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The sales process used by Andy is relatively simple. It is a 3-step process and is depicted below:

Sales Process


  1. Sourcing For Potential Customers

Sources include the local commercial telephone listing (Yellow Pages), referrals from business associates, friends & other customers

  1. Making Sales Call

A sales presentation would be made to customers in person.  Contacting them through the phone would imply a lack of sincerity in conducting business with them and usually fail to make the deal.

  1. Clinching The Deal

After the presentation is made, Andy would try to clinch the deal with the potential customers. This would mark the end of the sales process for the company.

I feel that the above process lacks certain crucial components which, if included, would make it even more effective in generating sales. My improvised version of the sales process (6 Ps process) is illustrated below. My suggested changes are relatively inexpensive and would not incur a large cost for the company.

Prospect Search


  • Locating potential customers

Prospect Select


  • Filtering out unprofitable prospect
  • Narrowing of prospect list

The Presentation


  • Making the Sales Presentation to the potential customers

Positive Response


  • Eliciting a positive response from them by overcoming their objections

Procurement Decision


  • Assisting the customers to make a procurement decision


  • Providing post-sales service and gathering feedback


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