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CALL Liberia
Call Liberia is the first true comprehensive web directory about Liberian Businesses in Liberia (Google like!).
The service was launched on Monday 20 February 2006. Call Liberia: "keeping the Liberian voices heard". Liberia offers
a unique opportunity for communication technology and service providers. Due to war and other economic conditions,
Liberia is lacking in communication and technology infrastructure. The cost to rebuild using legacy technologies
is much greater than investing in modern wireless and satellite technologies. CallLiberia's mother-company LM3 has
built strong relationships in both the government and private sectors, relationships that will help interested
companies connect with this exciting opportunity.
Carroll High School
Founded in May 1998, the organization is dedicated to providing assistance to Liberia's premier secondary
school Carroll High to help revitalize the post-war attempts by the school administration to provide those
services that were available before the war.
(link lost)
The Carter Center
The Carter Center has worked to foster peace and democracy in Liberia since March 1991, when all sides in the country's civil war invited The Carter Center to assist in the peace process taking place at that time. Center staff have undertaken projects in Liberia to protect human rights, help nongovernmental organizations coordinate their efforts, resolve conflict, and support the electoral process. In 1992, the Center established an office in Monrovia, which closed during full-scale fighting in April 1996 and re-opened again in April 1997 to monitor preparations for the presidential elections.
Center for Transparancy & Accountability in Liberia
The objective of CENTAL is to institutionalize transparency and accountability in all facets of the Liberia society.
Some core objectives;
1. To sensitize the Liberian society and various institutions of the need to exhibit transparency and
accountability in all their dealings.
2. To develop workable programs and projects that will educate people to be more transparent and accountable.
Central Bank of Liberia
The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) was established on October 18, 1999 by an Act of the National Legislature
of the Republic of Liberia. It became functional in 2000 and succeeds the National Bank of Liberia (NBL).
Mr. Elie E. Saleeby served as the Bank's first Executive Governor. Mr. James B.A. Dennis is appointed as
Deputy Governor since he took over from Mr. Sandei A. Cooper, Sr.
Mohammed Chambas
Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas: Executive Secretary of ECOWAS.
Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas, a lawyer and political scientist, was born in Ghana on December 7, 1950. He attended Mfantsipim School, Cape Coast and Government Secondary School, Tamale. He holds degrees in Political Science from University of Ghana, Legon, (B.A. 1973) and Cornell University Ithaca, New York (M.A. 1977, Ph D (1980). He has a law degree from Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. He was admitted to practice law in Ghana and the State of Ohio.
Joseph James Cheeseman
President of Liberia:
January 4, 1892 - November 12, 1896. Joseph James Cheeseman was from Edina, Grand Bassa County.
President Cheeseman died in office in 1898.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Chesson Family Page
The mission of the Joseph J. F. Chesson, Sr. Family Corporation is to unify the heirs; identify and effectively apply every aspect of the human, economic, and educational resources at our disposal to advance the livelihood, standards of living, and overall socio-political and economic well-being of family members. The Joseph J. F. Chesson, Sr. Family Corporation has been established within the United States of America and in the Republic of Liberia to enrich the quality of life of Liberian and African American people in both countries.
Global stability is fragile: we must act proactively to address worldwide poverty and the ensuing hopelessness
that so often leads to violence or conflict. Too often, assistance is provided only when a situation reaches crisis
Liberia faced dramatic civil conflict in 2003, resulting in a huge number of internally displaced persons (IDPs).
CHF International was on the ground as soon as it was apparent that a humanitarian crisis was looming.
CIA World Fact Book on Liberia
Find hard facts on Liberia in The World Factbook providing national-level information on countries,
territories, and dependencies, but not subnational administrative units within a country.
Only the current version is available for browsing on the CIA Web site.
Formerly the Web site (and the published Factbook) were updated annually. Beginning in November 2001
the CIA instituted a new system of more frequent online updates. The World Factbook is currently
updated every two weeks.
Club Beer
Perhaps the Best Beer in the World
Coalition of Concerned Liberian
The Coalition of Concerned Liberians is a Washington, DC based, independent, non-profit organization representing various Liberian humanitarian groups and concerned individuals with primary focus on lobbying for international assistance to ensure peace, humanitarian relief, democratic transition, rehabilitation, and reconstruction in Liberia. The Coalition is currently leading an effort to create greater public awareness and involvement in matters relating to the plight of Liberia.
William D. Coleman
William David Coleman served the remainder of President J. J. Cheeseman's term and another four years until 1900.
William Coleman took office with broad ideas for opening up the Interior. He established Liberian influence in
the interior northwest of the Saint Paul River. He conducted an expedition into Gola territory which he intended
to subdue the Gola Tribe and their allies, but was terribly defeated.
The policy Coleman established was unaffected and reports of depredations upon the natives by Coleman's commanders
caused leading citizens and prominent members of the Legislature to call for immediate change. Coleman resigned
from office and was replaced by Garreston W. Gibson.
Sekou (Damate) Conneh, Jr.
Sekou Damate Conneh Jr. was born in 1960 in the Liberian town of Gbarnga, Bong County, into a Muslim family from the Mandingo ethnic group. Young Sekou started his primary education at the St. Martin’s Cathedral School in 1966. Following the completion of his primary education in 1973, he matriculated to the William V.C. Tubman Methodist High School in Gbarnga, from where he obtained a high school diploma in 1979. In 1980 he joined the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), and was also a staunch member of the then Progressive Alliance of Liberia (PAL), the mother organization of the PPP of Gabriel Baccus Matthews. Conneh served PPP as Senior Coordinator for the Kokoyah District in Bong County. He fled to Uganda, East Africa, in the aftermath of the crackdown on PPP members by the then administration of William R. Tolbert Jr. in early 1980. While in Uganda, Chairman Conneh was contributing to progressive activities in Liberia. In 1986, he enrolled at the University of Liberia in his desire to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration (BBA). However, in the same year, he secured an employment with the Ministry of Finance as a revenue agent assigned in Rivercess County. In 1988, he was transferred to Bentol, the provincial capital of Montserrado County where he remained until the collapse of the Samuel K. Doe administration. During the interim period, he founded and served as the Managing Director of the Damate Corporation, an import and export business entity, especially trading in cars imported from Europe. Following the 1997 elections he departed the country when the Taylor government security forces started to hunt the potentials of Krahn and Mandingo ethnic groups. Early 2003, Sekou Conneh became the second president of the national executive committee of the LURD.
There is a need for a structure that can "speak truth to power" about the rigid dehumanization which still plagues the truly dispossessed. A moral and ethical responsibility which links those of us in the U.S.A. with the destitute who struggle to survive the pain and desperation afflicted upon them by cheats and knaves in Liberia. There is also a need to understand the outrage of young Liberians, especially ex-fighters, who desperately seek work and self-respect in postwar Liberia. Bringing to the fore such debasing reality is the business and raison d'etre of the Coalition of Progressive Liberians in the Americas (COPLA). This is the test of our political resolve and existence.
Cuttington University College
Cuttington University College, located 120 miles north of Monrovia, is the oldest private, coeducational, four-year, degree-granting institution in sub-Saharan Africa. It issues degrees in the liberal arts and a number of technical studies. It has educated generations of leaders for the nation of Liberia and indeed for West Africa. Its roots lie deep within the history of the nation, the relationship between Liberia and the United States, and the Episcopal Church. See the news of Second Semester, 2000 and some new needs for the campus.
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