Our Pets...
   Our Pets
Welcome to Our Pets...
Here's your chance to meet our menagerie. We'll start from the top of the  food chain and work our way down...
 The Dogs
 Sergeant Pepper
 Suzi Q
 I'm Sergeant Pepper. I'm Top Dog around here. I'm about 6 1/2 years old. I came from the pound. I talk, count and do other stupid people tricks. I'm a  very smart boy.
I'm Suzi Q. I'm the simple one. I eat too much. I want too much attention. But get me camping and I become # 1. I will lead all adventures and keep bears at bay.
 Tweety Bird

 Mighty Mouse
I'm Tweety Bird. I was found w/leash and collar (too tight), greasy and full of fleas. I'm  a love! I bark too much like all little dogs do.
I'm Mighty Mouse. Tweety Bird is my mom. My father was a traveling salesman that was a Pom like mom. I bark too much also.
 The Cats
I'm Kramer. I was being abused by Jr. high kids and was rescued by a neighbor girl who brought me here to live with the Shrode's. Since Frank died, I became the #1 cat around here.
I'm Kitter. I was wild and found shelter and food in the Shrode's garage. I would run whenever any one came near me. One day LeeAnn and Brad trapped me in the garage. They began petting me, and I've been a loving house cat ever since.
I'm Patches. I was given to Breanna while the Dad was out of town working. I'm very demanding, wanting food and affection on command. I meow a lot.
I'm Ariel. I'm the last of the California animals. I was dumped out of a car right in front of LeeAnn. She pulled up and picked me up right off the street. I like people, but I can't stand all these other animals.
 The Others
 Buzzy and Tigger
left: Buzzy (blind). right: Tigger...Rabbits
Indian...Guinea Pig
Ralph...me too