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Christmas Favorites of Mahalia Jackson
Songs From Other Singers

More of MAHALIA JACKSON'S Lyrics...

Trouble, trouble in living on my doorstep
Sadness, sadness is evermore beside me
Lordy, lift my burden and heal me as I pray
For trouble, it just won't go away
Nighttime and daytime, this misery increases
I'm crying and I'm moaning, but my trouble never ceases
Lordy, how much longer on this earth must I stay?
Oh, trouble, it just won't go away
I am looking forward to a home on high
The time when I can bid this evil world goodbye
I'm praying that my name will soon be put on [the] heavenly role
And my trouble won't bother me no more
"I Asked The Lord"
I asked the Lord to comfort me
When things weren't going my way
He said to me, "I will comfort thee"
"And lift your cares away"
I asked the Lord to walk with me
When darkness was all that I knew
He said to me, "I will comfort thee"
"And drive your cares away"
I did not ask for riches
He gave me wealth untold
The moon, the stars
The sky, the sun
And He gave me eyes to behold
I thank the Lord for everything
And I count my blessings each day
He came to me when I needed him
I only had to pray
He'll come to you if you ask Him to
He's only a prayer away
"You're Not Living In Vain"
When you plant a tiny seed and watch it grow
When the fragment of a rose give you glow
When you marvel at the site of falling snow
You're not living in vain
When you feed a hungry bird a crust of  bread
When you give a man a place to rest his head
When you bring somebody hope, when hope is dead
You're not living in vain
All your days will be sunny
All your cares will depart
All your prayers will be answered
If you open up your heart
When the mighty organ strikes a solemn chord
And you find that peace of mind is your reward
When you know that you are walking with God
You're not living in vain
No, you're not living in vain
"When The Saints Go Marching In"
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord, I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
I used to have some playmates
They used to play with me
Oh, but since I've been converted
You know, they turned their backs on me
Oh, when they crown him Lord of Lord
When they crown him Lord of all
Yes, I want to be in that number
When they crown him Lord of all
When they march all around the throne
When they march all around His throne
I want to be in that number
When they march all round his throne
Oh, I had a dear ol' mother
She's gone on before
Yet I promised her that I would meet her
Yes, when the saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord, I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
"Where He Leads Me"
Where He leads me, I will follow
Where He leads me, I will follow
Where He leads me, I will follow
I'll go with Him
With Him, I will go
I can hear my savior calling
I can hear my savior calling
I can hear my savior calling
Take up your cross
And follow me
(hum and fade out)

1969 European Tour

"Until Then"
My heart can sing
When I pause to remember
A heart-ache here
Is but a stepping stone
Along the trail
That's winding always upward
This troubled world is not my final home
The things of earth
Shall dim and lose it's value
If we recall,
They're borrowed for a while
And all the things
Of earth that cause heart trouble
Remember there will all (soon) be a smile
But until then, my heart shall go on singing
But until then, with joys I'll carry on
Until my eyes behold the city
Until that day God calls me home


"Standing Here Wondering Which Way To Go"
Standing here wondering which way to go
So much confusion in this world below
I've been suffering, I've been driven
From door to door
Standing here wondering, wondering
Wondering which way to go
The road lies in darkness
Lights down low
Where will it lead us?
No one seems to know
Well, there may be destruction
And it worries me so
Well, Lord, if you know me
Come on and show me, Lord
Which way to go
Well, standing here wondering which way to go
So much confusion in this world below
I've been suffering, I've been driven
From door to door
Well, Lord, if you know me
Come on and show me which way to go
"God Answers Prayers"
Here's (for) a prayer
When friends are sick
Go to Jesus
When in despair
You bear these burdens
And you heart may bleed
But if you call Him
He'll always be there
Oh, God answers prayers
I know God, He answers prayers
Yes, God answers prayers
Lord, Lord, I know He answers prayers
When you are burdened
And your soul, child, is in despair
You can call God early in the morning
Yes, He answers prayers

Late, 1967

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