FOTR Script
TTT Script
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Elijah Wood Frodo Baggins, Bearer of the Ring
Sean Astin Samwise Gamgee, Frodo's faithful companion
Billy Boyd Peregrin Took, known as Pippin
Dominic Monaghan Meriadoc Brandybuck, known as Merry
Ian McKellen Gandalf the Grey, leader of the Fellowship
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn, Dunedain Chieftain of Arnor
John Rhys-Davies Gimli, son of Glóin Treebeard, guardian of Fangorn (voice)
Orlando Bloom Legolas, Silvan elf from Mirkwood
Sean Bean Boromir, son of Denethor II

FOTR Supporting cast

Noel Appleby Odo Everard Proudfoot, Hobbiton resident
Sala Baker Sauron, Lord of the Rings
Timothy Bartlett Hobbit, resident of Hobbiton
Cate Blanchett Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood
Peter Corrigan Otho Sackville-Baggins, troublesome relative
Marton Csokas Celeborn, Lord of the Golden Wood
Lori Dungey Mrs. Bracegirdle, resident of Hobbiton
Megan Edwards Mrs. Proudfoot, wife of Everard Proudfoot
Michael Elsworth Gondorian Archivist, book keeper
Mark Ferguson Gil-galad, last High King
Norman Forsey Gaffer Gamgee, father of Samwise
Taea Hartwell Hobbit , resident of Hobbiton
Ian Holm Bilbo Baggins, Ringfinder
Alan Howard The One Ring, that binds them (voice)
Peter Jackson Albert Dreary, Bree entertainer
William Johnson Old Noakes, resident of Hobbiton
Christopher Lee Saruman, the fallen wizard
Peter MacKenzie Elendil, King of Men
Lawrence Makoare Lurtz, Uruk-hai warrior
Brent McIntyre -king, Lord of the Ringwraiths
Sarah McLeod Rosie Cotton, wife of Sam
Elizabeth Moody Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, annoyance
Ian Mune Bounder, resident of Hobbiton
Craig Parker Haldir, Elf of Lothlórien
Cameron Rhodes Farmer Maggot, resident of Hobbiton
Martyn Sanderson Gate Keeper, Harry Goatleaf
Brian Sergent Ted Sandyman, mill owner
Andy Serkis Gollum, once Sméagol (voice)
Harry Sinclair Isildur, son of Elendil
Liv Tyler Arwen Undómiel, daughter of Elrond
David Weatherley Barliman Butterbur, Bree innkeeper
Hugo Weaving Elrond, Master of Rivendell
Jorn Benzon il, Haldir's brother & various

TTT supporting cast

Bruce Allpress Aldor, Soldier of Edoras
John Bach Madril
Sala Baker Man Flesh Uruk, Uruk-hai warrior
Cate Blanchett Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood
Jed Brophy Sharku, Warg-Rider Captain
Snaga, Lieutenant to Grishnákh
Alistair Browning Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien
Sam ComeryÉothain, scout of the Mark
Brad Dourif Gríma Wormtongue, manipulator
Calum Gittins Haleth
Bernard Hill Théoden, King of Rohan
Bruce Hopkins Gamling, guardian of Helm's Dike
Alan Howard The One Ring, that binds them (voice)
Peter Jackson Soldier of Rohan
Nathaniel Lees Uglúk, Uruk-hai captain
Christopher Lee Saruman, the fallen wizard
John Leigh Háma, captain of the Rohan Guard
Robbie Magasiva Mauhúr, Uruk-hai Warrior
Robyn Malcolm Morwen, refugee of Rohan
Miranda Otto Éowyn, Lady of Rohan
Craig Parker Haldir, Elf of Lothlórien
Bruce Phillips Soldier of Rohan
Robert Pollock Orc of Mordor
Andy Serkis Gollum, once Sméagol (voice)
Paris Howe Strewe Theodred, son of Théoden
Olivia Tennet Freda, daughter of Morwen
Ray Trickitt Bereg
Liv Tyler Arwen Undómiel, daughter of Elrond
Karl Urban Éomer, Second Marshal of Riddermark
Stephen Ure Grishnákh, Mordor captain
Hugo Weaving Elrond, Master of Rivendell
David Wenham Faramir, brother of Boromir

ROTK supporting cast

Alexandra Astin Elanor Gamgee, daughter of Sam
Cate Blanchett Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood
Brad Dourif Gríma Wormtongue, manipulator
Bernard Hill Théoden, King of Rohan
Ian Holm Bilbo Baggins, Ringfinder
Alan Howard The One Ring, that binds them (voice)
Wi Kuki Kaa Ghân-buri-Ghân, Chief of the Wild Men
Christopher Lee Saruman, the fallen wizard
Lawrence Makoare -king, Lord of the Ringwraiths
Sarah McLeod Rosie Cotton, wife of Sam
John Noble Denethor II, steward of Gondor
Miranda Otto Éowyn, Lady of Rohan
Bruce Spence Mouth of Sauron, Dark Lieutenant
Liv Tyler Arwen Undómiel, daughter of Elrond
Karl Urban Éomer, Second Marshal of Riddermark
Stephen Ure Gorbag, Mordor captain
Hugo Weaving Elrond, Master of Rivendell
David Wenham Faramir, brother of Boromir