Fan art.  Can you feel our bond?
Thanks for the Simplenet space, Shinkuu! You kick all imaginable ass! :)

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X vs. The Original
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Plot Summaries
Scary people in the X series
Game Characters
Memorial Hall
Mangas!  Yes, MANGAS!
Hide your children! Here come the US 'toons!
The US Toons
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Fanfics by people stranger than me
Fanfart by folks who rule over the Pens
The MM title that surprised everyone!
Mega Man Neo
Characters in my 'ficcies!
Fic Characters
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Read My 'Fics
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You artsy-fartsy types asked! I listened! Now it's here!

Yes, and welcome to the Mechadrake Gallery...the place for all you folks who are lucky enough to posess talent with the pen. Can you draw something Megaman related other than Stick Figure Man? Do you want people to stare at it jealously and go "Oooh!" and "Ahhh!"? If so, don't hesitate to send it to Make sure the drawing is in .gif or .jpg format. I need your input! I also need to bash my head against a wall, but we won't talk about that...

Here's what's up so far.

Art by Bobcat

Bobcat drew a really cute X manga of her own! Lookie!

Page one of the manga
Page two of the manga
Page three of the manga
Page four of the manga
Page five of the manga
Page six of the manga
Page seven of the manga
Page eight of the manga
Page nine of the manga
Final page of the manga

Here's another manga by the name of Dragon Trouble!

Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen

And now some non-manga fan art by Bob...

X and Paw playing together nicely.
Zero makes a new friend, much to his dismay.
Rebekka the Huntress asks Zero one of those deep questions that we all ponder at some point in our lives...
Yay, it's Celeste!
...and Skysheen!
That mysterious 'Someone' again. ;)
Now here's a sight that would scare any cat out of its pants...
Bobcat strikes...step to one side now!
Zero needs a vacation from a certain female.
YAY! Thank God for small favours!

Art by Black Draco

Wanna see some Hell's Angel Reploids? ;)
For all you South Park fans, behold MEGA CARTMAN!
BD's version of good ol' Red!
Heeere's Skysheen!
Gaze at the Rock we all know and love...
Ix, from the mangas
The new Metal sensation -- Mettoolica!
Another version of Red
Black Draco :)
A real cute Rock!
Zero how he might look in street clothes...scan didn't turn out so good. :(
Simon Belmont, the ego maniac from Captain N

Art by Stonecore

A close up of X's pretty face.
Zero has a playmate! ;)
X and Zero. Need I say more?
And now for something completely insane -- Rush bungee jumping!
A picture of a reploid that will be appearing in a future 'fic.
...and another ;)
A reploid decked in plaid. Probably gets beat up at school!
And finally...Stonecore herself!
Sigma! Aaaaah!
Stonecore gets a trumpet and a haircut. :)
Darth Vader! Well, SW is kidna like the X series, sooo... ;)
A cool Bass

Art by Zabie

It's Protoman! Yay!
A drawing of an unnamed character for a fanfic.

Art by Garrian Windrider

A very well done picture of 'Neo Zero'

Art by Lex

Well, I got a chance to meet Lex! We blew up a few buildings downtown and held the staff at the Silver Snail comic shop ransom until they agreed to order the X mangas. Hee hee!

Warm up with a great portrait of X and Zero
Lex captures a dramatic moment in X4 perfectly
Lex says that Zero and X's steadfast and honest to goodness friendship in 'Zero Tolerance' inspired THIS one! Heh heh...
I guess Zero grew fond of having his hair braided!
Lex drew Red Draco! Does it get any sweeter?
X and Zero contimplate mankind's destiny...or else they're watching a girl's volleyball game.
Mega Man Neo LIKES the nice monkey...!
Make way for THE Torrent Leviathan!

Art by Maq

A great portrait of Maq, the Hunter's Helper!
Maq and 'Iron Wolf'
Members of the 'Iris is a Crackwhore' club rejoice!
Your friend and mine, X. :)
A very cool dragon's not MM related, but who cares? :)
Maq and her pet komodo dragon. Keep hands clear!
Zero and Red Draco, friends forever. ;)
(New!) Knicks, Maq's enemy
(New!) Roni, X's buddy. :)
(New!) Cover to a manga titled...MAQ'S DEATH! (Dun dun!)
(New!) Page one of the comic
(New!) Page two of the comic
(New!) A great drawing of a scene from BNF :)
(New!) Maq and a tipsy Zero share a moment of reflection.

Art by Aspect

A new version of Celeste!
Celeste faces down Torrent Leviathan
Celeste disposes of her cigarrette the good ol' fashioned way!
Mega Man Juno! I like Juno, don't you? :)
Reactor, an original MML character...or maybe it's Inspector Gadget.

Art by Slashgirl

Red Draco! In all her glory!
Red Draco again!
Gamma Skyclaw, a cool black Mechadrake that appears in 'Kin of Wily'
A redone Gamma

Art by Lady Wolfette

An all new and incredible pencil of Red Draco!
Asae, a bitch Maverick!
A small argument regarding a baby blue dragon and a motorcycle...
Zero's reaction to Red's...outlandish behaviour in BNF 23. :)

Art by Psychotica

Char, a Mechadrake from a fanfic.
A Maverick who gets to play with axes!
Caeser, a Maverick husky
A reploid T Rex!
Another human in a can ;)
Hail the bomb-happy weasel!
Liquid Spam?! I'll pass.
Red Draco cleans her fingernails...don't try this at home!
Red Draco!...minus a certain lance. :)
Going up!
Pihurrha Xanao Syl-varis Pyrantis Tayer. That's a mouthful.
Psychotic squirrels are fun and tasty!
Here's Grimm again in case you didn't get your fill! :)
Char has a GUN! :D
Grimm and Flint in a dark alley. Hee hee
Tie up games!

Art by Riptear

Cooper, a Huntress on eternal PMS
Cooper's trusty sabre!
Gamma, a black Mechadrake who is not exactly Cooper's friend!
A mysterious and extremely powerful lightsabre
Hannah Cooper once more
Cooper's insignia

Art by White Wolf

'Tis Neo!

And now, a slew of excellent Red Draco piccies!

(New!) Red #1
(New!) Red #2
(New!) Red #3
(New!) Red #4
(New!) Red #5

Art by Mike

Rocket Jockey

Art by TeknoKat

Come now, what MM/X fan ISN'T familiar with TK's excellent artwork? ;) Hopefully I'll be getting more up soon!

Don't fall asleep when Iris is around. :P
X and Kyla from The Silver Lining (Coming soon!)
This very well could be Red's head...TK doesn't know for sure. ;)

Art by Saturn X

All gone for now. :(

Art by Jehoo

Vile without his mask, a la BNF
Celeste! I like Celeste pictures! :)

Art by Nova Strike

Hurt...but happy! Masochistic!
Hello yerself!
Hey! Don't trust him, he's Ix!
Nova and Bass duke it out
Ix is not happy...
Another 'Die Iris'! Can never have too many. :)
Nova and Mega
Ha ha! Red Draco!
Knyght, the half reploid/dragon
"If you're scared I'm right behind ya!"...sounds like a song...
Vile's half human/half reploid daughter. Freaky!
A very scary nurse...looks like the one who took my tonsils out. :P
Terra! Zee Stardroid!
"It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished 'em well..."
Celeste and Nova Strike :) are very VERY odd...
Nova's feelin' kinda blah.
Two, the Maverick Huntress.
Andromeda, a genetically engineered human.
Duo's daughter (someone's been gettin' busy...)
Iris makes people cry! See?
Well, this is scary.
Sailor Nova...hmmm...Bandai? What say you?
(New!) A revised Red Draco!
(New!) Skysheen's in a baaaad mood.

Art by Clemente


Art by Huntress

Zero, Zero, Zero...

Art by Kami

Kami the cool dragon-reploid. :)
Kami again!
Kami transforms from reploid to dragon
Zero and Kami
A new version of Kami
Kami's Aquatic form!
Dragonette Leaders
"Victory" in livin' colour!
"Leaders" in technicolour! ;P
"Ach! It's back to the Loch with ya, Nessie!"

Art by Sailor Mobius

Everyone's favourite Mechadrake! :)

Art by Zelinath

Something cool that's not attempted too often...Skysheen, and his 'human' form, minus the mask. :) Very cool!
A scene out of Lumina's Relic Called Ragnarok

Art by Navie Chance

X and Christine
Ze Master, ze Apprentice!
Oh Zero, first you fall for Iris and now this. Get smart, boy.
A real cute gift! Thanks, Navie! :D
(New!) Juno and others from MM Legends! Wish more folks would attempt Juno piccies, hint hint!

Art by Shotoman

There's the Dark Side...and the Happy Side...
A very pretty Zero pic inspired by X4
Reminds me of Sailor Moon! :D
Shotoman worships Ryu even more than Sakura, I'd say.
Serenade, a mascot from the Engine of Destruction page.
Proto and Mega at play ;P

Art by Wave

A very nice pic of Blues :)

Art by MyuuToo

Red and her cute widdle pet Nidoran (For the record, yes, I have a Nidoking named Zero, and he kicks everyone's ass. My Pokemon game on my school's computer had a Nidoran male named Axl and a Charmander named Ozzie...not to mention my Mewtwo, 'U2.' :P)

Art by Tabby

Phoenix! Ain't she a bitch. :)
Red Draco meets a Mobian. Tasty...
Zero is dead. :(
(New!) Awww, lookie the cute widdle X!

Art by Akumu

A cute scene from BNF :)

Art by Sonic Cosiar

Red Draco, a birthday gift. :) Thanks, Sonic!

Art by Lyra Silverblade

Hack...from Reboot, not BNF ;)
Lyra chatting with Zero
Red Draco looking smug (what else? ;)
Sigma scheming
Colonel minus his cute little barret
A tribute to Dr. Evil himself! :D
Scotty!...I have a supervisor named Scott. He swears a lot.
Zero's a bit startled
Colonel dreams of a chicky! Will wonders ever cease...
Even more surprising, he TOUCHES a chicky!
Ah, I can see Colonel playing violin, actually...
Jeez, SHE looks friendly!
Well, there goes Colonel's dignity...
Zero taking a break like the best of us!

Art by Ice Blue X

Can't go wrong with Celeste :)
Paul, Zero's forgotten son (read BNF 34 yet? Poor bastard ;P)
Ice Blue as a Sailor Scout
Ice Blue X as Ice Blue X and no one else!
Rydia, from For Better or Worse
Delta X-Treme, also from For Better or Worse

Art by Stxgirl

"Stxgirl" is a great friend of mine, undoubtedly one of my biggest fans, too. ;) I lost contact with her for a long time which worried me...but I'm happy to have gotten in touch with her again! She's also an exceptionally good artist. :) Great having you back, Stx!

A beautiful Zero. :)

Art by Jose

(New!) Red Draco...the colours on this one are very nice :)

Art by Nikita

(New!) Roll, from Mega Man Legends!

Art by IRA

(New!) As much as I hate Iris, I love this pic. :)

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