, Prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug. 1, 1863, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present. On Return dated Camp Buckner, near Alexandria, La., Dec. 31, 1864, of deceased soldiers, Died in action at Mansfield, April 8, 1862.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone12 July 2000 - Burial Site: De Soto Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Simon, Aurelin, — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 26, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. Absent on sick furlough in Vermilion Par., La.

Sittig, R., Pvt. Co. D. 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt. Roll states Present. On Register of Prisoners of War, dated April 30, 1863, Dept. of the Gulf, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Smith, F. M., Pvt. Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862. Present, Transfd, from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, prisoner in the hands of the enemy. On List dated Provost Marshal's Office, New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1863, of prisoners of war paroled on board prison ship at New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1863, by order of the Maj. Gen. commanding. They are confined to the limits of the city and subject to the orders of the Provost Marshal of New Orleans. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, prisoner in hands of the enemy.

Smith, M. A., — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. F, Cres. Regt. La., Pvt. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Present on Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1863, Present. Detailed as Ambulance Driver, Nov. 9, 1862. order Col. A. W. Bosworth and Lt. Col. Soule.

Sneeder, Nicholas , (Snider?)Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. On List dated Camp near Corinth, Miss., April 28, 1862, of men returned from Battle of Shiloh. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, taken Prisoner at Battle of Lafourche, Oct. 27, 1862; not yet returned. (Entries from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans Muster Roll pages show name as Snider.)

Soigne, Philemon, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pittsburg, April 3, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted April 4, 1862, to U. S. A. Prison Hospl., Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill. Released from Hospl., May 19, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Guard at Provost Marshal's, New Iberia. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt., as Soigne, P. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present.

Sollier, L., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. (En. Jan. 28, 1862, Camp Pratt, La.) [Information transcribed from Muster Roll pages received from Jackson Barracks, New Orleans.]

Songy, John D., Pvt. Co. A, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. On Register of Prisoners of War, Dept. of the Gulf, dated April 25, 1863, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Exchanged New Orleans, La., —, 1863. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1863. Present, with remarks: Absent without leave from April 13, 1863, to July 10. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt., as Songy, J. D. Roll dated Feb. 29, 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. John the Baptist Par., La.

Sonner, J., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. as Sonnier, Joseph, Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. June 6, 1862, Camp Pratt, La., [p.649] for the War. Roll states Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., June 13, 1865. Res. St. Charles Par., La. (Also Sonnier, Joe)
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. Martin Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Sonnier, Villeor, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. March 17, 1862, St. Martinsville, La. Absent. Detailed with Provost Grd. at Alexandria, La., Feb. 13, 1864.

Spence, G. M. (George M.), Pvt. Co. A, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent on duty at Beauregard's Hdqrs. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1863, Present. Also borne on Rolls of Co. C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., as Spence, George M., Pvt. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone12 July 2000 - Burial Site: Orleans Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Spinks, R. T., — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Moore, La. Roll states Present.

Stansberry, Livy, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. May 7, 1862, Camp Pratt. Dropped as a Deserter.

Stansbury, Lawrence, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862

Stansbury, Thomas, Pvt. Corpl. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Discharged and final statement given. Roll May and June, 1863, Deserted June 30, 1862.

Stoddard, G. W., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Present on Rolls to June, 1862. Regtl. Return July, 1862, Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., July 30, 1862. Failed to report. Roll to Aug., 1862, Discharged, over age, Aug. 1, 1862.

Suiter, P. H., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Swallow, L., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 28 or Feb. 1, 1863. Camp Pratt. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Left Regt., April 17, rejoined Regt., June 8, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present.

Tatout, Felix F., 3rd Sergt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 1, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Taylor, Lewis, — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Jan. 28, 1863. Remarks: Present.

Terrio, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll of Prisoners of War of Companies and Regiments C. S. A., Paroled Washington, La., June 16, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Thibadeaux, Alen ,— Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 26, 1862. Remarks: Absent, sick, at General Hospl., New Iberia, since Nov. —, 1862.

Thibadeaux, Peter, — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 26, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Thibadeaux, Placide, — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Jan. 28, 1863. Remarks: Present.

Thibodeau, Clemar, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, June 17, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Thibodeau, Desire P. (also on Rolls as Thibadeaux, Desire P.), Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. St. Martinsville, March 17, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Thibodeau, Risner L. (also on Rolls as Thibodeaux, Risner L.), Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Aug. 30, 1862. Remarks: Present. Returned from desertion, Feb. 12, 1864.

Thibodeau, Sevigner (also on Rolls as Thibodeaux, Sevigus), Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Bisland, June 17, 1863. Remarks: Present.

Thompson, H. J., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Jan. 28, 1863. Present on Roll to Feb., 1863. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent, detached with Brigade Commissary. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, placed on guard at Clear Creek, in June last, then ordered by Capt. Patton to drive wagon. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th [p.819] Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detached Provost Guard since Feb. 12, 1864.

Tierselin, Aime (also on Rolls as Tearcelin, A.), Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, July 17, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Brass Works, April 14, 1863. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detailed in Ordnance Dept. at Alexandria, Aug. 29, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War of detailed men in Ordnance Dept., Dist. of West La. and Ark., C. S. A., Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Tizly, Jacob, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, in some Hospl. in Mississippi, unknown to the Co. Commander. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, since Shiloh.

Tooley, H., Pvt. Co. K, 18th La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1862 (only Roll on which borne). En. —. Remarks: Transfd. to Co. D, Aug. 2, 1862.

New Soldier Added on 5 July 2000
Trahan, Desire, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Vermillion Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Trahan, Dorsoles (also on Rolls as Teahant, D.), Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 26, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Under sentence of G. C. M. for desertion. Rolls from June 30, 1863, to Aug, 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. as Trahan, D., Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present.

Trahan, Emile, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick, in Regtl. Hospl., Corinth, since Feb. 25, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Dropped Jan. 18, 1863, on account of desertion. Also on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Trahan, E., Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, sick, in Taylor Hospl., since Feb. 12, 1864.

Trahant, J. B., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 26, 1862. Remarks: Absent, straggling on the route.

Trahant, Prudent, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Cox, July 10, 1863. Remarks: Present.

Trahant, Victor, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 26, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present or absent not stated, under sentence of G. C. M. for desertion. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present. Also on Rolls of Cos. E, D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Trahan, V., Pvt., Corpl. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present.

Trahon, Joseph, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 17, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Trousdale, D. P. (also on Rolls as Trousdale, W. R.), Corpl. Sergt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Walsh, James, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick, in Regtl. Hospl., Corinth, since Feb. 25, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to 1st Miss. C. S. A. Hospl., Jackson, Miss., March 27, 1862. Returned to duty April 15, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, in some Hospl. in Miss. unknown to the Company Commander.

Walsh, John (also on Rolls as Wabch, John), Pvt. Sergt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Apptd. 3rd Sergt., Aug. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War Captured and paroled at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Lafourche, Oct. 27, 1862; not yet returned.

Wann, Samuel, Jr., Pvt. Drummer Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862. Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Apptd. Drummer Dec. 17, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug. 1, 1863, Present.

White, J. G., — Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt., as White, John G. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. On List dated Corinth, Miss., April 28, 1862, of men who returned from the late battle without arms, many of whom were wounded, some seriously. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent without leave. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, transferred from Cres. Regt. La. Inf. while absent, sick. On List dated the following receipt: Recd. Oct. —, 1862, from Capt. H. M. Lazelle, U. S. A. Agent for Exchange of Prisoners, the following named Prisoners of War heretofore paroled on the Steamer Louis d'Or, near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Hospital Clerk, New Iberia. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, clerk in Medical Director's Dept. Also borne on Rolls of Co. G, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detailed as clerk to Medical Director, Shreveport, La.

White, John, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Deserted since June 30, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Carpenter on the Gunboat Hart at New Iberia. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent, sent with detachment to Berwick's Bay. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present.(See John David White below)

New Soldier Added on 5 July 2000
White, John David, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf.
Additional Information (9 July 2002): John David White was born on 24 April 1834. He was married to Louisa STRICKLAND. This union produced at least 13 children. Their children were: Solomon, Silas F., Angeline L., James Monroe, Harvey Dewitt, John Hines, Massie M., Mae M., Irene E., Marcus Richard, Leslie B., Beasy D., and Emma V. White. According to family records, John D. survived the war after serving in Co. D. of the 18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment. His civilian occupation was that of a farmer. John D. passed away on 10 May 1907 and was laid to rest at the White family cemetery in Arcola, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. According to the Confederate Pension Records on file at the Archives in Baton Rouge, John D. White filed an application for a Confederate Pension. This file contains some eleven pages. The material contained in this application also states that besides (?) the 18th Louisiana, John D. served in the following Confederate units: Co. C., 9th Battalion (Wingfield's) Louisiana Cavalry; Co. C., 3rd (Wingfield's) Regiment, Louisiana Infantry; and Richardson's Co., Wingfield's Regiment. The information presented here was generously supplied by the Great great grandson to John David White, Ronald W. Mitchell.
IMAGE of Louisiana Flag7 July 2002 - Contact with descendant: Ronald W. Mitchell
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: Tangiphoa Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Whitman, Nicolas, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Whittaker, W. A., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. F, Pvt. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., as Whittaker, William A. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent. on sick furlough, by Surgeon. 40 days from June 8, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., while absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent without leave. N. B.–Presumed to be the same as Whittaker, William A., of the 7th La. Cav.–A. B. Booth, Commissioner.

Wilson, James C., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. The said Wilson was taken prisoner at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, and came back to his Regt. the 24th inst. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pitts Landing, Tenn., April 7, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to No. 4 U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Louisville, Ky., April 17, 1862. Wound in right ankle. Sent to Gen. Hospl., Camp Chase, April 25, 1862. Transfd. Camp Chase, Ohio, April 28, 1862. Forwd. to Vicksburg, Miss., to be exchanged. Recd. Vicksburg, Miss., from Steamer Jno. H. Done, Sept. 11, 1862. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Nov. 10, 1862. Age 20, height 5 ft. 9 in., hair black, eyes brown.

Yorndof, S., Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Deserted. Furloughed April 12, —, for 30 days at expiration of which his name was droppepd as he did not report. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Also borne on Rolls of Co. D, 18th La. Inf., as Yorndu, S.

Yost, Eneas, Pvt. Corpl. Co. I, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, On police guard. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at the Battle of Texana Road, Oct. 27, 1862. Promoted to 4th Corpl., Nov. 22, —. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Exchanged from Steamer Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Roll May and June, 1863, Deserted. Taken prisoner at Franklin, April 14, —. Refused to be exchanged.

Yrong, G., Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt. Rolls of Prisoners of War of companies and regiments, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La., June 13, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Zehler, Charles C. (Zehlar, Charles C.; Zeller, C. C.; Zellare, Caesar), Pvt. Co. A, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La. Also borne on Rolls to Co. C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., as Zeller, C. C., Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, [p.1189] Absent, furloughed 15 days, from Feb. 25, 1864.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone12 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. James Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Zeringue, Balthasar, Pvt. Co. D. Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which borne), En. St. Martinsville, April 7, 1862. Remarks: Present.

New Soldier Added on 5 July 2000
Zeringue, Sosthene, Pvt. Co. D. Cons. 18th Regt. La. Inf.
IMAGE of Civil War Headstone5 July 2000 - Burial Site: St. Martin Parish - Louisiana Veterans: Burial Sites

Zimmerman, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Oct. 5, 1861. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862. Deserted since June 30, 1864.

IMAGE of 18th Louisiana: Bisland Banner

>IMAGE of Rebel Flag

Updated on 7 March 2006...1505:35 CST


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18th Louisiana Infantry Regiment
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IMAGE of Confederate Belt Buckle