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Syntax Highlighting with a Rich Edit

This code is kind of long and some things are left out.
It just gives and idea of how to do syntax highlighting
and certainly you would want to adapt much of it. There
are three kinds of situations handled by the listed 
code. The first deals with loading an entire flie. It
basically reads in a file, adds RTF (Rich Text Format)
symbols to it, saves it to a file and then loads it
into a Rich Edit. The first three function deal with
this idea. The other two situations are color coding
the word at a given cursor position and color coding
specified lines of text.

This syntax highlighting is based on the idea that
different lines can be color coded independently, i.e.
it cannot color code things that span lines such as
block comments. Each line is parsed with functions and
data structures in the Reserved Words Unit.

Here are some of the variables and funcitons used in the code, all of which are members of MainForm: Edit : TRichEdit LangWordsList : TLangReservedWordsList//from the Reserved Words Unit //if > 0 then no color coding happens. Used to temporarely turn it off. PuaseColorCoding : integer //saves and restores Edit's SelStart, SelLength, and the Scroll Position procedure(s) Save/LoadEditAttributes //calls Save/LoadEditAttributes and does Modified as well procedure(s) Save/LoadAllEditAttributes
//does color coding for an entire file procedure TMainForm.ColorCodeFromStringList(strList : TStringList); function MakeColorTableEntry(color : TColor) : string; var long : LongInt; r, g, b : byte; begin long := ColorToRGB(color); r := long mod $100; long := long div $100; g := long mod $100; long := long div $100; b := long mod $100; result := '\red' + IntToStr(r) + '\green' + IntToStr(g) + '\blue' + IntToStr(b) + ';'; end; //in RTF the symbols {, }, and / are preceded by a / procedure FixRTFSymbols(var str : string); var i, len : integer; begin len := length(str); i := 1; while i <= len do begin if (str[i] = '{') or (str[i] = '}') or (str[i] = '\') then begin System.Insert('\', str, i); inc(len); inc(i); end; inc(i); end; end; var i, j : integer; str1, str2 : string; begin if (PauseColorCoding > 0) or not ColorCodingAvaliable then with Edit do begin SetRedraw(false); //to make new text the color of DefAttributes SelStart := 0; SelLength := 1; SelAttributes := DefAttributes; SetRedraw(true); Text := strList.Text; exit; end; if strList.Count > 0 then for j := 0 to strList.Count - 1 do with LangWordsList do with Parses do begin ParseLine(strList[j]); str1 := ''; for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin case Items[i]^.Kind of tkPlainText : str1 := str1 + '\cf0 '; tkSymbol : str1 := str1 + '\cf1 '; tkKeyWord : str1 := str1 + '\cf2 '; end; str2 := copy(strList[j], Items[i].Start, Items[i].Length); FixRTFSymbols(str2); str1 := str1 + str2; end; if j > 0 then str1 := '\par ' + str1; strList[j] := str1; end; strList.Insert(0, '{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fcharset1 ' + Edit.Font.Name + ';}}'); {color table must contain colors for plain text, symbols, and key words IN THAT ORDER} strList.Insert(1, '{\colortbl' + MakeColorTableEntry(Edit.Font.Color) + MakeColorTableEntry(LangWordsList.SymbolsColor) + MakeColorTableEntry(LangWordsList.KeyWordsColor) + '}'); strList.Insert(2, '\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs' + IntToStr(2*Edit.Font.Size)); //RTF files end with a } strList.Add('}'); strList.SaveToFile(SourceDir + FN_TEMP_RTF); Edit.PlainText := false; inc(PauseColorCoding); Edit.Lines.LoadFromFile(SourceDir + FN_TEMP_RTF); dec(PauseColorCoding); Edit.PlainText := true; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadAndColorCode(const fName : TFileName); var strList : TStringList; begin strList := TStringList.Create; strList.LoadFromFile(fName); ColorCodeFromStringList(strList); strList.Free; end; procedure TMainForm.AssignAndColorCode(const str : string); var strList : TStringList; begin strList := TStringList.Create; strList.Text := str; ColorCodeFromStringList(strList); strList.Free; end;
procedure TMainForm.InvalidateChars(pos : integer); var rect : TRect; point : TPoint; begin with Edit do begin Perform(EM_POSFROMCHAR, LongInt(@point), pos); rect.Top := point.y; rect.Left := point.x; pos := Perform(EM_LINEFROMCHAR, pos, 0) + 1; if pos >= Lines.Count then rect.Bottom := Height else begin pos := Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, pos, 0); Perform(EM_POSFROMCHAR, LongInt(@point), pos); rect.Bottom := point.y; end; rect.Right := Width; InvalidateRect(Handle, @rect, true); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ColorCodeWord(caretPos : integer); var j, start, stop : integer; begin if (PauseColorCoding > 0) or not ColorCodingAvaliable then exit; assert(caretPos > 0); assert(caretPos <= Edit.GetTextLen); {to prevent this function from calling itself through EditChange} inc(PauseColorCoding); with Edit do begin SetRedraw(false); SaveAllEditAttributes; start := caretPos; stop := caretPos; while (start > 1) and not IsWhiteSpace(Text[start - 1]) do dec(start); while (stop < GetTextLen) and not IsWhiteSpace(Text[stop + 1]) do inc(stop); with LangWordsList do with Parses do begin ParseLine(copy(Text, start, stop - start + 1)); if Items.Count > 0 then for j := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin //- 1 since Items[x].Start is 1 based SelStart := start - 1 + Items[j].Start - 1; SelLength := Items[j].Length; case Items[j].Kind of tkPlainText : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> DefAttributes.Color) then SelAttributes.Color := DefAttributes.Color; tkSymbol : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> SymbolsColor) then SelAttributes.Color := SymbolsColor; tkKeyWord : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> KeyWordsColor) then SelAttributes.Color := KeyWordsColor; end; end; end; LoadAllEditAttributes; SetRedraw(true); InvalidateChars(max(Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, Perform(EM_LINEFROMCHAR, start, 0), 0), start - 1)); dec(PauseColorCoding); end;//with Edit end; procedure TMainForm.InvalidateLines(start, stop : integer); var rect : TRect; point : TPoint; begin with Edit do begin start := Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, start, 0); Perform(EM_POSFROMCHAR, LongInt(@point), start); rect.Top := point.y; stop := Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, stop + 1, 0); Perform(EM_POSFROMCHAR, LongInt(@point), stop); rect.Bottom := point.y; rect.Left := 0; rect.Right := Width; InvalidateRect(Handle, @rect, true); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ColorCodeLines(start, stop : integer; DoInvalidate : boolean); var i, j, lineIndex : integer; begin if (PauseColorCoding > 0) or not ColorCodingAvaliable then exit; assert(start <= stop); assert(start >= 0); assert(stop <= Edit.Lines.Count); if (stop - start > 30) then begin ColorCodeAll; exit; end; with Edit do begin if start = Lines.Count - 1 then dec(start); if stop = Lines.Count - 1 then dec(stop); if stop < 0 then exit; {to prevent this function from calling itself through EditChange} inc(PauseColorCoding); SetRedraw(false); SaveAllEditAttributes; with LangWordsList do for i := start to stop do with Parses do begin ParseLine(Lines[i]); //- 1 since Items[x].Start is 1 based lineIndex := Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, i, 0) - 1; if Items.Count > 0 then for j := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin SelStart := lineIndex + Items[j].Start; SelLength := Items[j].Length; case Items[j].Kind of tkPlainText : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> DefAttributes.Color) then SelAttributes.Color := DefAttributes.Color; tkSymbol : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> SymbolsColor) then SelAttributes.Color := SymbolsColor; tkKeyWord : if not (caColor in SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes) or (SelAttributes.Color <> KeyWordsColor) then SelAttributes.Color := KeyWordsColor; end; end; end; LoadAllEditAttributes; SetRedraw(true); if DoInvalidate then InvalidateLines(start, stop); dec(PauseColorCoding); end;//with Edit end;