Across The River

Beam Me UP

A guy meets a beautiful, sexy blonde and decides he wants to marry her right away. She tells him they don't know anything about each other.

He tells her that it's fine ... they can learn about each other as they go along.

The gal consents, they marry ... then fly off for their honeymoon to a very romantic Carribean resort. After two or three days of steady lovemaking, she is very impressed with her new hubby. Then, one morning as they are lying by the pool, he suddenly gets up from his towel. He climbs the 10 meter board and fluidly performs a two and a half tuck gainer followed by three rotations in a jackknife position, then straightens out and cuts into the water like a knife.After a few more demonstrations, he comes back and eases back onto his towel.

Very excited, the stunning bride says, "That was an incredible performance! I'm even more impressed than ever!"

"I used to be an Olympic diving champion," he says. "You see, I told you we'd learn more about ourselves as we went along."

The shapely blonde then gets up, dives into the pool, and starts doing laps. After about fifty laps, she climbs back out, adjusts her bikini and lies back down on her towel, hardly out of breath.

Very excited, the new hubby says, "That was fantastic! No wonder you never seem to tire of lovemaking... Were you an Olympic endurance swimmer?" "No," she answers. "I was a hooker in Laredo, and I worked both sides of the river."