LaserMap Web server for Linux and Win32
(under construction)

This image generated by LaserMap Web Server renderer kernel v.3.0 (under construction)

The main advantages of the LaserMap v.3.0 renderer kernel are:
  • Working both on Linux and Win32 platforms
  • Fully autonomous from external applications integrated http server
  • Original low level graphics processing library with antializing and alpha channel support
  • "On the fly" name placing technology (all names are always inside map windows)
  • Special algorythm for "on the fly" names superpositions prevention
  • Extreamly high map image rendering efficiency (0.15-0.3 sec depending of scale for rendering 900x550 pixels image of 10 mln. population city building level map on Pentium 450MHz CPU)
  • Processing images in modern licensing free high effective PNG format supported by all popular web browser
  • Best route calculation, external DBMS interface for loading and dispaying point objects and advanced geocoding will be added soon
Sample map images from based on previous version of LaserMap map server (LaserMap renderer kernel v.2.x)
Please write request to if you would like to recieve additional information about LaserMap web server.

Designed by V.Osipkov

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