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Currently there are only seven Python species in the collection, although recent taxonomy debates would mean that I only have six, due to the Calabar Python/Boa being classed as a Boa. However throughout this I will refer to them as Pythons.
Sumatran Short Tailed Python
(Python curtus curtus)
Origin: Asia, Sumatra
Size attained: 84 inches
Info: This species is considered to be the nominate form of the three short tailed pythons (Python curtus brongersmai, and Python curtus breitensteini being the others). The Sumatran form is a uniform black, with white side flecks, and sometimes, brown markings.
Borneo Short Tailed Python
(Python curtus breitensteini)
Origin: Asia, Borneo
Size Attained: 84 inches
Info: The Borneo variety is the most commonley encountered snake of the three curtus subspecies. It is usually a uniform tan colour, with white and yellow stripes and blotches.
Malaysian Blood Python
(Python curtus brongersmai)
Origin: Asia, Malaysia
Size attained: 84 inches
Info:This shy snake occur's in swamps and humid environments throughout Asia. In their home range however, thousands of these beautiful snakes are killed each year for boots and belts. 
Sawu Is. Python
(Liasis (mackloti) savuensis)
Origin: Sawu Island, off Indonesia
Size attained: 48 inches
Info:This small species was first classified as Liasis maklotti savuensis, a sub species of the larger more aggresive Maklotts Python, instead of being classified as its own species. Various debates have been but forward in recent years and today, alot more work still needs to be done on the taxonomy of this species and in the conservation of the Sawu Island itself before it becomes to late for this snake.
Green Tree Python
(Morelia viridis)
(Sorong and Waigeo Island Form's)
Origin:Australia(Cape York),PNG, West Papua & surronding Islands
Size Attained: 54 inches
Info: The Green Tree Pythons (also known as 'chondros' after their former name) are one of the most well known snake species within the herpetological world. Adults are green, with variable flecks of yellow, white and blue, depending on the race. Babies can be red, yellow, or even dark brown/black.
Calabar Python, Calabar Boa, African Burrowing Boa/Python
(Calabaria reinhardtii,Charina reinhardtii )
Origin: West Africa
Size attained: 36 inches
Info: My two females are from Nature by Design in Chester, a reputable reptile shop. My new male lacks any white markings on his tale and is a lighter brow than useual. My newest 5 individuals were purchased privately.
The Calabar Python is also known as the Calabar Ground Boa. This is due to its appearance which is like that of both Rosy and Rubber Boas. It uses the same method of defence as the Rubber Boa aswell. The only difference is that Calabar Pythons lays eggs like all other Pythons, how ever some believe that it may have evolved to do this due factors in its habitat.