Legal Discalimer: The Power Rangers belong to Saban, not to me. And I am no way associated with Saban or Power Rangers in any way.
Timeline: This part takes place During the Episode Quasar Quest Part One.

Terra Venture: 2
By: Robert Guthiem

"Robert, Anything you want to do Before the Colony Launches?" Commander Stanton asked.

"Yes there is one thing I should do and that is bury a hatchet with my sister-in-law. She was a little annoyed when I left her daughter behind in the future," Robert said.

"Just make sure you are back in time," Commander Stanton said. "We launch in Eight Hours."

"That shouldn't be a problem Commander," Robert said. Robert then did a speed run to Station Alpha and picked Laurie up. He had programmed everything so when they returned it would be a couple hours before Terra Venture launched.

"So where exactly are we going?" Laurie asked.

"You'll see," Robert said.

Soon as Laurie turned her back Robert activated the time warp generator. A few minutes later they arrived at Earth in the year 2078.

"Simon, the Space Raven looks to have returned," Tina Hogdicks his wife said while holding a Three year old girl. An eight year old was nearby.

"I wonder why Robert came back," Simon said. The ship soon landed and Simon and his family approached the ship.

"Robert, what brings you back here," Simon asked.

"I had a hatchet I wanted to bury before I left Earth possibly never to come back. I've been helping to build a Space Colony. I brought Laurie Nabinger with me so she could meet Amy," Robert said. "I purposely set the equipment for a period of time after I left."

"I'm Amy Hogdicks," the eight year old said.

"Amy, I'm so glad to see you. When the other's returned without you I was worried I would never see you. Robert, how long can we safely stay here before Terra Venture Leaves Orbit?" Laurie asked.

"I set the equipment so we would arrive back four hours before that point so It shouldn't matter," Robert said.

"This is Leah our child together unlike Amy who as you know we adopted," Tina said while ruffling the little girl's hair.

"You two did a good job with this one," Robert said. They spent the day there. The next Morning Robert announced he was going to leave.

"Robert, I'm glad you brought me here. I almost wish we could stay longer," Laurie said. "I don't really want to leave."

"I have to leave. Once I do you will have no way to get back," Robert said.

"Then I guess I'm staying," Laurie said.

"I'll miss you Laurie. Jessica will probably be steamed as will NASADA," Robert said.

"If NASADA complains flip the Bird at them," Laurie said.

"I'll think of something," Robert said as he reboarded the ship and headed home. By luck he set the coordinates for the return leg so he appeared in the Flight Deck of Terra Venture. Jessica was waiting for him when he returned.

"How did Laurie like the trip to see Amy?" Jessica asked.

"She decided to stay. I better have Commander Stanton inform NASADA," Robert said.

"He isn't aboard right now but you've been missing the excitement they had someone stowaway aboard one of the shuttles from Earth. He is on the Station somewhere," Jessica said.

"Any idea where," Robert asked as he headed for his private Armory.

"They haven't seen any sign of him since the Special Forces units left for a final defense exercise on the moon. Kendrix, Kai, Mike, Stanton they are all there," Jessica said.

"Have you tested your powers recently. I'm worried that they might have been linked with mine somehow since the same person provided both and it was at the same time," Robert said.

"They work I had to use them on Bulk a few minutes ago," Jessica said.

"I don't believe it Bulk and Skull are on Terra Venture. What's up were there no bona fide entertainers available?" Robert joked.

"Bulk was with someone named Professor Phenomenus. I haven't seen Skull at all and he is usually somewhere near Bulk," Jessica said. At that moment their friend and his crazy employer walked up to them as they left the flight deck.

"Hey Robert, when did you get aboard?" Bulk asked.

"Farkus I've been aboard for months. I simply did a quick flight around the solar system before Terra Venture left orbit. Where is Skull?" Robert asked.

"WE kind of left him behind," Professor Phenomenus said.

"Oops. I wish I had time to fetch him," Robert said. "I want to get over to Research and Development and see if one of the scientists left anything for me."

"Would your boss mind if I joined you?" Jessica asked.

"I doubt it. For the most part my boss is Kendrix," Robert said. "I report to Mike Corbett as far as the Defense Force Goes."

AS he approached the R&D area he saw a security guard.

"Dave, any idea where the Stowaway might be hiding?" He asked.

"None, as your wife probably mentioned He vanished around the time the defense force left for their exercise. Stanton called a couple minutes ago and Corbett and Morgan disappeared a couple hours ago. We sent some search crews including Ali," Dave said.

"Think Stanton would mind if I did a look see around the Colony for the stowaway," Robert asked as he returned toward the flight deck.

"Probably wouldn't hurt but be careful," Dave said.

"I will I'll do from the Air," Robert said. By this time they reached the Room that Commander Stanton set aside as a main armory to allow Robert a permanent storage space. Special equipment transferred the armor to the Armatron when he deployed from Terra Venture. He went to the Changing room where he could put his Powereon Battle Togs or his Terra Venture Battle Suit on.

"Terra Venture Battle Suit," Robert said. The Special Light then came out and he was wearing his defense Force Uniform when he left the Changing room he Walked over to where his Flightpack Armor was and Stepped inside because of the weight of the Flightpack he couldn't raise it up to put it on over his uniform. The chest then folded down and the legs in and locked. HE then grabbed a helmet from the rack near the door.

"Beginning Preignition Sequence," a computer voice said.

"It always amazed me how you have better weapons then even Commander Stanton," Dave said as Robert put his helmet on.

"If the Stowaway is anywhere nearby I'll find him," Robert said as he went somewhere he could take off from. "Jessica, Monitor my helmet communicator from the Control Room."

"You got it," Jessica said as Robert took off. Jessica then ducked into a small room.

"Time for Headset to make her official debut on Terra Venture," Jessica said. "Powers of the Unknown, Abilities of a strobe light, change me to Headset." By the time Jessica had fully changed She was wearing a Blue shirt, Vest with Strobe Pattern and a Green cap with wrap around dark shades. Instead of the Old Steel Brigade emblem on one sleeve was the emblem for Terra Venture. Headset then headed for the Control room where she had an officer tune the communications system to the Helmet cam. After an hour of flight A message came over the comm system.

"I'm running low on fuel and haven't found anything so I'm going to return to the Flight deck," Robert broadcasted.

"We have a theory as to who the stowaway might have been. Meet me in the control room before you armor down," Headset said.

"No Problem," Robert said. He arrived a short time later.

"Headset, nice to see you," Robert joked since he didn't have the proper uniform on. They then headed for the Flight deck. At that Moment Robert saw Commander Stanton .

"Sir, no sign of the Stowaway," Robert said.

"Kai ran off. I know you did your best. According to Kai the stowaway's a guy named Leo Corbett.

The Stowaway was with us on the Moon. Apparently Mike, Kendrix, and Leo went through a vortex which closed. It leads to another planet. Kai is probably looking for a way to rescue them," Commander Stanton said.

"There are only two ships capable of making that Journey. One is my ship. The other is the Astro Megaship," Robert said. "This Leo Corbett, is he any relation to Mike?"

"According to Kai Leo is Mike's brother," Commander Stanton said. "the Megaship is a museum now. A Mechanic named Damon Henderson was assigned to it."

"So now we have to find Mike, Kendrix, Leo, and possibly Kai and this Damon guy," Robert said. "Terra Venture leaves in One hour so there isn't time."

Twenty minutes later Robert was just finishing up in the Flight Deck when the Astro Megaship requested landing clearance.

"Give it to them then signal Commander Stanton and Security," Robert said in his Standard Colony Uniform.

"Yes sir," a Flight Deck Controller said. A few minutes later Robert stood by Commander Stanton as the Crew came out.

"Robert, It's great to see you again," Alpha said.

"Alpha, Glad to know you haven't rusted," Robert said before greeting the Dark Haired Caucasian.

"You must be Leo. I unfortunately know Mike."

"You mean you knew him. He met his death on the planet Miranoy," Leo said.

"The Planet Miranoi had a legend that someday five Chosen Warriors would pull the Five Quasar Sabers out of a rock," Maya a Long Red Headed woman said. "It had happened but my planet isn't the same now thanks to Scorpius."

"You are welcome on Terra Venture for as long as needed ma'am," Commander Stanton said.

"Robert, This is Maya she is from Miranoy, and this is Damon Henderson," Kendrix said.

"Kai, it is with great displeasure that I do this but your under arrest for misappropriation of equipment," Robert said.

"Robert, I did what I felt I had to do to help Mike and the other's. For the record. Mike was killed after falling into a crack that one of Scorpius' goons opened in the ground," Kai said. "In doing so I was following one of Commander Stanton's standing orders that you never ever leave a team member behind."

"I hate to break this up but a few of us need to Change in preparation to Terra Venture's leaving orbit. Robert, I think we can let Kai go," Commander Stanton said. After the successful breaking orbit of Terra Venture Robert sat down in his quarters with Leo to compare notes on Mike.

"Mike actually said he didn't want to see me on Terra Venture. He never did since he only saw me on the moon and on Miranoy after I followed Maya, Mike and Kendrix into the portal. Kai and Damon followed us in the Mega Ship," Leo said "He was always hard on me."

"He gave me a hard time as well. I actually had to use my battle armor during a defense exercise to let him know I wasn't the kind of person he thought I was. He thought I had misappropriated the Space Raven from NASADA except the Space Raven is my ship. Leo, I want to let you know something from the Start that I didn't tell Mike or Commander Stanton and I probably should have. They know now as do Kendrix and Kai. You familiar with the one known as Plastica?" Robert asked.

"Not really I was a kid when he disappeared," Leo said.

"He is a very powerful hero. He also worked alongside the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, the Turbo Rangers and the Light Star Rangers. In fact he was in Orbit when the Eltarian Sage Zordon their longtime mentor died and freeing the Earth from evil. Kendrix knew the secret of Plastica because she caught me talking to my own mentor one day and Mike, Stanton, and Kai learned the truth after I had to save Kai and Kendrix," Robert said.

"Who is this Plastica?" Leo asked.

"Me. Back in the real early Ninety's I was working on an experiment when the lab exploded creating an opening to the Planet Demona. Powermatic came through and granted me great powers. At my last Port of Call before being posted to Terra Venture I lost most of my better powers. Including the ability to change into Plastica so I have to do a costume change when ever I feel he is needed," Robert said. He then noticed something strange on his sensors. "So which Ranger are you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Leo said.

"Leo, one of the things I didn't lose was a powerful sensor. One thing it enables me to do is sense Ranger abilities. Also your new ship was the main base for the Lightstar Rangers," Robert said.

"I'd never have what it takes to be a Power Ranger," Leo said.

"Leo, All the other Rangers probably thought the same thing before that first morph. Heck Prior to my c alling upon my own powers after rattli ng off a whole list of powers I wasn't sure I had what it took. My sensors rarely lie. One thing that I might have lost is a DNA reader. My Computer Expert and I used it one time to find a missing girl who's pattern was on file. We had to tie my abilities into the Base Computer system to do it. My sensors rarely lie," Robert said. A week later Robert was in the lab with Kendrix and Maya when an alarm went off.

"This is Gutheim in Research and Development what is going on," Robert called over the comm system.

"A huge ship is attacking us. WE have no defenses short of the Defense Force. We didn't install weapons on the Colony itself," Commander Stanton said.

"What about the troop Carriers," Robert said.

"Nothing powerful enough. We thought all evil was destroyed," Commander Stanton said.

"The Mega Ship. It has some real powerful stuff," Robert said. "Alpha, get the Megaship ready for launch. Kendrix, summon the rest of it's crew."

"Got it Robert. What about Plastica shouldn't we call him?" Kendrix asked since Maya didn't know the truth.

"I'll try to contact him. Meet me at the Flight Deck where our ships are," Robert said.

"Got it," Kendrix said. Robert then secretly removed his Normal Uniform to reveal his Powereon Battle Togs.

"Armatron, Terra Venture Battle Armor," Robert said. A stream of light came from a Computer Terminal and suddenly Robert was in his Defense Force Gear. He then headed for the Flight Deck where he ducked into the Armory.

"Armor Down," Robert said as his uniform lowered. HE then grabbed his Powereon Battle Helmet and placed it on and Robert Gutheim was once again Plastica. He then grabbed a phaser from a side compartment where the circuitry Corbett had been looking for the time he walked through it with Commander Stanton was concealed By this time Robert Noticed a few people heading for the Megaship.

"I should have guessed," Robert said as he noticed Leo, Kai, Maya, Kendrix, and Damon board the ship. He then headed for the Space Raven and powered it up for take-off. Just as the Flight Deck doors opened several insect like warriors flew onto the Colony. Plastica knew he would need back-up. Just then over a comm link he secretly opened to the Megaship he heard someone go "Go Galactic." Soon after that Five Rangers in White with trim and a helmet of a different but predictable color came out of the ship. Plastica opened a different channel.

"Armatron launch Barricade Mode Battle Armor," Plastica said. As soon as the Armor was clear of the Armory. "Armor Up." He then positioned himself in near the geographic center of the bay and sounded a single order. "Engage Barricades." Twelve small cords then shot out the entire width of the bay and locked into place. The Rangers Meanwhile sent the troops packing, Shortly before the last of the troops was gone a Blue Skinned and Yellow Haired creature appeared. Plastica quickly fired his phaser while the Red Ranger went after him with vengeance The Blue Ranger tried to keep him calm while Green, Pink, and Yellow sent the last of the troops packing. Shortly after Scorpius' goon left Plastica gave a final call.

"Disengage Barricades," Plastica said.

"That was something else. Who do those goon's work for?" Plastica asked.

"They work for Scorpius. The Guy with the blue skin is the creep that opened the crack that killed Mike Corbett," the Yellow Ranger said.

"IF we are going to be working together we probably should take the time to learn each other's identities. How about if we do it on your ship," Plastica said. "Armor Down."

"Sounds good," Green Ranger said. They soon convened on the Bridge with Alpha off to one side. Plastica was the first to take his helmet off putting his powers into dormancy.

"Robert, where did you get your powers?" the Green Ranger asked as he removed his helmet to reveal Damon.

"From a Chemistry Lab exploding. I lost a lot of my powers in an acid bath at my last port of call. The Red Ranger them took his helmet off to reveal Leo, Pink Ranger turned out to be Kendrix, Blue Kai, and Yellow the Miranoi warrior Maya.

"Where did your Ranger Powers come from with Zordon dead?" Robert asked.

"They were given to us after we pulled the Quasar Saber's out of the Rock," Maya said. "Our powers were inside of the Quasar Sabers."

"The only reason I'm even a ranger is Mike gave me his saber before he lost his grip on the cliff that was formed when Scorpius's goon opened the crack and fell to his death," Leo said.

"Let's face it Terra Venture has the best fighting team it could have," Robert said. After they were all powered down and back in normal uniforms they met with Commander Stanton on the Bridge of the colony

"Why did you erect the barricades?" Stanton asked.

"Easy to keep the invading troops from getting outside the Flight Deck. Of course it also meant that I was restricted in what I could do for fighting since My Barricade Mode Battle Armor is part of the Barricades."