Holcroft Barguest
yet more piccies!

Dallas is 10 month old on this page. Pics taken at the beginning of May 2006

Home | Photo Page/6 Pictures | 2nd pic page | 3rd piccy page | yet more piccies! | Summer 2006 | 2006 summer | November 2006 | Jan 07 | May 07 | July 07 | march 2008 | Jan 009 | september 09 | 2010 | pedigree for Dallas

We've had such good weather here for the past week, we like to eat out of doors.. much to Dallas's amusement.


They do say that Dallas will eventually grow into those massive ears. Her and Morgan enjoying a mad run.


I guess she was happy to chomp on her ball.. not much choice really


This has got to be my favourite photo, taken at Haigh country park.


Remi came to play, they are so alike these two, even I have problems telling them apart. Had to laff at Homer, always the joker.


Remi and Dallas again displaying their love for each other.


Breeding looks, soundness and that perfect Labrador temperament.