Odcinki sezon 7
Odcinki sezon 8
Opening Credits
Cast sezon 7
Cast sezon 8
Ksiega Gosci

Xena Virtual Season 7 and 8 by Milianna Kamei

Spis odcinkow sezonu siodmego / Episode guide of season 7th

Xena warrior princess season 7


 1. Xena's return - Powrot Xeny
  written by Milianna Kamei
Po smierci Xeny w Japonii Gabriela z jej prochami przybywa do Grecji. Ewa nie chce pogodzic sie ze smiercia matki, wyrusza wiec wraz z Gabriela i Virgilem w trudna i dluga podróz do kraju syberyjskich Amazonek, aby przywrócic Xene do zycia...

 2. Xena's return part II - Powrot Xeny czesc II
written by Milianna Kamei
Ewa i Gabriela, przy pomocy szamanki Yoki, nie ustaja w próbach przywrócenia Xeny do zycia. Gabrieli sie to nie udaje, Ewa wyrusza wiec w podróz po ziolo Thi-Lan, zmierzajac sie ze swoja przeszloscia...

 3. Long Way Home - Dluga droga do domu
written by Milianna Kamei
Podczas powrotnej podrózy do Grecji, Gabriela zostaje porwana do haremu w Ekbatanie przez ludzi paszy Ahmeda. Xena i Ewa chca ja odbic. Tymczasem Gabrieli zagraza niebezpieczenstwo ze strony zazdrosnej Yasmin, pierwszej zony paszy...

 4. The saint and the sinner - Swieta i grzesznica
written by Milianna Kamei
Do Grecji przybywa córka Alti - Shira. Pragnie dowiedziec sie od Xeny prawdy o swojej matce. Shira nigdy jej nie poznala, wychowali ja obcy ludzie. Xena staje przed dylematem - czy powinna wyznac niewinnej dziewczynie prawde o demonie, jakim byla Alti?...

 5. Love Adventures in Iberia - Iberyjska ukochana
written by Milianna Kamei
Xena i Gabriela wybieraja sie do Iberii, dokad wezwal je Virgil, syn Joxera. Zakochal sie w iberyjskiej ksiezniczce Jimenie, ale jej okrutny i chciwy opiekun Jose sam chce ja poslubic, by zawladnac jej majatkiem. Ze wzgledu na pamiec Joxera, Xena i Gabriela postanawiaja pomoc zakochanym...

 6. Baby Business - W obronie dziecka
written by Milianna Kamei
Xena, Gabriela, Virgil i Jimena wracaja do Grecji. W tym czasie Ewa rodzi syna, któremu daje na imie Solan, po zmarlym bracie. Syn poslanniczki Eliego i wnuk Xeny to kuszacy lup dla wielu przestepców. Czy Ewa zejdzie z drogi milosci, by chronic zycie syna?

 7. Family Bonds - Wiezy rodzinne
written by Milianna Kamei
Lila, siostra Gabrieli, umiera. Gabriela czuje sie zobowiazana, aby zajac sie córka Lili, Sara. Tymczasem Ewa ponownie zostaje wojowniczka, a syna oddaje pod opieke Virgila i Jimeny. Czy zastapi Gabriele u boku matki, a moze Gabriela wróci do przyjaciólki?

 8. Love on the warrior path - Milosc na wojennej sciezce
written by Milianna Kamei
Xena, Gabriela i Ewa tworza wojownicze trio, a w miedzyczasie Gabriela ponownie sie zakochuje. Jej wybrancem jest wedrowny lekarz Kalias. Czy Gabriela zdecyduje sie na zwiazek z ukochanym, czy tez Ewa zastapi ja u boku matki?

 9. Wedding Party - Przyjecie weselne
written by Milianna Kamei
Sara, siostrzenica Gabrieli, wychodzi za maz. Podczas przyjecia weselnego panstwo mlodzi zostaja porwani przez handlarzy niewolnikow. Xena, Gabriela i Ewa ruszaja im z pomoca. Ewa opowiada matce i Gabrieli o ojcu Solana...

10. All hail the queen - Niech zyje krolowa
written by Milianna Kamei
Varia, dotychczasowa krolowa Amazonek, ginie w walce, a korona przypada Gabrieli. Gabriela jednak nie uwaza, aby nadawala sie na krolowa i postanawia wyznaczyc swoja nastepczynie. Gabriela i Xena wyjawiaja Ewie, ze jest ona ksiezniczka Amazonek...

11. Back to Iberia - Powrot do Iberii
written by Milianna Kamei
Jimena, zona Virgila, spodziewa sie dziecka. Postanawia wrocic do Iberii, by poznac swoje korzenie. Virgil obawia sie o jej bezpieczenstwo i wraz z Xena i Gabriela wyrusza za nia do Iberii...

12. Envy And Vengeance - Zazdrosc i zemsta
written by Milianna Kamei
Afrodyta nawiazuje romans z mlodym mysliwym Adonisem. Jednak o jego uczucie walczy tez piekna ksiezniczka Smyrna. Zazdrosc opanowuje ja do tego stopnia, ze podczas polowania zabija ukochanego. Afrodyta pragnie sie zemscic. Xena i Gabriela, przy pomocy Aresa, chca ja od tego odwiesc i pomoc Afrodycie pogodzic sie ze strata...

 13. Eve in love - Zakochana Ewa
written by Milianna Kamei
Ewa jako krolowa Amazonek wydaje edykt o osadnictwie na ziemiach Amazonek. Delegacja osadnikow przybywa do obozu, by zlozyc jej dary. Ewa zakochuje sie w jednym z osadnikow, Hektorze. Ma tez problemy z oporna Amazonka Thea...

 14. Marriage of Amazon - Slub Amazonki
written by Milianna Kamei
Ewa i Hektor pobieraja sie. W ich slubie uczestnicza Xena, Gabriela, Virgil i Jimena. Nowa krolowa zostaje wojowniczka Emona. Niespodziewanie na weselu pojawia sie Kalias - wielka milosc Gabrieli...

15. Bad days - Zle dni
written by Milianna Kamei
Podczas gdy Gabriela pograza sie w depresji po rozstaniu z Kaliasem, Jimena rodzi syna i umiera wkrotce potem. Zalamany Virgil traci chec do zycia. Xena musi pomoc przyjaciolom...

16. The Proposal - Oswiadczyny
written by Milianna Kamei
Gabriela musi podjac trudna, ale wazna decyzje, gdy Kalias prosi ja o reke. W tej sytuacji prosi o pomoc Ewe. Xena czuje sie dotknieta, gdy corka i przyjaciolka konspiruja za jej plecami. W dodatku musza odeprzec najazd armii zbojow pod wodza groznego przestepcy, Tharaka, na niewielka osade Larise...

17. A whole new world - Calkiem nowy swiat
written by Milianna Kamei
Komisarz Frances Morris oraz inspektor Natalie Richards scigaja dealerke narkotykowa, Kay. Komisarz Morris jest szczegolnie zawzieta na dealerow, od kiedy jej jedyna corka, Lindsay, zostala narkomanka. Do krucjaty przeciwko Kay przylacza sie kierownik osrodka dla narkomanow, Martin...

18. Son of Hercules - Syn Herkulesa
written by Milianna Kamei
Hyllas, syn Herkulesa, prosi Xene o pomoc. Ciazy mu slawa ojca, on pragnie byc zwyczajnym czlowiekiem. Nie wie tez, czy powinien poslubic ksiezniczke Ojchalii, Jole, ktora ojciec przeznaczyl mu na zone, czy dokonac samodzielnego wyboru. Xena i Gabriela pomagaja mu rozstrzygnac watpliwosci...

19. The New Commander - Nowy dowodca
written by Milianna Kamei
Konflikt miedzy Aresem a Virgilem - Ares chce bowiem uczynic syna Virgila, malego Fokosa, przywodca swej armii, Virgil natomiast nie zgadza sie na to. Czy jednak zwykly czlowiek moze powstrzymac boga wojny? Xena i Gabriela musza pomoc rozwiazac ten konflikt...

20. Welcome to Eire - Witamy w Irlandii (aka An emerald island - Szmaragdowa wyspa)
written by Milianna Kamei
Xena i Gabriela trafiaja do przyszlosci. Dwiescie lat po smierci wojowniczek, potomkini Xeny - Essylt, jedyna nadzieja Celtow z Connaught, toczy walke z brutalnym przywodca Ulsteru, Maelem mac Cormacem. Pograzona w rozpaczy dziewczyna, przy pomocy staruszki kaplanki budzi do zycia Xene i Gabriele...

21. Mothers and daughters - Matki i corki
written by Milianna Kamei
Alti uwalnia sie z zaswiatow. Chce zniszczyc Xene i jej najblizszych. Xena wzywa na pomoc Shire. Mlodziutka szamanka wyjawia, ze do pokonania Alti potrzebna bedzie wielka energia duchowa. Xena i Ewa lacza sily, by pomoc Shirze i pokonac zlo...


22. Battle for the world - Bitwa o swiat
 written by Milianna Kamei
Alti opanowuje dusze Gabrieli. Pokazuje jej wizje przyszlosci z Kaliasem i dziecmi i namawia do zamordowania Xeny. Tyle tylko, ze Xena i Ewa sa teraz jednoscia, a zamordowanie Ewy poslanniczki Eliego doprowadzi do zaglady swiata. Dochodzi do ostatecznej konfrontacji miedzy Xena i Alti...

1. Xena's return
  written by Milianna Kamei
After Xena's death in Japan, Gabrielle comes back  to Greece. Eve doesn't want to reconcile with her mother's death - together with Gabrielle and Virgil travel to the land of Siberian Amazons to bring Xena back to life...

 2. Xena's return part II
  written by Milianna Kamei
Eve and Gabrielle with the Amazon shamaness Yoka try to bring Xena back to life. The mysterious herb of Thi-Lan is needed, so Gabrielle, and then Eve go for it, confronting with their past...

3. Long way home
  written by Milianna Kamei
 During their journey to Greece, Xena, Gabrielle and Eve are attacked by the men of the pasha Ahmed, and Gabrielle is kidnapped by them. Xena and Eve want to free her, when Gabrielle is in deadly danger...

4. The saint and the sinner
    written by Milianna Kamei
Alti's daughter, Shira, arrives to Greece. She wants Xena to tell her the truth about her mother. Shira never knew her, the strangers took care of her. Xena has a dillemma - should she tell the innocent girl the whole truth about the demon who Alti was?

5. Love adventures in Iberia
  written by Milianna Kamei
Xena and Gabrielle go to Iberia, where they were called by Joxer's son - Virgil. He fell in love with Iberian princess Jimena, but her cruel and greedy uncle and protector wants to marry her to get her fortune. Xena and Gabrielle want to help the lovers...

6. Baby business
  written by Milianna Kamei
When Xena, Gabrielle, Virgil and Jimena come back to Greece, Eve bears a son, called Solan, like her dead brother. The son of the Messenger of Eli and the grandson of Xena is a tempting prey for many criminals. Will Eve resign the Way of Love to protect her son?

 7. Family Bonds
 written by Milianna Kamei
Lila, Gabrielle's sister, dies. Now Gabrielle feels in duty to protect Lila's daughter, Sarah. Meanwhile, Eve becomes a warrior again and she entrusts her son to Virgil and Jimena's care. Will she replace Gabrielle or will Gabrielle back to Xena?

8. Love on the warrior path
 written by Milianna Kamei
Xena, Gabrielle and Eve create the warrior trio and Gabrielle falls in love again. Her lover is the wanderer medic Kalias. Will the lovers be together or will Gabrielle stay with Xena and Eve?

9. Wedding party
 written by Milianna Kamei
Sarah, Gabrielle's niece, is going married. Xena, Gabrielle and Eve are invited to her wedding. During the wedding party, the newly weds are kidnapped by the dealers of slaves. Xena, Gabrielle and Eve start to free Sarah and her husband. Eve tells her mother and Gabrielle about Solan's father...

10. All hail the queen
 written by Milianna Kamei
Varia, queen of the Amazons, is killed in the battle and now Gabrielle is the queen. She thinks she isn't the appropriate person to be the queen and plans to choose her successor.  Gabrielle and Xena tell Eve that she is an Amazon princess...

11. Back to Iberia
 written by Milianna Kamei
Virgil's wife, Jimena, is pregnant. She wants to back to Iberia to know about her roots. Virgil is afraid for her safety, so together with Xena and Gabrielle go to Iberia after her...

12. Envy And Vengeance
 written by Milianna Kamei

13. Eve in love
 written by Milianna Kamei
When Xena and Gabrielle visit Eve and Solan in the Amazon camp, they find Eve depressed and sad. They know from one of the Amazons that Eve fell in love, and Xena wants to know her daughter's beloved...

14. Marriage of Amazon
 written by Milianna Kamei
The wedding of Eve and Hector is taking place and Xena, Gabrielle, Virgil and Jimena are their guests. Emona becomes new Amazon queen. During the wedding, Gabrielle's love, Kalias, unexpectadly appears...

15. Bad days
 written by Milianna Kamei
Gabrielle is depressed after Kalias' leaving, and Virgil doesn't want to live longer, when Jimena bears a son and dies soon after. Xena has to help her friends...

16. The Proposal
 written by Milianna Kamei
Gabrielle has to make difficult and hard decision, when Kalias proposes her. She asks Eve for help. Xena feels strange, when her friend and daughter talk by her back, and they have to stop the criminal Tharak and his men from destroying the village of Larisa...

17. A whole new world
 written by Milianna Kamei
Commisar Frances Morris and inspector Natalie Richards are hunting the drug dealer, Kay. Commisar Morris hates the drug dealers until her only daughter Lindsay addicted of drugs. Commisar Morris and inspector Richards get help from Martin Larsson, the headmaster of the home for addicted...

18. Son of Hercules
 written by Milianna Kamei
Hyllas, son of Hercules, asks Xena for help. He wants to be an every man and his father's fame is hard for him. He doesn't know either whether to marry the princess of Oichalia, Iole, chosen from his father or to find his wife himself...

19. The New Commander
written by Milianna Kamei
Ares wants to make little Fokos, Virgil's son, the commander of his army, but Virgil doesn't agree. Could Virgil defeat the god of war? Xena and Gabrielle have to help their friend...

20. Welcome to Eire (aka An emerald island)
 written by Milianna Kamei
200 years later. The last descendant of Xena, Essylt, the only hope of the Celts of Connaught, fights with the brutal commander of Ulster - Mael mac Cormac. People of Connaught object the Ulster to reign Ireland. Young woman, in despair, with the old priestess' help, bring Xena and Gabrielle back to life... 

21. Mothers and daughters
 written by Milianna Kamei
Alti frees herself from the underworld. She wants to destroy Xena and their family. Xena asks Shira for help. The great spirit energy will be needed to defeat Alti, so Xena and Eve join their forces to help Shira and defeat the evil...

22. Battle for the world
 written by Milianna Kamei
Alti conquers Gabrielle's soul. She shows her a vision of future with Kalias and their children and convinces to kil Xena. But now Xena and Eve are the one, and the death of the Messenger will be the end of world. The fight between Xena nad Alti begins...