CURRENT RECIPE: Smoked Salmon Mousse

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CiNNABAR Culinary Delights' Recipe Site

Smoked Salmon Mousse

I just received a shipment of smoked salmon from Oven Head Salmon Smokers, located in Bethel, New Brunswick, near the Bay of Fundy. This is the smoked salmon we use for our catering, and it's the best I've tasted in Canada so far. Jail Island smoked salmon, also from New Brunswick, is popular in Toronto restaurants, but the Oven Head product is, in my opinion, far superior.

I am presenting our smoked salmon mousse recipe, and try it with the Oven Head product. They ship internationally, and it is always sent fresh, never frozen. It freezes well, by the way, for those of you who want to stock up for special occasions!

Serves 4


7 oz. (200 g.) smoked salmon
pinch cayenne
juice from 1/4 lemon
1/2 pint (300 ml.) 35% cream, chilled
tiny pinch of fine sea salt

***Prepare this at least 4 hours ahead, or the night before, to allow for chilling***

Combine salmon, salt, cayenne and lemon juice in a food processor. Puree for no more than 2 minutes. Transfer to a mixer and on lowest speed, gradually add half the cream (150 ml.) in a slow, steady stream.

Force mix through a fine seive into a bowl. Refrigerate.

In another bowl, whip the remaining cream into a soft peak. Gently fold into mousse. Spoon mousse into individual ramekins, cover with plastic wrap and chill 4 hours to overnight.

To serve:

For a spectacular presentation, you can slice cucumber rounds very thinly (on a tradtional mandoline or a Japanese Benriner) and layer them, overlapping, on top of the mousse. Top the cucumbers with a small portion of salmon caviar, and serve on a nice plate. Serve with a good quality dry Riesling, such as Cave Spring from Niagara.

As a great supporter of fine Canadian products, I do encourage you to try some smoked salmon from Oven Head. Contact them to find out when they can deliver to your area, and order in advance, whenever possible. In Toronto, they can generally deliver for Tuesday, if you order on the Thursday before.

Here is how to get in touch with them:

Tel: (506) 755-2507

Fax: (506) 755-8883



Bon appetit!