Complete Ranma 1/2 FanFics


Closure a Ranma 1-2 fanfic [script format]

                Starts with Ranma secretly returning to the cursed Springs with Akane


Acceptance a Ranma 1-2 fanfic [script format]

                Starts with a interesting fact about Ranma-chan coming to the attention of Nodoka and Akane


Change a Ranma 1-2 fanfic [script format]

                Starts with Nodoka deciding to implement girl training


Ranma gets fed up [script format]

                Ranma gets fed up and .... Well that would be telling


Clarity and the results [lemon]

                first lemon

                Starts with Ranma being under the influence of clarity spice


A mothers secret revealed

                Ranma meets a mysterious woman at the Tendo family graves


A mothers secret revealed v2 [lemon]

                Starts the same way as the first


Training [lemon]

                Starts with Ranma hearing a quote the day after the failed wedding


The awakening

                Ranma has a mental break down due to the events of Phoenix Mountain and the failed wedding


History revealed

                An alternate ending to the failed wedding starts this Fic


Some time alone

                Ranma and Akane awaken to find themselves on a unusual deserted island


The journey has just begun

                A new journey begins one morning


Everything has changed

                The events of the failed wedding have changed everything this fic chronicles those changes


                Everything has changed Part 2.1

                                   this fic follows Ranma and Akane in the month after everything has changed

                Everything has changed Part 2.2

                                  This fic follows Ukyou and Ryouga in the month after everything has changed


The other side of the coin

                A morning argument between Ranma and Akane is disrupted and the most unlikely of manners and by the most unlikely of persons


The other side of Nerima

                It seems to Ranma and Kasumi have been hiding who they really are and a secret sanctuary underneath the Tendo dojo.


Tremors to shake things up

                What can a mundane things like an earthquake do to the inhabitants of Nerima?


Searching for a cure and one's self

                Ranma leaves the Tendo dojo the night after the failed wedding secretly followed by Akane and the journey the two embark on takes them so far away from Nerima that miles cannot be used to measure the distance.