Disclaimer:This takes place during the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Premiere. Most of the better characters except for the people on the Space Raven are Saban's including Kendrix Morgan the rest are mine. My opener is actually before the Episode takes place and shows a very interesting twist for the Heroes. In Chronology the Space Raven had spent time in the future on a utopian world. Halfway between Earth and Venus.

Terra Venture
By: Robert Gutheim

"Space Station Alpha this is the SB Space Raven requesting permission to Dock," the comm operator broadcasted.

"Space Raven, glad your home. You have permission to dock," a familiar voice responded.

"Wonder why Laurie is on Station Alpha," Jessica the navigator asked.

"I don't know," Her sister Ali asked. from the communications station.

At that moment Robert walked on to the bridge in a pair of cream colored pants and a shirt with a green chest and blue sleeves and collar. It looked very similar to the uniform he wore when ever he used to power up as Plastica. The helmet in his arm was also a close duplicate to the one worn by his alter ego.

"Jessica, think anyone will think that I was the real Plastica?" Robert asked.

"Don't forget Laurie knew our real identities," Jessica said.

"Don't remind me." Robert said.

Fairly soon after docking two individuals boarded the Ship and Headed for the bridge.

"Robert, I can guarantee that your new boss will not like you dressing like Plastica," Laurie said. "SO where did you take our ship when you left?" Laurie the darker haired individual asked.

"What do you mean your ship. The SB stands for Steel Brigade as in Fort Goddard as In Plastica. NASADA never had jurisdiction over the Space Raven. The only reason we stored the ship at one of their facilities is because Fort Goddard was worried about keeping it at the fort after the Dead Eye suit was stolen," Robert said.

"Robert, where are the girls?" Laurie asked.

"Stephanie and Wang Chung are in the rear somewhere and I'm not sure I want to tell you where your daughter is," Robert said.

Laurie's eyes almost bugged out. What do you mean my daughter?" Laurie asked.

"While we were taking the ship out to test the repairs I was meditating and while doing that running DNA sequence comparisons and I found out that Amy had Nabinger DNA. Since two out of three Nabinger's were with me that meant that the third one had to be the reason for the Match. All I'm going to tell you is that she is safe," Robert said.

"Miss Nabinger, I've accessed the ships logs and something can't be right. I found a few entries for a time period from December 2073 until June of 2074," the other girl a Blond haired girl with glasses said.

"Good work Kendrix. It gives me a clue as to where my long lost daughter is," Laurie said. "Robert, your info is useful. I spent a year in London studying Shakespeare and while there I conceived and gave birth to a little girl only to have her kidnapped a few hours after her birth from the hospital. When the alert for Copernicus Station came up I set that aside until after we had to end the search for Amy's parents. Just so you know this is Kendrix Morgan she is with the Galactic Space Alliance in the R&D Division where she is working on the Terra Venture Project. Robert, they requested you and your crew for this Project. You will be working with Kendrix which is why I brought her along today."

"Miss Morgan, how soon would it be possible for me check out this Project?" Robert asked.

"How soon can you be underway?" Kendrix asked.

"I can be underway as soon as you and my sister in law disembark," Robert said. "That is if you plan on disembarking."

"I'll be remaining here at Station Alpha for now but Kendrix you probably should be getting back to the Colony," Laurie said.

"I'll ride back with your friends," Kendrix said. "DO you Idolize Plastica a lot?" she asked after Laurie was off the ship and they undocked with Station Alpha referring to his outfit.

"Miss Morgan I know more about Plastica then anyone else on earth," Robert said.

"I bet you don't," Kendrix said. "What powers does Plastica have?"

"He is as fast as a cheetah if not faster, A strong as a bear of not stronger, and he also has a keen sense almost like a tricorder," Robert said somewhat truthfully.

"You don't know everything about Plastica. I thought he could turn invisible," Kendrix said.

"That was a theory but there isn't any established proof he could," Robert said since he had lost that ability among a few others mainly sensors.

"Miss Morgan, what coordinates do you need set?" Jessica asked.

"I'll input them. When we reach the Colony you better let me talk us through," Kendrix said.

"Miss Morgan the ship is yours until we reach our destination," Robert said.

"Please call me Kendrix. Especially since You will be working with me in R&D. Jessica, I don't know where the Colony's Administrator will assign you."

"I might be a mere civilian who knows," Jessica said. Fairly soon the reached the beginnings of what was to become the GSA Space Colony Terra Venture.

"Terra Venture, this is the SB Space Raven requesting landing clearance,"

"Kendrix, is that you?" an Asian looking man asked

"Yes it is Kai," Kendrix said.

"Commander Stanton tried to call you at Station Alpha, He and Corbett were beginning to worry," Kai said.

"I have Gutheim with me," Kendrix said.

"Good, I think Commander Stanton is scheduling a Training Exercise on the Moon in a couple hours," Kai said.

"My uniform is with me we are roughly Half an hour out," Kendrix said. Just then A Taller Caucasian Man with a rough ring shaped beard Stepped into view on the screen.

"Miss Morgan, how about if you and our new Researcher skip this exercise so you can get him processed and into Proper Attire his outfit isn't what I would call regulation," He said.

"No problem Commander," Kendrix said.

"Who was that stuffed shirt?" Robert asked after the Channel was closed.

"That was Commander Stanton the Head of the Defense Force for Terra Venture?" Kendrix said. They landed soon afterwards. By this time Stephanie and Wang Chung had made their way to the Bridge. Shortly after that they Were walking onto Terra Venture itself.

"Whoa this is some place," Robert said.

At that Moment A Caucasian Man in a Black Uniform approached.

"Kendrix, how come your in your Standard Uniform and not your Defense Uniform?" He asked.

"Commander Stanton excused me so I could process a new Researcher we borrowed from NASADA," Kendrix said.

"OK but I want you two on the next exercise," He said.

"I'm Robert Gutheim I was originally assigned to Station Alpha."

"Mike Corbett, I'm a team leader with the Defense Force. I better warn you Kendrix is a tough catch."

Kendrix then took them to quarters where they dropped off their luggage and Kendrix took them through processing.

"How long before this place is completed?" Ali asked.

"WE still have a lot of work. When we launch it will be an interesting journey," Kendrix said. One day Robert was working with Kendrix in a lab when Commander Stanton walked through with Corbett and Kai.

"You two lovebirds having fun or you actually getting something done?" Corbett asked.

"Corbett, We are trying to get things Done here. Also when we reported aboard one of the Women who was with us happens to be my wife. My loyalty to my work is second only to my loyalty to my wife," Robert said.

"Robert, were you some kind of a maverick. I looked over the file that NASADA sent and Nabinger was pretty descriptive about your misappropriation of that ship that you left laying around the flight deck," Mike said.

"As I explained to my sister-in-law that ship was never under NASADA control. It was for security reasons that it was at their facility," Robert said.

"What do mean Security reasons?" Kai asked.

"Jessica and I were married at Fort Goddard where the Steel Brigade Base is and an old friend of mine stole a special suit from a closet. The Space Raven was another of their projects," Robert said.

"We are four months from Launch with a lot to do. A good amount depends on you two," Commander Stanton.

"Commander, if Mike would stay off my case I could get more work done," Robert said.

"Tough you turkey, I don't know who is worse you or my little Brother Leo," Mike said. The three then went into the control room off the lab.

"Kendrix, if we can make it until launch without my punching Mike it will be a miracle," Robert said.

"Robert, think sometime I can take a look at your bracelet?" Kendrix asked.

"Kendrix, it took me four hours to figure this thing out the first time I opened it up. At my last ‘port of call' a couple guys had to make a few repairs while I was laid up and they couldn't figure it out after a couple days," Robert said. "What is your impression of the Three Stooges?"

"Oh Stanton, Corbett, and Kai. Stanton is a nice guy great to work with. Corbett is good but he likes to play favorites and Kai can be a little protective especially of me," Kendrix said. The guys walked out right then.

"Morgan, Gutheim, suit up Training Exercise in one Hour," Stanton said.

"No Problem Commander," Robert said. "I better swing by my ship for a second before we go."

"Don't be late," Kendrix said.

"I won't." Robert said.

Soon as Kendrix was clear Robert slipped over to the Space Raven and Put his Battle Togs on. After that he hit the comm button on the Armatron.

"Armatron," Robert said.

The characteristic beeps that the armory was known for came out.

"Terra Venture Battle Suit," Robert said.

A beam of light came out and when it faded Robert was wearing the black military uniform and was holding a standard helmet instead of his Powereon Battle Helmet as his old helmet was known.

He then headed for the meet up point after making sure to open the line to his now mostly useless powerband.

"Robert, to think Miss Morgan was worried you would be late," Stanton said.

"It doesn't take long for me to suit up sir," Robert said.

"Hate to say it but you will be working with Mike Corbett today," Stanton said.

"Give me a specialist from Goddard any day over him," Robert said.

Once everyone met up they paraded out and boarded the Troop Carriers on the Flight Deck.

"I don't know why you bothered heading back to the Briefing room after checking on your ship," Mike said.

"I figured I should meet up with the others. I probably won't need anything else from my ship," Robert said.

They worked hard on the Moon during the Training.

"We are pretty well boxed in," Corbett said at one point.

"Unfortunately I should have brought my ship it has something we could use," Robert said.

"Like what," Corbett said. "A ladder."

"Yes but I was thinking of something else," Robert said.

"Even a rope would be useful," Corbett said.

At that moment a rock fell down and started a landslide in their direction.

"Armatron, warrior mode now," Robert called over his powerband.

"What the," Corbett said just as the Armatron arrived in it's warrior mode. Robert was climbing a ladder he installed after losing his eagle mode.

"Nice Trick," Corbett said.

"Mike, I'll lift you over," Robert said after boarding the Armatron.

"Sounds good."

A minute later Mike was on the other side. Robert armored down soon after that.

"What was that thing?" Corbett asked.

"A little something I had in storage," Robert said.

"I figured you had a secret suit of armor aboard your ship," Corbett said.

"More like ten suits one of which I built after arriving here," Robert said.

"Which one did you build after arriving on Terra Venture?" Corbett asked as they caught up with a few other soldiers.

"Terra Venture Battle Suit and Battle Armor," Robert said.

"What's the difference?" Kendrix asked.

"Armor includes our special vests. Suit is just the black suit and the helmet. They are stored aboard the Armatron which I had to get after Mike and I were boxed in back there to get over the hill after a landslide started," Robert said.

"You are a good guy to have around," Corbett said.

"Thanks Mike," Robert said.

After the exercise Robert was working alone in the lab with the exception of his old advisor Powermatic.

He was busy working and talking and didn't notice Kendrix walk in.

"I knew it would be risky even letting K endrix know about the Armatron existin g let alone someone like Mike Corbett. Lord before that acid bath with Simon and Tina I could have simply powered up but not now. You would think the trip back through time would have restored my lost powers," Robert said.

"That is true you have had to modify your battle strategy since you lost your powers but you've done well. Most of those soldiers don't have special powers," Powermatic said.

"You better hope your buddy Corbett doesn't walk in while unauthorized personnel are here," Kendrix said giggling.

"How long have you been sitting there Kendrix?" Robert asked.

"About the time you mentioned not wanting to tell me about your Zord existing," Kendrix said.

"It isn't really a Zord. Back before I lost most of my powers I had nine suits of armor I could call upon if necessary. Apparently I/Oca my computer specialist friend built in the Warrior mode which consisted of all nine suits of armor along with the Armatron itself. AS you know on the exercise ground I described the newest suit," Robert said.

"What did you mean by losing your powers?" Kendrix asked.

"I possess in a much smaller form now a few special powers and abilities. You see there is a reason I was wearing the same outfit that Plastica always wore in battle the day we met," Robert said.

"You aren't trying to tell me that you are Plastica are you," Kendrix said.

"Actually he is," Powermatic said. "Try not to clue the others in aboard Terra Venture."

"I'll do my best," Kendrix said. "How did your powers work?"

"Originally before I modified my band I simply went Powers of Glass and Plastic change me to Plastica. Then I modified it so a special ring was needed to activate the powers before I called for them.

Then at my last port of call a super corrosive acid destroyed my powerband and caused me to temporally loose my powers. One power I lost was my ability to turn invisible not that I used it much anyways,"

Robert said. "It was a drain on my powers which I had to recharge. After Powermatic located a small quantity of my powers he infused them with my body. One advantage is I don't have to recharge them anymore. The one aspect I lost was the actual change into my alter ego. That is why I designed my Powereon Battle Suit which is a close approximation of my old Uniform when I was changed into Plastica."

"I'm going to see if I can find your Laser Eyes they might be needed," Powermatic said disappearing a couple Minutes before Commander Stanton walked in.

"Robert, any chance you could give me the specks for your Armor so I can factor it in to future battle plans?" Commander Stanton asked.

"I've got a better idea Commander, how about if I show you my armor," Robert said.

"Not a bad idea," Commander Stanton said.

"Kendrix, if possible have Mike and Kai meet the three of us at the Ship. I know we have work to do but I will need your help to set things up," Robert said.

"No problem," Kendrix said. They soon arrived where Robert walked into the Armatron and started handing out components which Kendrix placed int o pil es. After ten piles were made Robert started Assembling the Armor into Complete Suits.

"This heavy one is my standard armor, the slightly lighter one like it is Lightweight mode. Useful when you have to run. The one with the tanks is Aquatic Mode. This is a favorite of mine I call it Whisker Mode because of all the projections which transmit info to the helmet. These two are my Arctic Mode Armors the one of the right includes special equipment that the one on the left lacks like suction cups and a heating field so I call it Super Arctic Mode. This one is Flight Pack Mode. I could have used that one today but it wouldn't have been fair to you Mike. This one is another favorite I fact I'll show you why it is my favorite," Robert said as he placed the Silvery suit on and then placed the helmet on which activated the stealth portion that gave it it's name.

"God and I thought you were hard to keep up with before," Corbett said.

"I usually use this during when I'm outnumbered," Robert said. "the last suit I use when I'm stuck with Crowd Control as it has special cords that can form a barricade. For that reason I call it Barricade Mode Battle Armor. This one I put on is Stealth Mode. You four would be familiar with the last one that I described on the training field this morning that consists of the Terra Venture Special Forces gear," Robert said.

Commander Stanton and Mike Corbett then walked through the Armatron.

"Hard as I looked I couldn't find the stuff that causes it to change into warrior mode. But I did find this," Mike said holding Robert's Powereon Battle Helmet.

"Mike I'd leave that in there," Robert said. A week later Robert was working right alongside Commander Stanton in his Lightweight Battle Armor with his Terra Venture Battle Helmet on. At one point Robert using his Tricorder Eyes noticed something up.

"Sir, Kai and Kendrix look to be in Trouble. We better bet them some back-up," Robert said.

"I agree. I'll go find Mike and his group you see if you can get some extra troops from Terra Venture," Commander Stanton said. The scenario that day did include that option and an extra Troop Carrier was on Stand by. Soon as Commander Stanton was out of sight.

"Armor Down," Robert said. He had his Powereon Battle Togs on under his armor instead of a regulation uniform. He then walked over to the Armatron and grabbed his Powereon Battle Helmet and Put it on. He then headed for the scene at full speed. Soon as he arrived he was in full battle mode almost like he was back when he had all his powers. At one point a drone knocked him down and his helmet fell off. A couple seconds later the Extra Troops from the Colony arrived. After the battle Robert Once again wearing his helmet held back, Commander Stanton and Mike waited for him to catch up.

"Nice move Gutheim. How did you pull it off," Corbett asked.

"You've lost me," Robert said.

"I saw you without your helmet," Corbett said.

"I can explain Mike," Robert said.

"How about starting with why you wearing a non standard uniform," Stanton said.

"I put these on because I can fit better in these. Also I didn't count on having to take my armor off so I figured who would notice if I wasn't wearing my regulation uniform underneath," Robert said.

"How did you get there so fast?" Commander Stanton asked.

"He obviously is capable of running at high Speeds. I had him clocked at 144.9 kilometers per hour," Kendrix said as she and Kai walked up.

"OK Gutheim what is going on. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Stanton asked.

"Commander, a thousand bucks says this guy knows Plastica," Corbett said.

"Hey I bet he is Plastica," Kai said.

"Not likely," Stanton said.

"Robert, you better tell them," Powermatic said as he emerged.

"Actually Kai figured me out. My high Speed is one of the few things I didn't lose after my powerband was destroyed in an acid bath at my last port of call," Robert said. "Up until today the only people who knew the truth aboard Terra Venture were My family and Kendrix."

"You are something else," Kai said. "How did you get your powers?"

"Would you believe I almost blew up a chemistry lab when it happened," Robert said. Robert then told his close pals the truth including telling them about a lot of his adventures.

"If I didn't know the truth before this I wouldn't have believed what you told me back when we first met about you knowing everything there was to know about Plastica," Kendrix said.